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synced 2024-10-22 08:05:56 +02:00
Update translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "هذه الصفحة فقط",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "هذه الصفحة وصفحات فرعية",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "أعرض التوابع في شكل قائمة",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "هل ترغب حقًا في نسخ المحتوى المنشور على مسودة الموقع؟",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "هل تريد حقاً الرجوع إلى النسخة #%s من هذه الصفحة؟",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "تحرير",
"URLSEGMENT.OK": "موافق",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "إلغاء"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "إلغاء",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Pouze tuto stránku",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Tuto stránku a podstránky",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Zobrazit potomky jako seznam",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Skutečně chcete zkopírovat zveřejněn obsah do konceptu?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Skutečně chcete vrátit zpět na verzi #%s této stránky?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Editovat",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Storno"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Storno",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Nur diese Seite",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Diese Seite und Unterseiten",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Kinder als LIste zeigen",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Wollen Sie wirklich den veröffentlichten Inhalt auf die Entwurfsseite kopieren?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Wollen Sie wirklich Version #%s dieser Seite wiederherstellen?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Bearbeiten",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Abbrechen"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Abbrechen",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Nur ĉi tiu paĝo",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Ĉi tiu paĝo kaj subpaĝoj",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Vidigi idojn kiel liston",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Ĉu vi vere volas kopii la publikigitan enhavon al la malneta retejo?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Cu vi vere volas malfare restaŭri al versio #%s de ĉi tiu paĝo?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Redakti",
"URLSEGMENT.OK": "Akcepti",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Rezigni"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Rezigni",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Sólo en esta página",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Esta página y subpáginas",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Mostrar hijos como lista",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "¿Realmente quieres copiar el contenido publicado al borrador del sitio?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "¿Realmente quieres volver a la versión #%s de esta página?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Editar",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Cancelar"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Cancelar",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Vain tämä sivu",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Tämä sivu ja alasivut",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Näytä alasivut listana",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Haluatko varmasti kopioida julkaistua sisältöä luonnossivustolle?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Haluatko varmasti palauttaa #%s version tästä sivusta?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Muokkaa",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Peruuta"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Peruuta",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Seulement cette page",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Cette page et ses sous-pages",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Montrer les enfants en liste",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Voulez-vous vraiment copier le contenu du site brouillon sur le site publié ?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Voulez-vous vraiment retourner à la version #%s de cette page ?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Éditer",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Annuler"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Annuler",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// This file was generated by GenerateJavaScriptI18nTask from javascript/lang/src/hu.js.
// See https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-buildtools for details
if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
if(typeof(console) != 'undefined') console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined');
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('hu', {
"CMSMAIN.WARNINGSAVEPAGESBEFOREADDING": "Aloldalt csak a szülő-oldal mentését követően hozhat létre",
"CMSMAIN.CANTADDCHILDREN": "A kiválasztott elemhez nem hozhat létre gyerek elemet",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORADDINGPAGE": "Oldal létrehozásakor hiba lépett fel",
"CMSMAIN.FILTEREDTREE": "Módosított oldalak megjelenítése",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORFILTERPAGES": "A \"fa\" nézet nem alkalmas a %s módosított<br />oldalak megjelenítésére",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORUNFILTER": "Teljes \"fa\" szerkezet",
"CMSMAIN.PUBLISHINGPAGES": "Publikálás folyamatban...",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Válasszon legalább 1 oldalt!",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORPUBLISHING": "Publikálás során hiba történt",
"CMSMAIN.REALLYDELETEPAGES": "Törli a %s -vel jelölt oldalakat?",
"CMSMAIN.DELETINGPAGES": "Oldalak törlése folyamatban...",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORDELETINGPAGES": "Oldal törlésekor hiba lépett fel",
"CMSMAIN.PUBLISHING": "Publikálás folyamatban...",
"CMSMAIN.RESTORING": "Helyreállítás folyamatban...",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORREVERTING": "Éles tartalomra váltáskor hiba történt",
"CMSMAIN.SAVING": "mentés folyamatban...",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTMOREPAGES": "%s oldal kiválasztva.\n\nVégrehajtsam a műveletet?",
"CMSMAIN.ALERTCLASSNAME": "Az oldaltípust a mentést követően lesz beállítva",
"CMSMAIN.URLSEGMENTVALIDATION": "Az URL csak betüket, számokat illetve kötőjelet (\"-\") tartalmazhat",
"AssetAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Törli a(z) %s mappát(mappákat)?",
"AssetTableField.REALLYDELETE": "Törli a kijelölt fájlokat?",
"AssetTableField.MOVING": "%s fájl(ok) áthelyezése",
"CMSMAIN.AddSearchCriteria": "Feltétel hozzáadása",
"WidgetAreaEditor.TOOMANY": "A kiválasztott területen nem hozhat létre újabb widget-et.",
"AssetAdmin.ConfirmDelete": "Törli a mappát a tartalmával együtt?",
"Folder.Name": "Mappa neve",
"Tree.AddSubPage": "Új oldal létrehozása ebben a mappában",
"Tree.Duplicate": "Duplikál",
"Tree.EditPage": "Szerkeszt",
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Csak ez az oldal",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Csak ez az oldal és az alatta levő oldalak",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Gyerekoldalak lista nézetben",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Visszaállítja az oldal #%s verzióját?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Szerkeszt",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Mégsem",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Hanya laman ini",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Laman dan sublaman ini",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Tampilkan turunan sebagai daftar",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Apakah Anda ingin menyalin konten yang sudah terbit ke draf?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Apakah Anda ingin kembali ke versi #%s dari laman ini?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Edit",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Batal"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Batal",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Aðeins þessi síða",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Þessi síða og undirsíður",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Show children as list",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Ertu viss um að þú viljir afrita birt efni yfir á drög?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Do you really want to roll back to version #%s of this page?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Breyta",
"URLSEGMENT.OK": "Allt í lagi",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Hætta við"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Hætta við",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Solo questa pagina",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Questa pagina e le sottopagine",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Mostra figli come lista",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Vuoi veramente copiare il contenuto pubblicato nel sito bozza?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Vuoi veramente tornare alla versione #%s di questa pagina?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Modifica",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Annulla"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Annulla",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "このページのみ",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "このページとサブページ",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "子どもをリストで表示する",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "公開されているコンテンツを下書きサイトへ本当にコピーしますか?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "このページのバージョン#%sへ本当にロールバックしますか?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "編集",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "キャンセル"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "キャンセル",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "이 페이지만",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "이 페이지와 하위 페이지",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "하위 목록으로 표시",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "공개된 내용을 초안 사이트에 복사하시겠습니까?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "이 페이지의 #%s 버젼으로 롤백하시겠습니까?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "편집",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "취소"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "취소",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Tik šį puslapį",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Šį puslapį ir visus po juo",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Rodyti žemesnius pusl. kaip sąrašą",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Ar tikrai norite kopijuoti publikuotą turinį į juodraštinę svetainę?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Ar tikrai norite atstatyti šį puslapį į #%s versiją?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Redaguoti",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Atšaukti"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Atšaukti",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Tēnei whārangi anake",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Tēnei whārangi me ngā whārangi iti",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Whakaatu tamariki hei rārangi",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Kei te tino hiahia tārua i te ihirangi kua whakaputaina ki te pae hukihuki?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Kei te tino hiahia hoki ki te tauira #%s o tēnei whārangi?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Whakatika",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Whakakore"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Whakakore",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Bare denne siden",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Denne siden og undersider",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Vis undersider som en liste",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Vil du virkelig kopiere den publiserte siden til utkastsiden?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Vil du virkelig rulle tilbake til versjon #%s av denne siden?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Rediger",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Avbryt"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Avbryt",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Enkel deze pagina",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Deze pagina en subpagina's",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Toon onderliggende pagina's als lijst",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Wil je echt de gepubliceerde inhoud kopiëren naar de concept site?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Wil je echt terugdraaien naar versie #%s van deze pagina?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Aanpassen",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Annuleren"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Annuleren",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Tylko tę stronę",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Ta strona i podstrony",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Pokaż dzieci jako listę",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Czy na pewno skopiować opublikowaną treść do strony roboczej?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Czy na pewno cofnąć do wersji #%s tej strony?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Edytuj",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Anuluj"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Anuluj",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Doar această pagină",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Această pagină cu subpagini",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Afişare fii în format listă",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Doriţi copierea conținutul publicat pe site-ul ciornă (draft)?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Doriţi revenirea la versiunea #%s a acestei pagini?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Editare",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Renunţare"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Renunţare",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Только этой страницы",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Вместе с вложенными страницами",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Показать страницы в виде списка",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Вы действительно хотите скопировать опубликованное содержимое на черновой сайт?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Вы действительно хотите восстановить версию #%s этой страницы?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Изменить",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Отмена"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Отмена",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Iba túto stránku",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Túto stránku a podstránky",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Zobraziť potomkov ako zoznam",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Skutočne chcete skopírovať zverejnený obsah do konceptu?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Skutočne chcete vrátiť späť na verziu #%s tejto stránky?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Editovať",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Zrušiť"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Zrušiť",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Samo to stran",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "To stran in podstrani",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Prikaži otroke kot seznam",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Kopiram objavljeno vsebino na osnutek strani?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Obnovim na verzijo #%s te strani?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Uredi",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Prekliči"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Prekliči",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Само ова страница",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Ова страница и подстранице",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Прикажу децу у виду листе",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Да ли заиста желите да копирате објављени садржај у нацрт сајта?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Да ли заиста желите да се вратите на верзију #%s ове странице?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Измени",
"URLSEGMENT.OK": "У реду",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Одустани"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Одустани",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "هذه الصفحة فقط",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "هذه الصفحة وصفحات فرعية",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "أعرض التوابع في شكل قائمة",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "هل ترغب حقًا في نسخ المحتوى المنشور على مسودة الموقع؟",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "هل تريد حقاً الرجوع إلى النسخة #%s من هذه الصفحة؟",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "تحرير",
"URLSEGMENT.OK": "موافق",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "إلغاء"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "إلغاء",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Pouze tuto stránku",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Tuto stránku a podstránky",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Zobrazit potomky jako seznam",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Skutečně chcete zkopírovat zveřejněn obsah do konceptu?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Skutečně chcete vrátit zpět na verzi #%s této stránky?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Editovat",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Storno"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Storno",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Nur diese Seite",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Diese Seite und Unterseiten",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Kinder als LIste zeigen",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Wollen Sie wirklich den veröffentlichten Inhalt auf die Entwurfsseite kopieren?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Wollen Sie wirklich Version #%s dieser Seite wiederherstellen?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Bearbeiten",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Abbrechen"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Abbrechen",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Nur ĉi tiu paĝo",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Ĉi tiu paĝo kaj subpaĝoj",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Vidigi idojn kiel liston",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Ĉu vi vere volas kopii la publikigitan enhavon al la malneta retejo?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Cu vi vere volas malfare restaŭri al versio #%s de ĉi tiu paĝo?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Redakti",
"URLSEGMENT.OK": "Akcepti",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Rezigni"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Rezigni",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Sólo en esta página",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Esta página y subpáginas",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Mostrar hijos como lista",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "¿Realmente quieres copiar el contenido publicado al borrador del sitio?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "¿Realmente quieres volver a la versión #%s de esta página?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Editar",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Cancelar"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Cancelar",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Vain tämä sivu",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Tämä sivu ja alasivut",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Näytä alasivut listana",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Haluatko varmasti kopioida julkaistua sisältöä luonnossivustolle?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Haluatko varmasti palauttaa #%s version tästä sivusta?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Muokkaa",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Peruuta"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Peruuta",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Seulement cette page",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Cette page et ses sous-pages",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Montrer les enfants en liste",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Voulez-vous vraiment copier le contenu du site brouillon sur le site publié ?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Voulez-vous vraiment retourner à la version #%s de cette page ?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Éditer",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Annuler"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Annuler",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
"CMSMAIN.WARNINGSAVEPAGESBEFOREADDING": "Aloldalt csak a szülő-oldal mentését követően hozhat létre",
"CMSMAIN.CANTADDCHILDREN": "A kiválasztott elemhez nem hozhat létre gyerek elemet",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORADDINGPAGE": "Oldal létrehozásakor hiba lépett fel",
"CMSMAIN.FILTEREDTREE": "Módosított oldalak megjelenítése",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORFILTERPAGES": "A \"fa\" nézet nem alkalmas a %s módosított<br />oldalak megjelenítésére",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORUNFILTER": "Teljes \"fa\" szerkezet",
"CMSMAIN.PUBLISHINGPAGES": "Publikálás folyamatban...",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Válasszon legalább 1 oldalt!",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORPUBLISHING": "Publikálás során hiba történt",
"CMSMAIN.REALLYDELETEPAGES": "Törli a %s -vel jelölt oldalakat?",
"CMSMAIN.DELETINGPAGES": "Oldalak törlése folyamatban...",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORDELETINGPAGES": "Oldal törlésekor hiba lépett fel",
"CMSMAIN.PUBLISHING": "Publikálás folyamatban...",
"CMSMAIN.RESTORING": "Helyreállítás folyamatban...",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORREVERTING": "Éles tartalomra váltáskor hiba történt",
"CMSMAIN.SAVING": "mentés folyamatban...",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTMOREPAGES": "%s oldal kiválasztva.\n\nVégrehajtsam a műveletet?",
"CMSMAIN.ALERTCLASSNAME": "Az oldaltípust a mentést követően lesz beállítva",
"CMSMAIN.URLSEGMENTVALIDATION": "Az URL csak betüket, számokat illetve kötőjelet (\"-\") tartalmazhat",
"AssetAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Törli a(z) %s mappát(mappákat)?",
"AssetTableField.REALLYDELETE": "Törli a kijelölt fájlokat?",
"AssetTableField.MOVING": "%s fájl(ok) áthelyezése",
"CMSMAIN.AddSearchCriteria": "Feltétel hozzáadása",
"WidgetAreaEditor.TOOMANY": "A kiválasztott területen nem hozhat létre újabb widget-et.",
"AssetAdmin.ConfirmDelete": "Törli a mappát a tartalmával együtt?",
"Folder.Name": "Mappa neve",
"Tree.AddSubPage": "Új oldal létrehozása ebben a mappában",
"Tree.Duplicate": "Duplikál",
"Tree.EditPage": "Szerkeszt",
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Csak ez az oldal",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Csak ez az oldal és az alatta levő oldalak",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Gyerekoldalak lista nézetben",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Visszaállítja az oldal #%s verzióját?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Szerkeszt",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Mégsem",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Hanya laman ini",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Laman dan sublaman ini",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Tampilkan turunan sebagai daftar",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Apakah Anda ingin menyalin konten yang sudah terbit ke draf?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Apakah Anda ingin kembali ke versi #%s dari laman ini?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Edit",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Batal"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Batal",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Aðeins þessi síða",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Þessi síða og undirsíður",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Show children as list",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Ertu viss um að þú viljir afrita birt efni yfir á drög?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Do you really want to roll back to version #%s of this page?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Breyta",
"URLSEGMENT.OK": "Allt í lagi",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Hætta við"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Hætta við",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Solo questa pagina",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Questa pagina e le sottopagine",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Mostra figli come lista",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Vuoi veramente copiare il contenuto pubblicato nel sito bozza?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Vuoi veramente tornare alla versione #%s di questa pagina?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Modifica",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Annulla"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Annulla",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "このページのみ",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "このページとサブページ",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "子どもをリストで表示する",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "公開されているコンテンツを下書きサイトへ本当にコピーしますか?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "このページのバージョン#%sへ本当にロールバックしますか?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "編集",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "キャンセル"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "キャンセル",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "이 페이지만",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "이 페이지와 하위 페이지",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "하위 목록으로 표시",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "공개된 내용을 초안 사이트에 복사하시겠습니까?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "이 페이지의 #%s 버젼으로 롤백하시겠습니까?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "편집",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "취소"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "취소",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Tik šį puslapį",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Šį puslapį ir visus po juo",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Rodyti žemesnius pusl. kaip sąrašą",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Ar tikrai norite kopijuoti publikuotą turinį į juodraštinę svetainę?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Ar tikrai norite atstatyti šį puslapį į #%s versiją?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Redaguoti",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Atšaukti"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Atšaukti",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Tēnei whārangi anake",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Tēnei whārangi me ngā whārangi iti",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Whakaatu tamariki hei rārangi",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Kei te tino hiahia tārua i te ihirangi kua whakaputaina ki te pae hukihuki?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Kei te tino hiahia hoki ki te tauira #%s o tēnei whārangi?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Whakatika",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Whakakore"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Whakakore",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Bare denne siden",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Denne siden og undersider",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Vis undersider som en liste",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Vil du virkelig kopiere den publiserte siden til utkastsiden?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Vil du virkelig rulle tilbake til versjon #%s av denne siden?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Rediger",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Avbryt"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Avbryt",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Enkel deze pagina",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Deze pagina en subpagina's",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Toon onderliggende pagina's als lijst",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Wil je echt de gepubliceerde inhoud kopiëren naar de concept site?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Wil je echt terugdraaien naar versie #%s van deze pagina?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Aanpassen",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Annuleren"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Annuleren",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Tylko tę stronę",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Ta strona i podstrony",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Pokaż dzieci jako listę",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Czy na pewno skopiować opublikowaną treść do strony roboczej?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Czy na pewno cofnąć do wersji #%s tej strony?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Edytuj",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Anuluj"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Anuluj",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Doar această pagină",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Această pagină cu subpagini",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Afişare fii în format listă",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Doriţi copierea conținutul publicat pe site-ul ciornă (draft)?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Doriţi revenirea la versiunea #%s a acestei pagini?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Editare",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Renunţare"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Renunţare",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Только этой страницы",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Вместе с вложенными страницами",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Показать страницы в виде списка",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Вы действительно хотите скопировать опубликованное содержимое на черновой сайт?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Вы действительно хотите восстановить версию #%s этой страницы?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Изменить",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Отмена"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Отмена",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Iba túto stránku",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Túto stránku a podstránky",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Zobraziť potomkov ako zoznam",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Skutočne chcete skopírovať zverejnený obsah do konceptu?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Skutočne chcete vrátiť späť na verziu #%s tejto stránky?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Editovať",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Zrušiť"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Zrušiť",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Samo to stran",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "To stran in podstrani",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Prikaži otroke kot seznam",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Kopiram objavljeno vsebino na osnutek strani?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Obnovim na verzijo #%s te strani?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Uredi",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Prekliči"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Prekliči",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Само ова страница",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Ова страница и подстранице",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Прикажу децу у виду листе",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Да ли заиста желите да копирате објављени садржај у нацрт сајта?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Да ли заиста желите да се вратите на верзију #%s ове странице?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Измени",
"URLSEGMENT.OK": "У реду",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Одустани"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Одустани",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Endast denna sida",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Denna sida och undersidor",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Visa undersidor som lista",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Vill du verkligen kopiera det publicerade innehållet till utkastsajten?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Vill du verkligen gå tillbaka till version %s av denna sida?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Redigera",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Avbryt"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Avbryt",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "仅该页",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "本页和子页面",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "将儿童显示为列表",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "是否确定将已发布内容复制到草稿站?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "是否确定回滚至该页面的第 #%s 版?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "编辑",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "取消"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "取消",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Endast denna sida",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Denna sida och undersidor",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Visa undersidor som lista",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Vill du verkligen kopiera det publicerade innehållet till utkastsajten?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Vill du verkligen gå tillbaka till version %s av denna sida?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Redigera",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Avbryt"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Avbryt",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -36,10 +36,16 @@ if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "仅该页",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "本页和子页面",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "将儿童显示为列表",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "是否确定将已发布内容复制到草稿站?",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "是否确定回滚至该页面的第 #%s 版?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page?\n\nThe page will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "编辑",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "取消"
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "取消",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"
@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ en:
UNPUBLISHED_PAGES: 'Unpublished %d pages'
ARCHIVE: Archive
ARCHIVED_PAGES: 'Archived %d pages'
ACCESS: 'Access to ''{title}'' section'
ACCESS_HELP: 'Allow viewing of the section containing page tree and content. View and edit permissions can be handled through page specific dropdowns, as well as the separate "Content permissions".'
@ -116,9 +118,12 @@ en:
TreeFiltered: 'Filtered tree.'
TreeFilteredClear: 'Clear filter'
MENUTITLE: 'Edit Page'
ARCHIVE: Archive
ARCHIVEDPAGE: 'Archived page ''%s'''
APPLY_FILTER: 'Apply Filter'
RESET: Reset
CLEAR_FILTER: 'Clear Filter'
ParentMode_child: 'Under another page'
ParentMode_top: 'Top level'
@ -325,7 +330,7 @@ en:
DEFAULTCONTACTCONTENT: '<p>You can fill this page out with your own content, or delete it and create your own pages.<br /></p>'
DEFAULTHOMECONTENT: '<p>Welcome to SilverStripe! This is the default homepage. You can edit this page by opening <a href="admin/">the CMS</a>. You can now access the <a href="http://doc.silverstripe.org">developer documentation</a>, or begin <a href="http://doc.silverstripe.org/doku.php?id=tutorials">the tutorials.</a></p>'
DEFAULTHOMECONTENT: '<p>Welcome to SilverStripe! This is the default homepage. You can edit this page by opening <a href="admin/">the CMS</a>.</p><p>You can now access the <a href="http://docs.silverstripe.org">developer documentation</a>, or begin the <a href="http://www.silverstripe.org/learn/lessons">SilverStripe lessons</a>.</p>'
DELETEDPAGEHELP: 'Page is no longer published'
@ -396,6 +401,9 @@ en:
many_many_BackLinkTracking: 'Backlink Tracking'
many_many_ImageTracking: 'Image Tracking'
many_many_LinkTracking: 'Link Tracking'
ARCHIVEDPAGEHELP: 'Page is removed from draft and live'
BUTTONARCHIVEDESC: 'Unpublish and send to archive'
EMPTY: 'Please enter a URL Segment or click cancel'
HelpChars: ' Special characters are automatically converted or removed.'
@ -423,3 +431,6 @@ en:
MENUTITLE: 'Edit Page'
BACKLINK_LIST_DESCRIPTION: 'This list shows all pages where the file has been added through a WYSIWYG editor.'
EDIT: Edit
Reference in New Issue
Block a user