54 lines
3.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-08-05 11:06:51 +12:00
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from javascript/lang/src/bg.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('bg', {
"AssetAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Да бъдат ли изтрити %s папки?",
"AssetAdmin.ConfirmDelete": "Да бъде ли изтрита тази папка и нейното съдържание?",
"AssetTableField.MOVING": "Преместване на %s файл(а)",
"AssetTableField.REALLYDELETE": "Да бъдат ли изтрити маркираните файлове?",
"CMSMAIN.ALERTCLASSNAME": "Типът на страницата ще бъде обновен, след като тя бъде записана",
"CMSMAIN.AddSearchCriteria": "Добави критерий",
"CMSMAIN.CANTADDCHILDREN": "You can't add children to the selected node",
"CMSMAIN.DELETINGPAGES": "Deleting pages...",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORADDINGPAGE": "Error adding page",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORDELETINGPAGES": "Error deleting pages",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORFILTERPAGES": "Could not filter tree to only show changed pages<br />%s",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORPUBLISHING": "Error publishing pages",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORREVERTING": "Error reverting to live content",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORUNFILTER": "Unfiltered tree",
"CMSMAIN.FILTEREDTREE": "Filtered tree to only show changed pages",
"CMSMAIN.PUBLISHING": "Publishing...",
"CMSMAIN.PUBLISHINGPAGES": "Publishing pages...",
"CMSMAIN.REALLYDELETEPAGES": "Do you really want to delete the %s marked pages?",
"CMSMAIN.RESTORING": "Restoring...",
"CMSMAIN.SAVING": "saving...",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTMOREPAGES": "You have %s pages selected.\n\nDo you really want to perform this action?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least 1 page.",
"CMSMAIN.URLSEGMENTVALIDATION": "URLs can only be made up of letters, digits and hyphens.",
"CMSMAIN.WARNINGSAVEPAGESBEFOREADDING": "You have to save a page before adding children underneath it",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page and all of its children pages?\n\nThis page and all of its children will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Do you really want to roll back to version #%s of this page?",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"Folder.Name": "Folder name",
"Tree.AddSubPage": "Add new page here",
"Tree.Duplicate": "Duplicate",
"Tree.EditPage": "Edit",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Show children as list",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "This page and subpages",
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "This page only",
2016-11-18 15:14:39 +00:00
"Tree.ViewPage": "View",
2016-08-05 11:06:51 +12:00
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Cancel",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Edit",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL",
"WidgetAreaEditor.TOOMANY": "Sorry, you have reached the maximum number of widgets in this area"