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synced 2024-10-22 08:05:56 +02:00
Merge pull request #2689 from creative-commoners/pulls/4.9/behat
MNT Update behat tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Feature: Create a page
Given a "page" "MyPage"
Given a "page" "MyPage"
And a "virtual page" "MyVirtualPage"
And a "group" "AUTHOR group" has permissions "Access to 'Pages' section"
And a "group" "AUTHOR group" has permissions "Access to 'Pages' section"
And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
@ -25,8 +26,15 @@ Feature: Create a page
And I should see a "Add new" button in CMS Content Toolbar
And I should see a "Add new" button in CMS Content Toolbar
When I press the "Add new" button
When I press the "Add new" button
And I select the "Under another page" radio button
And I select the "Under another page" radio button
And I select "MyPage" in the "#Form_AddForm_ParentID_Holder" tree dropdown
# Virtual page doesn't allow children, page radio button below should be disabled
And I select "MyVirtualPage" in the "#Form_AddForm_ParentID_Holder" tree dropdown
And I wait for 2 seconds
Then I should see a "#Form_AddForm_PageType_Page[disabled]" element
# Normal pages allows children, page radio button below should not be disabled
When I select "MyPage" in the "#Form_AddForm_ParentID_Holder" tree dropdown
And I wait for 2 seconds
And I select the "Page" radio button
And I select the "Page" radio button
Then I should not see a "#Form_AddForm_PageType_Page[disabled]" element
And I press the "Create" button
And I press the "Create" button
Then I should see an edit page form
Then I should see an edit page form
@ -22,3 +22,6 @@ Feature: Duplicate a page
And I press the "Publish" button
And I press the "Publish" button
Then I should see "Page1" in the tree
Then I should see "Page1" in the tree
And I should see "Duplicate Page" in the tree
And I should see "Duplicate Page" in the tree
When I follow "Duplicate Page"
Then I should see "Page1a"
And I should see "Page1b"
@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ Feature: Edit a page
So that I correct errors and provide new information
So that I correct errors and provide new information
Given a "page" "About Us"
Given a "page" "About Us" has the "Content" "<p>My content</p>"
Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And a "image" "assets/file1.jpg"
#And a file "assets/file1.jpg" with changes "image"="assets/folder1/file2.jpg" and "page"="About Us"
And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/pages"
And I go to "/admin/pages"
Then I should see "About Us" in the tree
Then I should see "About Us" in the tree
@ -38,3 +40,88 @@ Feature: Edit a page
When I click on "Settings" in the header tabs
When I click on "Settings" in the header tabs
Then the "Settings" header tab should be active
Then the "Settings" header tab should be active
And the "Content" header tab should not be active
And the "Content" header tab should not be active
Scenario: Frontend changes
When I click on "About Us" in the tree
# Change URL segment
And I press the "Edit" button
Then the rendered HTML should contain "/about-us"
And I fill in "Form_EditForm_URLSegment" with "about-modified-us"
And I press the "OK" button
Then the rendered HTML should contain "/about-modified-us"
# Add metadata
When I click on the "#ui-accordion-Form_EditForm_Metadata-header-0" element
And I wait for 1 second
And I fill in "Meta Description" with "MyMetaDesc"
# Modified content is not displayed on the live site
When I press the "Save" button
And I go to "/about-modified-us?stage=Stage"
Then I should see "About Us"
And I go to "/about-modified-us"
Then I should not see "About Us"
# Assert URL segment + metadata on frontend
When I go to "/admin/pages"
And I click on "About Us" in the tree
And I press the "Publish" button
And I go to "/about-modified-us"
Then I should see "About Us"
And the rendered HTML should contain "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"MyMetaDesc\""
# Link to an email address
When I go to "/admin/pages"
And I click on "About Us" in the tree
Scenario: TinyMCE asset linking
When I click on "About Us" in the tree
# Embed files from the "Files" section of the admin area
And I click on the "div[aria-label='Insert from Files'] button" element
And I click on the ".gallery__files .gallery-item__thumbnail" element
And I press the "Insert file" button
# Link to a file in the "Files" section of the admin area
And I click on the "div[aria-label='Insert link [Ctrl+K]'] button" element
And I select "Link to a file" from the TinyMCE menu with javascript
And I click on the ".gallery__files .gallery-item__thumbnail" element
And I fill in "Form_fileInsertForm_Text" with "MyImage"
And I press the "Link to file" button
# Embed media from a URL
And I click on the "div[aria-label='Insert media via URL'] button" element
And I fill in "Form_remoteCreateForm_Url" with "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScMzIvxBSi4"
And I press "Add media"
And I wait for 15 seconds
And I press "Insert media"
# Assert on frontend
And I press the "Publish" button
And I go to "/about-us"
# insert from files
Then the rendered HTML should contain "<img src=\"/assets/file1.jpg\""
# link to a file
Then the rendered HTML should contain "<a href=\"/assets/file1.jpg\">"
# media embed
Then the rendered HTML should contain "src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/ScMzIvxBSi4?feature=oembed\""
Scenario: Change page type
When I click on "About Us" in the tree
And I click the "Settings" CMS tab
And I select "Virtual Page" from the "#Form_EditForm_ClassName" field with javascript
And I press the "Save" button
Then I should see "Please choose a linked page in the main content fields in order to publish"
Scenario: Change permission levels for who can view and edit the page, at an individual page level
When I click on "About Us" in the tree
And I click the "Settings" CMS tab
And I select the "Form_EditForm_CanViewType_LoggedInUsers" radio button
And I press the "Publish" button
# Logout and assert frontend not visible to not-logged-in users
And I go to "/Security/login"
And I press the "Log in as someone else" button
And I go to "/about-us"
Then I should not see "About us"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
Feature: Sitetree
As an author
I want to operate the sitetree
So that I can operate my website
Given the "group" "EDITOR group" has permissions "CMS_ACCESS_LeftAndMain" and "SITETREE_REORGANISE"
And I am logged in with "EDITOR" permissions
And a "page" "One"
And a "page" "Two"
And a "page" "Three"
And I go to "/admin/pages"
# @modal is required to use "I confirm the dialog"
Scenario: Operation sitetree
Then the site tree order should be "--One,--Two,--Three"
And I should not see a ".status-modified" element
# Drag and drop to reorder pages
When I drag the "#record-1 > a .text" element to the "#record-3 > a .text" element
And I wait for 3 seconds
Then the site tree order should be "--Two,--One,--Three"
And I should see a ".status-modified" element
When I click on the ".toast__close" element
# Drag and drop change nesting levels for pages
When I drag the "#record-2 > a .text" element to the "#record-1 > a .text" element
And I wait for 3 seconds
Then the site tree order should be "--One,---Two,--Three"
When I click on the ".toast__close" element
# Publish pages in a batch
When I press the "Batch actions" button
When I click on the "#record-1 .jstree-checkbox" element
And I click on the "#record-2 .jstree-checkbox" element
And I click on the "#record-3 .jstree-checkbox" element
And I select "Publish" from the "Form_BatchActionsForm_Action" field with javascript
And I click on the "#Form_BatchActionsForm_action_submit" element
And I confirm the dialog
Then I should see a "Published 3 pages" success toast
When I click on the ".toast__close" element
# Wait a little time to ensure the last toast is cleared
And I wait for 2 seconds
# Unpublish pages in a batch
When I click on the "#record-2 .jstree-checkbox" element
And I select "Unpublish" from the "Form_BatchActionsForm_Action" field with javascript
And I click on the "#Form_BatchActionsForm_action_submit" element
And I confirm the dialog
Then I should see a "Unpublished 1 pages" success toast
When I click on the ".toast__close" element
And I wait for 2 seconds
# Unpublish and archive pages in a batch
When I click on the "#record-3 .jstree-checkbox" element
And I select "Unpublish and archive" from the "Form_BatchActionsForm_Action" field with javascript
And I click on the "#Form_BatchActionsForm_action_submit" element
# Surprisingly unpublish and archive doesn't have a dialog
# And I confirm the dialog
# Assertion does not work for some reason despite screenshot showing the toast message
# Then I should see a "Deleted 1 pages from draft and live, and sent them to the archive" success toast
When I go to "/admin/pages"
Then I should not see "Three"
# Toggle list and tree views
Then I should not see a "#Form_ListViewForm_Page" element
When I click on the "[data-view='listview']" element
And I wait for 5 seconds
Then I should see a "#Form_ListViewForm_Page" element
When I click on the "[data-view='treeview']" element
And I wait for 5 seconds
Then I should not see a "#Form_ListViewForm_Page" element
@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ class FixtureContext extends BehatFixtureContext
$obj->copyVersionToStage(Versioned::DRAFT, Versioned::LIVE);
$obj->copyVersionToStage(Versioned::DRAFT, Versioned::LIVE);
// These functions should be in a FeatureContext, however framework FeatureContext is already
// loaded and adding another FeatureContext within CMS that extends SilverStripeContext will
// expose duplicate functions to behat e.g. FillField
* @When /^I see the "([^"]+)" element$/
* @When /^I see the "([^"]+)" element$/
* @param $selector
* @param $selector
@ -113,4 +117,42 @@ class FixtureContext extends BehatFixtureContext
Assert::assertEquals($value, $radioButton->getAttribute($attribute));
Assert::assertEquals($value, $radioButton->getAttribute($attribute));
* Assumes you've just opened the Insert link menu, e.g.
* I click on the "div[aria-label='Insert link [Ctrl+K]'] button" element
* @When /^I select "(.+?)" from the TinyMCE menu with javascript$/
* @param string $label
public function iSelectFromTheTinyMceMenu($label)
// :visible and :contains are jQuery css selectors
$js = <<<JS
jQuery(".mce-menu-item:visible span:contains('{$label}')").click();
* e.g. --PageOne,--PageTwo,---PageTwoChild,--PageThree
* @Then /^the site tree order should be "(.+?)"$/
* @param string $label
public function theSiteTreeOrderShouldBe($expected)
$js = <<<JS
jQuery('.jstree-no-checkboxes .item')
.map((i, el) => {
let d = '';
jQuery(el).parents('li').each(() => d += '-');
return d + jQuery(el).html();
$actual = $this->getMainContext()->getSession()->evaluateScript($js);
Assert::assertEquals($expected, $actual);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user