FILESYSTEMSYNCTITLE:'Update the CMS database entries of files on the filesystem. Useful when new files have been uploaded outside of the CMS, e.g. through FTP.'
FROMTHEINTERNET:'From the internet'
FROMYOURCOMPUTER:'From your computer'
Filetype:'File type'
ListView:'List View'
THUMBSDELETED:'{count} unused thumbnails have been deleted'
ACCESS_HELP:'Allow viewing of the section containing page tree and content. View and edit permissions can be handled through page specific dropdowns, as well as the separate "Content permissions".'
AddNew:'Add new page'
AddNewButton:'Add new'
ChoosePageParentMode:'Choose where to create this page'
PUBALLCONFIRM:'Molimo, objavite svaku stavku na ovoj stranici, kopiranjem sadržaja na aktivnu stranicu'
PUBALLFUN:'Funkcija "Objavi sve"'
PUBALLFUN2:'Pritiskom na ovu tipku ostvarit ćete isti rezultat kao i odlaskom na svaku stranicu i pritiskom na tipku "Objavi". Namjenjena je za korištenje nakon velikih izmjena sadržaja (npr, prilikom početka izrade web stranice).'
PUBPAGES: 'Done:Published {count} pages'
PageAdded:'Successfully created page'
REMOVED:'Izbrisano ''%s''%s sa aktivne stranice'
REMOVEDPAGE:'Removed ''{title}'' from the published site'
REMOVEDPAGEFROMDRAFT:'Uklonjeno ''%s'' sa privremenog nacrta stranice'
RESTORED:'Restored ''{title}'' successfully'
ROLLBACK:'Vrati na ovo izdanje'
ROLLEDBACKPUB:'Rolled back to published version. New version number is #{version}'
ROLLEDBACKVERSION:'Vraćeno na izdanje #%d. Broj novog izdanja je #%d.'
DRAFT_SITE_ACCESS_RESTRICTION:'Morate se prijaviti sa Vašom CMS šifrom kako biste pregledali privremeni ili arhivirani sadržaj. <a href="%s">Kliknite ovdje da biste se vratili na objavljenu stranicu.</a>'
InstallFilesDeleted:'Installation files have been successfully deleted.'
InstallSecurityWarning:'For security reasons you should now delete the install files, unless you are planning to reinstall later (<em>requires admin login, see above</em>). The web server also now only needs write access to the "assets" folder, you can remove write access from all other folders. <a href="{link}" style="text-align: center;">Click here to delete the install files.</a>'
DEFAULTERRORPAGECONTENT:'<p>Žao nam je, pokušali ste pristupiti stranici koja ne postoji.</p><p>Molimo provjerite da li ste ispravno ukucali URL kojem ste pokušali pristupiti i pokušajte ponovo.</p>'
DEFAULTERRORPAGETITLE:'Stranica nije pronađena'
DEFAULTSERVERERRORPAGECONTENT:'<p>Sorry, there was a problem with handling your request.</p>'
DESCRIPTION:'Custom content for different error cases (e.g. "Page not found")'
ERRORFILEPROBLEM:'Error opening file "{filename}" for writing. Please check file permissions.'
ACCESSHEADER:'Ko može pregledati ovu stavku na mojoj stranici?'
ACCESSLOGGEDIN:'Prijavljeni korisnici'
ACCESSONLYTHESE:'Samo ovi korisnici (izaberite sa popisa)'
ADDEDTODRAFTHELP:'Page has not been published yet'
ALLOWCOMMENTS:'Dozvoli komentare na ovoj stranici?'
APPEARSVIRTUALPAGES:'This content also appears on the virtual pages in the {title} sections.'
BUTTONCANCELDRAFT:'Poništi promjene privremenog nacrta stranice'
BUTTONCANCELDRAFTDESC:'Izbrišite Vaš privremeni nacrt stranice i vratite se na trenutno objavljenu stranicu'
BUTTONUNPUBLISH:'Opozovi objavljivanje'
BUTTONUNPUBLISHDESC:'Ukloni ovu stavku sa objavljene stranice'
CREATED:'Date Created'
DEFAULTABOUTCONTENT:'<p>Ovu stranicu možete popuniti sa vlastitim sadržajem, ili je izbrisati i kreirati svoje vlastite stranice.<br /></p>'
DEFAULTCONTACTCONTENT:'<p>Ovu stranicu možete popuniti sa vlastitim sadržajem, ili je izbrisati i kreirati svoje vlastite stranice.<br /></p>'
DEFAULTHOMECONTENT:'<p>Dobrodošli u SilverStripe! Ovo je standardna početna stranica. Možete je izmijeniti otvaranjem <a href="admin/">administracijskog odjela CMS-a</a>. Sada možete pristupiti <a href="">razvojnoj dokumentaciji</a> ili <a href="">vodičima</a>.</p>'
DELETEDPAGEHELP:'Page is no longer published'
DEPENDENT_NOTE:'The following pages depend on this page. This includes virtual pages, redirector pages, and pages with content links.'
EDITANYONE:'Svi korisnici koji se mogu prijaviti u CMS'
EDITHEADER:'Ko može izmijeniti ovu stavku unutar CMS-a?'
EDITONLYTHESE:'Samo ovi korisnici (izaberite sa popisa)'
EDITORGROUPS:'Editor Groups'
EDIT_ALL_HELP:'Ability to edit any page on the site, regardless of the settings on the Access tab. Requires the "Access to ''Pages'' section" permission'
Editors:'Editors Groups'
HASBROKENLINKS:'Ova stranica ima neispravnih linkova.'
INHERIT:'Inherit from parent page'
LASTUPDATED:'Last Updated'
LINKCHANGENOTE:'Changing this page''s link will also affect the links of all child pages.'
METAEXTRAHELP:'When adding custom meta tags they must be wrapped in an html tag. For example <meta name="customName" content="your custom content here" />'
METAINTRO:'Metadata helps describe and categorise your site. By filling out the fields below it will help improve your site''s ranking on search engines.'
METAKEYWORDHELP: 'Add any keywords that are relevant to the page here. Separate keywords and phrases with a comma:keyword, keywords, keyword phrase'