
467 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* File: LeftAndMain.js
* Variable: ss_MainLayout
* jquery.layout Global variable so layout state management can pick it up.
var ss_MainLayout;
(function($) {
$.entwine('ss', function($){
// setup jquery.entwine
$.entwine.warningLevel = $.entwine.WARN_LEVEL_BESTPRACTISE;
// global ajax error handlers
error: function(xmlhttp, status, error) {
var msg = (xmlhttp.getResponseHeader('X-Status')) ? xmlhttp.getResponseHeader('X-Status') : xmlhttp.statusText;
statusMessage(msg, 'bad');
* Class: .LeftAndMain
* Main LeftAndMain interface with some control panel and an edit form.
* Events:
* ajaxsubmit - ...
* validate - ...
* loadnewpage - ...
* Variable: MainLayout
* (Object) Reference to jQuery.layout element
MainLayout: null,
* Variable: PingIntervalSeconds
* (Number) Interval in which /Security/ping will be checked for a valid login session.
PingIntervalSeconds: 5*60,
* Constructor: onmatch
onmatch: function() {
var self = this;
// Remove loading screen
// Layout
ss_MainLayout = this._setupLayout();
layoutState.options.keys = "west.size,west.isClosed";
// HACK Delay resizing to give jquery-ui tabs a change their dimensions
// through dynamically added css classes
$(window).resize(function () {
var timerID = "timerLeftAndMainResize";
if (window[timerID]) clearTimeout(window[timerID]);
window[timerID] = setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
// If tab has no nested tabs, set overflow to auto
$(this).find('.tab').not(':has(.tab)').css('overflow', 'auto');
// @todo Doesn't resize properly if the response doesn't contain a tabset (see above)
$('#Form_EditForm').bind('loadnewpage', function() {
// HACK Delay resizing to give jquery-ui tabs a change their dimensions
// through dynamically added css classes
var timerID = "timerLeftAndMainResize";
if (window[timerID]) clearTimeout(window[timerID]);
window[timerID] = setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
* Function: _setupLayout
* Initialize jQuery layout manager with the following panes:
* - east: Tree, Page Version History, Site Reports
* - center: Form
* - west: "Insert Image", "Insert Link", "Insert Flash" panes
* - north: CMS area menu bar
* - south: "Page view", "profile" and "logout" links
_setupLayout: function() {
var self = this;
var widthEast = this.find('.ui-layout-east').width();
var widthWest = this.find('.ui-layout-west').width();
// layout containing the tree, CMS menu, the main form etc.
var savedLayoutSettings = layoutState.load('ss_MainLayout');
var layoutSettings = jQuery.extend({
defaults: {
// TODO Reactivate once we have localized values
togglerTip_open: '',
togglerTip_closed: '',
resizerTip: '',
sliderTip: '',
onresize: function() {self._resizeChildren();},
onopen: function() {self._resizeChildren();}
north: {
slidable: false,
resizable: false,
size: this.find('.ui-layout-north').height(),
togglerLength_open: 0
south: {
slidable: false,
resizable: false,
size: this.find('.ui-layout-south').height(),
togglerLength_open: 0
west: {
size: (widthWest) ? widthWest : undefined,
fxName: "none"
east: {
initClosed: true,
// multiple panels which are triggered through tinymce buttons,
// so a user shouldn't be able to toggle this panel manually
initHidden: true,
spacing_closed: 0,
fxName: "none"
center: {}
}, savedLayoutSettings);
var layout = $('body').layout(layoutSettings);
// Adjust tree accordion etc. in left panel to work correctly
// with jQuery.layout (see
fillSpace: true,
animated: false
return layout;
* Function: _setupPinging
* This function is called by prototype when it receives notification that the user was logged out.
* It uses /Security/ping for this purpose, which should return '1' if a valid user session exists.
* It redirects back to the login form if the URL is either unreachable, or returns '0'.
_setupPinging: function() {
var onSessionLost = function(xmlhttp, status) {
if(xmlhttp.status > 400 || xmlhttp.responseText == 0) {
// TODO will pile up additional alerts when left unattended
if('Security/login')) {
alert("Please log in and then try again");
} else {
alert("Please enable pop-ups for this site");
// setup pinging for login expiry
setInterval(function() {
url: "Security/ping",
global: false,
complete: onSessionLost
}, this.getPingIntervalSeconds() * 1000);
* Function: _resizeChildren
* Resize elements in center panel
* to fit the boundary box provided by the layout manager.
* Todo:
* Replace with automated less ugly parent/sibling traversal
_resizeChildren: function() {
$("#treepanes", this).accordion("resize");
$('#sitetree_and_tools', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#contentPanel form', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#contentPanel form fieldset', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#contentPanel form fieldset .content', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#Form_EditForm fieldset', this).fitHeightToParent();
// Order of resizing is important: Outer to inner
// TODO Only supports two levels of tabs at the moment
$('#Form_EditForm fieldset > .ss-tabset', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#Form_EditForm fieldset > .ss-tabset > .tab', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#Form_EditForm fieldset > .ss-tabset > .tab > .ss-tabset', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#Form_EditForm fieldset > .ss-tabset > .tab > .ss-tabset > .tab', this).fitHeightToParent();
* Class: .LeftAndMain :submit, .LeftAndMain button, .LeftAndMain :reset
* Make all buttons "hoverable" with jQuery theming.
* Also sets the clicked button on a form submission, making it available through
* a new 'clickedButton' property on the form DOM element.
$('.LeftAndMain :submit, .LeftAndMain button, .LeftAndMain :reset').entwine({
* Constructor: onmatch
onmatch: function() {
'ui-state-default ' +
function() {
function() {
.focus(function() {
.blur(function() {
.click(function() {
var form = this.form;
// forms don't natively store the button they've been triggered with
form.clickedButton = this;
// Reset the clicked button shortly after the onsubmit handlers
// have fired on the form
setTimeout(function() {form.clickedButton = null;}, 10);
* Class: #TreeActions
* Container for tree actions like "create", "search", etc.
* Constructor: onmatch
* Setup "create", "search", "batch actions" layers above tree.
* All tab contents are closed by default.
onmatch: function() {
collapsible: true,
selected: parseInt(jQuery.cookie('ui-tabs-TreeActions'), 10) || null,
cookie: { expires: 30, path: '/', name: 'ui-tabs-TreeActions' }
* Class: a#EditMemberProfile
* Link for editing the profile for a logged-in member through a modal dialog.
* Constructor: onmatch
onmatch: function() {
var self = this;
this.bind('click', function(e) {return self._openPopup();});
'<div id="ss-ui-dialog">'
+ '<iframe id="ss-ui-dialog-iframe" '
+ 'marginWidth="0" marginHeight="0" frameBorder="0" scrolling="auto">'
+ '</iframe>'
+ '</div>'
var cookieVal = (jQuery.cookie) ? JSON.parse(jQuery.cookie('ss-ui-dialog')) : false;
autoOpen: false,
bgiframe: true,
modal: true,
height: 300,
width: 500,
ghost: true,
resizeStop: function(e, ui) {
dragStop: function(e, ui) {
// TODO i18n
title: 'Edit Profile'
}, cookieVal)).css('overflow', 'hidden');
$('#ss-ui-dialog-iframe').bind('load', function(e) {self._resize();});
* Function: _openPopup
_openPopup: function(e) {
$('#ss-ui-dialog-iframe').attr('src', this.attr('href'));
return false;
* Function: _resize
_resize: function() {
var iframe = $('#ss-ui-dialog-iframe');
var container = $('#ss-ui-dialog');
- parseFloat(container.css('paddingLeft'))
- parseFloat(container.css('paddingRight'))
- parseFloat(container.css('paddingTop'))
- parseFloat(container.css('paddingBottom'))
* Function: _saveState
_saveState: function() {
var container = $('#ss-ui-dialog');
// save size in cookie (optional)
if(jQuery.cookie && container.width() && container.height()) {
width: parseInt(container.width(), 10),
height: parseInt(container.height(), 10),
position: [
parseInt(container.offset().top, 10),
parseInt(container.offset().left, 10)
{ expires: 30, path: '/'}
* Class: #switchView a
* Links for viewing the currently loaded page
* in different modes: 'live', 'stage' or 'archived'.
* Automatically updates on loading a new page.
* Requires:
* jquery.metadata
$('#switchView a').entwine({
* Variable: Form
* (DOMElement)
Form: null,
* Constructor: onmatch
onmatch: function() {
var self = this;
jQuery('#Form_EditForm').bind('loadnewpage delete', function(e) {self.refresh();});
* Function: refresh
* Parse new links based on the underlying form URLSegment,
* preserving the ?stage URL parameters if necessary.
refresh: function() {
// TODO Compatible with nested urls?
var urlSegment = this.getForm().find(':input[name=AbsoluteLink]').val();
if(!urlSegment) urlSegment = this.getForm().find(':input[name=URLSegment]').val();
if(urlSegment) {
var locale = this.getForm().find(':input[name=Locale]').val();
var url = urlSegment;
if(this.metadata().params) url += '?' + this.metadata().params;
if(locale) url += ((url.indexOf('?') > 0) ? '&' : '?') + "locale=" + locale;
this.attr('href', url);
// hide fields if no URLSegment is present
* Function: onclick
onclick: function(e) {
// Open in popup$('href'));
return false;
// Backwards compatibility
var statusMessage = function(text, type) {
jQuery.noticeAdd({text: text, type: type});
var errorMessage = function(text) {
jQuery.noticeAdd({text: text, type: 'error'});
returnFalse = function() {
return false;
* Find and enable TinyMCE on all htmleditor fields
* Pulled in from old tinymce.template.js
function nullConverter(url) {
return url;