"Varchar", "Limit" => "Int", "Sortby" => "Varchar" ); static $has_one = array(); static $has_many = array(); static $many_many = array(); static $belongs_many_many = array(); static $defaults = array( "Title" => "Tag Cloud", "Limit" => "0", "Sortby" => "alphabet" ); static $cmsTitle = "Tag Cloud"; static $description = "Shows a tag cloud of tags on your blog."; static $popularities = array( 'not-popular', 'not-very-popular', 'somewhat-popular', 'popular', 'very-popular', 'ultra-popular' ); function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $fields->merge( new FieldSet( new TextField("Title", _t("TagCloudWidget.TILE", "Title")), new TextField("Limit", _t("TagCloudWidget.LIMIT", "Limit number of tags")), new OptionsetField("Sortby",_t("TagCloudWidget.SORTBY","Sort by"),array("alphabet"=>_t("TagCloudWidget.SBAL", "alphabet"),"frequency"=>_t("TagCloudWidget.SBFREQ", "frequency"))) ) ); $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields); return $fields; } function Title() { return $this->Title ? $this->Title : 'Tag Cloud'; } function TagsCollection() { Requirements::themedCSS("tagcloud"); $allTags = array(); $max = 0; $container = BlogTree::current(); $entries = $container->Entries(); if($entries) { foreach($entries as $entry) { $theseTags = split(" *, *", strtolower(trim($entry->Tags))); foreach($theseTags as $tag) { if($tag != "") { $allTags[$tag] = isset($allTags[$tag]) ? $allTags[$tag] + 1 : 1; //getting the count into key => value map $max = ($allTags[$tag] > $max) ? $allTags[$tag] : $max; } } } if($allTags) { //TODO: move some or all of the sorts to the database for more efficiency if($this->Limit > 0) $allTags = array_slice($allTags, 0, $this->Limit, true); if($this->Sortby == "alphabet"){ $this->natksort($allTags); } else{ uasort($allTags, array($this, "column_sort_by_popularity")); // sort by frequency } $sizes = array(); foreach ($allTags as $tag => $count) $sizes[$count] = true; $offset = 0; $numsizes = count($sizes)-1; //Work out the number of different sizes $buckets = count(self::$popularities)-1; // If there are more frequencies than buckets, divide frequencies into buckets if ($numsizes > $buckets) { $numsizes = $buckets; } // Otherwise center use central buckets else { $offset = round(($buckets-$numsizes)/2); } foreach($allTags as $tag => $count) { $popularity = round($count / $max * $numsizes) + $offset; $popularity=min($buckets,$popularity); $class = self::$popularities[$popularity]; $allTags[$tag] = array( "Tag" => $tag, "Count" => $count, "Class" => $class, "Link" => $container->Link('tag') . '/' . urlencode($tag) ); } } $output = new DataObjectSet(); foreach($allTags as $tag => $fields) { $output->push(new ArrayData($fields)); } return $output; } return; } /** * Helper method to compare 2 Vars to work out the results. * @param mixed * @param mixed * @return int */ private function column_sort_by_popularity($a, $b){ if($a == $b) { $result = 0; } else { $result = $b - $a; } return $result; } private function natksort(&$aToBeSorted) { $aResult = array(); $aKeys = array_keys($aToBeSorted); natcasesort($aKeys); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $aResult[$sKey] = $aToBeSorted[$sKey]; } $aToBeSorted = $aResult; return true; } } ?>