'Varchar', 'InheritSideBar' => 'Boolean', 'LandingPageFreshness' => 'Varchar', ); static $defaults = array( 'InheritSideBar' => True ); static $has_one = array( "SideBar" => "WidgetArea", ); static $allowed_children = array( 'BlogTree', 'BlogHolder' ); /* * Finds the BlogTree object most related to the current page. * - If this page is a BlogTree, use that * - If this page is a BlogEntry, use the parent Holder * - Otherwise, try and find a 'top-level' BlogTree */ static function current() { $controller = Controller::curr(); if($controller) $page = $controller->data(); // If we _are_ a BlogTree, use us if ($page instanceof BlogTree) return $page; // Or, if we a a BlogEntry underneath a BlogTree, use our parent if($page->is_a("BlogEntry")) { $parent = $page->getParent(); if($parent instanceof BlogTree) return $parent; } // Try to find a top-level BlogTree $top = DataObject::get_one('BlogTree', "\"ParentID\" = '0'"); if($top) return $top; // Try to find any BlogTree that is not inside another BlogTree foreach(DataObject::get('BlogTree') as $tree) { if(!($tree->getParent() instanceof BlogTree)) return $tree; } // This shouldn't be possible, but assuming the above fails, just return anything you can get return DataObject::get_one('BlogTree'); } /* ----------- ACCESSOR OVERRIDES -------------- */ public function getLandingPageFreshness() { $freshness = $this->getField('LandingPageFreshness'); // If we want to inherit freshness, try that first if ($freshness == "INHERIT" && $this->getParent()) $freshness = $this->getParent()->LandingPageFreshness; // If we don't have a parent, or the inherited result was still inherit, use default if ($freshness == "INHERIT") $freshness = ''; return $freshness; } function SideBar() { if($this->InheritSideBar && $this->getParent()) { if (method_exists($this->getParent(), 'SideBar')) return $this->getParent()->SideBar(); } if($this->SideBarID){ return DataObject::get_by_id('WidgetArea', $this->SideBarID); // @todo: This segfaults - investigate why then fix: return $this->getComponent('SideBar'); } } /* ----------- CMS CONTROL -------------- */ function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Content.Main", new TextField("Name", "Name of blog")); $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Content.Main', new DropdownField('LandingPageFreshness', 'When you first open the blog, how many entries should I show', array( "" => "All entries", "1 MONTH" => "Last month's entries", "2 MONTH" => "Last 2 months' entries", "3 MONTH" => "Last 3 months' entries", "4 MONTH" => "Last 4 months' entries", "5 MONTH" => "Last 5 months' entries", "6 MONTH" => "Last 6 months' entries", "7 MONTH" => "Last 7 months' entries", "8 MONTH" => "Last 8 months' entries", "9 MONTH" => "Last 9 months' entries", "10 MONTH" => "Last 10 months' entries", "11 MONTH" => "Last 11 months' entries", "12 MONTH" => "Last year's entries", "INHERIT" => "Take value from parent Blog Tree" ))); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Content.Widgets", new CheckboxField("InheritSideBar", 'Inherit Sidebar From Parent')); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Content.Widgets", new WidgetAreaEditor("SideBar")); return $fields; } /* ----------- New accessors -------------- */ public function loadDescendantBlogHolderIDListInto(&$idList) { if ($children = $this->AllChildren()) { foreach($children as $child) { if(in_array($child->ID, $idList)) continue; if($child instanceof BlogHolder) { $idList[] = $child->ID; } elseif($child instanceof BlogTree) { $child->loadDescendantBlogHolderIDListInto($idList); } } } } // Build a list of all IDs for BlogHolders that are children of us public function BlogHolderIDs() { $holderIDs = array(); $this->loadDescendantBlogHolderIDListInto($holderIDs); return $holderIDs; } /** * Get entries in this blog. * @param string limit A clause to insert into the limit clause. * @param string tag Only get blog entries with this tag * @param string date Only get blog entries on this date - either a year, or a year-month eg '2008' or '2008-02' * @param callback retrieveCallback A function to call with pagetype, filter and limit for custom blog sorting or filtering * @return DataObjectSet */ public function Entries($limit = '', $tag = '', $date = '', $retrieveCallback = null) { $tagCheck = ''; $dateCheck = ''; if($tag) { $SQL_tag = Convert::raw2sql($tag); $tagCheck = "AND \"BlogEntry\".\"Tags\" LIKE '%$SQL_tag%'"; } if($date) { if(strpos($date, '-')) { $year = (int) substr($date, 0, strpos($date, '-')); $month = (int) substr($date, strpos($date, '-') + 1); if($year && $month) { $dateCheck = "AND MONTH(\"BlogEntry\".\"Date\") = '$month' AND YEAR(\"BlogEntry\".\"Date\") = '$year'"; } } else { $year = (int) $date; if($year) { $dateCheck = "AND YEAR(\"BlogEntry\".\"Date\") = '$year'"; } } } elseif ($this->LandingPageFreshness) { $dateCheck = "AND \"BlogEntry\".\"Date\" > NOW() - INTERVAL " . $this->LandingPageFreshness; } // Build a list of all IDs for BlogHolders that are children of us $holderIDs = $this->BlogHolderIDs(); // If no BlogHolders, no BlogEntries. So return false if(empty($holderIDs)) return false; // Otherwise, do the actual query $where = '"ParentID" IN (' . implode(',', $holderIDs) . ") $tagCheck $dateCheck"; $order = '"BlogEntry"."Date" DESC'; // By specifying a callback, you can alter the SQL, or sort on something other than date. if($retrieveCallback) return call_user_func($retrieveCallback, 'BlogEntry', $where, $limit, $order); else return DataObject::get('BlogEntry', $where, $order, '', $limit); } } class BlogTree_URL { static function tag() { if (Director::urlParam('Action') == 'tag') return Director::urlParam('ID'); return ''; } static function date() { if(Director::urlParam('Action') == 'date') { $year = Director::urlParam('ID'); $month = Director::urlParam('OtherID'); if($month && is_numeric($month) && $month >= 1 && $month <= 12 && is_numeric($year)) { return "$year-$month"; } elseif (is_numeric($year)) { return $year; } return ''; } } } class BlogTree_Controller extends Page_Controller { static $allowed_actions = array( 'index', 'rss', ); function init() { parent::init(); $this->IncludeBlogRSS(); Requirements::themedCSS("blog"); } function BlogEntries($limit = null) { if($limit === null) $limit = BlogTree::$default_entries_limit; $start = isset($_GET['start']) ? (int) $_GET['start'] : 0; return $this->Entries("$start,$limit", BlogTree_URL::tag(), BlogTree_URL::date()); } function IncludeBlogRSS() { // This will create a tag point to the RSS feed RSSFeed::linkToFeed($this->Link() . "rss", _t('BlogHolder.RSSFEED',"RSS feed of these blogs")); } /** * Get the rss feed for this blog holder's entries */ function rss() { global $project_name; $blogName = $this->Name; $altBlogName = $project_name . ' blog'; $entries = $this->Entries(20); if($entries) { $rss = new RSSFeed($entries, $this->Link(), ($blogName ? $blogName : $altBlogName), "", "Title", "ParsedContent"); $rss->outputToBrowser(); } } function defaultAction($action) { // Protection against infinite loops when an RSS widget pointing to this page is added to this page if(stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'SimplePie')) return $this->rss(); return parent::defaultAction($action); } } ?>