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Feature: Redirector Pages
As an author
I want to redirect to a different location
So that I can help users find specific content
Given a "page" "Page 1"
And a "page" "My Redirect" which redirects to a "page" "Page 1"
And a "image" "assets/file1.jpg"
And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/pages"
Scenario: Only the appropriate fields are shown
When I click on "My Redirect" in the tree
Then I should see an edit page form
# distinct from the "A page on your website" text for the option itself
And I should see "Page on your website" in the "#Form_EditForm_LinkToID_Holder" region
And I should not see "Choose existing"
And I should not see "Other website URL"
Scenario: I can choose to redirect to a file
When I click on "My Redirect" in the tree
Then I should see an edit page form
When I click on the "#Form_EditForm_RedirectionType_File" element
Then I should see "Choose existing"
And I should not see "Page on your website" in the "#Form_EditForm_LinkToID_Holder" region
And I should not see "Other website URL"
# Necessary to avoid a "unsaved changed" alert from breaking the test
Given I press the "Save" button
Scenario: I can choose to redirect to a URL
When I click on "My Redirect" in the tree
Then I should see an edit page form
When I click on the "#Form_EditForm_RedirectionType_External" element
Then I should see "Other website URL"
And I should not see "Page on your website" in the "#Form_EditForm_LinkToID_Holder" region
And I should not see "Choose existing"
# Necessary to avoid a "unsaved changed" alert from breaking the test
Given I press the "Save" button