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* @type jquery.layout Global variable so layout state management
* can pick it up.
var ss_MainLayout;
(function($) {
* @class Layout handling for the main CMS interface,
* with tree on left and main edit form on the right.
* @name ss.CMSMain
$('body.CMSMain').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.CMSMain */{
* Reference to jQuery.layout element
* @type Object
MainLayout: null,
onmatch: function() {
var self = this;
// Layout
ss_MainLayout = this._setupLayout();
layoutState.options.keys = "west.size,west.isClosed";
// artificially delay the resize event 200ms
// to avoid overlapping height changes in different onresize() methods
$(window).resize(function () {
var timerID = "timerCMSMainResize";
if (window[timerID]) clearTimeout(window[timerID]);
window[timerID] = setTimeout(function() {self._resizeChildren();}, 200);
// If tab has no nested tabs, set overflow to auto
$(this).find('.tab').not(':has(.tab)').css('overflow', 'auto');
_resizeChildren: function() {
$("#treepanes", this).accordion("resize");
$('#sitetree_and_tools', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#contentPanel form', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#contentPanel form fieldset', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#contentPanel form fieldset .content', this).fitHeightToParent();
* Initialize jQuery layout manager with the following panes:
* - east: Tree, Page Version History, Site Reports
* - center: Form
* - west: "Insert Image", "Insert Link", "Insert Flash" panes
* - north: CMS area menu bar
* - south: "Page view", "profile" and "logout" links
_setupLayout: function() {
var self = this;
// layout containing the tree, CMS menu, the main form etc.
var savedLayoutSettings = layoutState.load('ss_MainLayout');
var layoutSettings = jQuery.extend({
defaults: {
// TODO Reactivate once we have localized values
togglerTip_open: '',
togglerTip_closed: '',
resizerTip: '',
sliderTip: '',
onresize: function() {self._resizeChildren();},
onopen: function() {self._resizeChildren();}
north: {
slidable: false,
resizable: false,
size: 35,
togglerLength_open: 0
south: {
slidable: false,
resizable: false,
size: 23,
togglerLength_open: 0
west: {
size: 225,
fxName: "none"
east: {
initClosed: true,
// multiple panels which are triggered through tinymce buttons,
// so a user shouldn't be able to toggle this panel manually
initHidden: true,
fxName: "none",
size: 250
center: {}
}, savedLayoutSettings);
var layout = $('body').layout(layoutSettings);
// Adjust tree accordion etc. in left panel to work correctly
// with jQuery.layout (see
fillSpace: true,
animated: false
return layout;
* @class CMS-specific form behaviour
* @name ss.EditForm
$('#Form_EditForm').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.EditForm */{
onmatch: function() {
// Alert the user on change of page-type - this might have implications
// on the available form fields etc.
function() {
alert('The page type will be updated after the page is saved');
* @class ParentID field combination - mostly toggling between
* the two radiobuttons and setting the hidden "ParentID" field
* @name ss.EditForm.parentTypeSelector
$('#Form_EditForm .parentTypeSelector').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.EditForm.parentTypeSelector */{
onmatch : function() {
var self = this;
this.find(':input[name=ParentType]').bind('click', function(e) {self._toggleSelection(e);});
_toggleSelection: function(e) {
var selected = this.find(':input[name=ParentType]:checked').val();
// reset parent id if 'root' radiobutton is selected
if(selected == 'root') this.find(':input[name=ParentID]').val(0);
// toggle tree dropdown based on selection
this.find('#ParentID').toggle(selected != 'root');
* @class Toggle display of group dropdown in "access" tab,
* based on selection of radiobuttons.
* @name ss.Form_EditForm.Access
$('#Form_EditForm #CanViewType, #Form_EditForm #CanEditType').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.Form_EditForm.Access */{
onmatch: function() {
// TODO Decouple
var dropdown;
if(this.attr('id') == 'CanViewType') dropdown = $('#ViewerGroups');
else if(this.attr('id') == 'CanEditType') dropdown = $('#EditorGroups');
this.find('.optionset :input').bind('change', function(e) {
dropdown.toggle( == 'OnlyTheseUsers');
// initial state
var currentVal = this.find('input[name=' + this.attr('id') + ']:checked').val();
dropdown.toggle(currentVal == 'OnlyTheseUsers');
* @class Email containing the link to the archived version of the page.
* Visible on readonly older versions of a specific page at the moment.
* @name ss.Form_EditForm_action_email
$('#Form_EditForm .Actions #Form_EditForm_action_email').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.Form_EditForm_action_email */{
onclick: function(e) {
+ $('input[name=ArchiveEmailSubject]', this[0].form).val()
+ '&body='
+ $(':input[name=ArchiveEmailMessage]', this[0].form).val(),
return false;
* @class Open a printable representation of the form in a new window.
* Used for readonly older versions of a specific page.
* @name ss.Form_EditForm_action_print
$('#Form_EditForm .Actions #Form_EditForm_action_print').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.Form_EditForm_action_print */{
onclick: function(e) {
var printURL = $(this[0].form).attr('action').replace(/\?.*$/,'')
+ '/printable/'
+ $(':input[name=ID]',this[0].form).val();
if(printURL.substr(0,7) != 'http://') printURL = $('base').attr('href') + printURL;, 'printable');
return false;
* @class A "rollback" to a specific version needs user confirmation.
* @name ss.Form_EditForm_action_rollback
$('#Form_EditForm .Actions #Form_EditForm_action_rollback').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.Form_EditForm_action_rollback */{
onclick: function(e) {
// @todo i18n
return confirm("Do you really want to copy the published content to the stage site?");
* @class All forms in the right content panel should have closeable jQuery UI style titles.
* @name ss.contentPanel.form
$('#contentPanel form').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.contentPanel.form */{
onmatch: function() {
// Style as title bar
// The close button should close the east panel of the layout
this.find(':header:first .ui-dialog-titlebar-close').bind('click', function(e) {
return false;
* @class Control the site tree filter.
* Toggles search form fields based on a dropdown selection,
* similar to "Smart Search" criteria in iTunes.
* @name ss.Form_SeachTreeForm
$('#Form_SearchTreeForm').concrete('ss', function($) {
return/** @lends ss.Form_SeachTreeForm */{
* @type DOMElement
SelectEl: null,
onmatch: function() {
var self = this;
// TODO Cant bind to onsubmit/onreset directly because of IE6
this.bind('submit', function(e) {return self._submitForm(e);});
this.bind('reset', function(e) {return self._resetForm(e);});
// only the first field should be visible by default
// generate the field dropdown
this.setSelectEl($('<select name="options" class="options"></select>')
.bind('change', function(e) {self._addField(e);})
_setOptions: function() {
var self = this;
// reset existing elements
// add default option
// TODO i18n
jQuery('<option value="0">Add Criteria</option>').appendTo(self.SelectEl());
// populate dropdown values from existing fields
this.find('.field').each(function() {
$('<option />').appendTo(self.SelectEl())
* Filter tree based on selected criteria.
_submitForm: function(e) {
var self = this;
var data = [];
// convert from jQuery object literals to hash map
$(this.serializeArray()).each(function(i, el) {
data[] = el.value;
// Set new URL
$('#sitetree')[0].setCustomURL(this.attr('action') + '&action_getfilteredsubtree=1', data);
// Disable checkbox tree controls that currently don't work with search.
// @todo: Make them work together
if ($('#sitetree')[0].isDraggable) $('#sitetree')[0].stopBeingDraggable();
this.find('.checkboxAboveTree :checkbox').val(false).attr('disabled', true);
// disable buttons to avoid multiple submission
//this.find(':submit').attr('disabled', true);
return false;
_resetForm: function(e) {
// Reset URL to default
// Enable checkbox tree controls
this.find('.checkboxAboveTree :checkbox').attr('disabled', 'false');
// reset all options, some of the might be removed
return false;
_addField: function(e) {
var $select = $(;
// show formfield matching the option
this.find('#' + $select.val()).show();
// remove option from dropdown, each field should just exist once
this.find('option[value=' + $select.val() + ']').remove();
// jump back to default entry
return false;
_reloadSitetree: function() {
var self = this;
onSuccess : function(response) {
self.find(':submit').attr('disabled', false).removeClass('loading');
self.find('.checkboxAboveTree :checkbox').attr('disabled', 'true');
statusMessage('Filtered tree','good');
onFailure : function(response) {
self.find(':submit').attr('disabled', false).removeClass('loading');
self.find('.checkboxAboveTree :checkbox').attr('disabled', 'true');
errorMessage('Could not filter site tree<br />' + response.responseText);