return "\n\n";
* @access private
function xml_footer()
return '';
* @access private
function kindOf()
return 'msg';
* @access private
function createPayload($charset_encoding='')
if ($charset_encoding != '')
$this->content_type = 'text/xml; charset=' . $charset_encoding;
$this->content_type = 'text/xml';
$this->payload.='' . $this->methodname . "\n";
for($i=0; $iparams); $i++)
$this->payload.="\n" . $p->serialize($charset_encoding) .
* Gets/sets the xmlrpc method to be invoked
* @param string $meth the method to be set (leave empty not to set it)
* @return string the method that will be invoked
* @access public
function method($meth='')
return $this->methodname;
* Returns xml representation of the message. XML prologue included
* @return string the xml representation of the message, xml prologue included
* @access public
function serialize($charset_encoding='')
return $this->payload;
* Add a parameter to the list of parameters to be used upon method invocation
* @param xmlrpcval $par
* @return boolean false on failure
* @access public
function addParam($par)
// add check: do not add to self params which are not xmlrpcvals
if(is_object($par) && is_a($par, 'xmlrpcval'))
return true;
return false;
* Returns the nth parameter in the message. The index zero-based.
* @param integer $i the index of the parameter to fetch (zero based)
* @return xmlrpcval the i-th parameter
* @access public
function getParam($i) { return $this->params[$i]; }
* Returns the number of parameters in the messge.
* @return integer the number of parameters currently set
* @access public
function getNumParams() { return count($this->params); }
* Given an open file handle, read all data available and parse it as axmlrpc response.
* NB: the file handle is not closed by this function.
* NNB: might have trouble in rare cases to work on network streams, as we
* check for a read of 0 bytes instead of feof($fp).
* But since checking for feof(null) returns false, we would risk an
* infinite loop in that case, because we cannot trust the caller
* to give us a valid pointer to an open file...
* @access public
* @return xmlrpcresp
* @todo add 2nd & 3rd param to be passed to ParseResponse() ???
function &parseResponseFile($fp)
while($data=fread($fp, 32768))
$r =& $this->parseResponse($ipd);
return $r;
* Parses HTTP headers and separates them from data.
* @access private
function &parseResponseHeaders(&$data, $headers_processed=false)
// Support "web-proxy-tunelling" connections for https through proxies
if(preg_match('/^HTTP\/1\.[0-1] 200 Connection established/', $data))
// Look for CR/LF or simple LF as line separator,
// (even though it is not valid http)
$pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n");
if($pos || is_int($pos))
$bd = $pos+4;
$pos = strpos($data,"\n\n");
if($pos || is_int($pos))
$bd = $pos+2;
// No separation between response headers and body: fault?
$bd = 0;
if ($bd)
// this filters out all http headers from proxy.
// maybe we could take them into account, too?
$data = substr($data, $bd);
error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': HTTPS via proxy error, tunnel connection possibly failed');
$r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['http_error'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['http_error']. ' (HTTPS via proxy error, tunnel connection possibly failed)');
return $r;
// Strip HTTP 1.1 100 Continue header if present
while(preg_match('/^HTTP\/1\.1 1[0-9]{2} /', $data))
$pos = strpos($data, 'HTTP', 12);
// server sent a Continue header without any (valid) content following...
// give the client a chance to know it
if(!$pos && !is_int($pos)) // works fine in php 3, 4 and 5
$data = substr($data, $pos);
if(!preg_match('/^HTTP\/[0-9.]+ 200 /', $data))
$errstr= substr($data, 0, strpos($data, "\n")-1);
error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': HTTP error, got response: ' .$errstr);
$r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['http_error'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['http_error']. ' (' . $errstr . ')');
return $r;
$GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'] = array();
$GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies'] = array();
// be tolerant to usage of \n instead of \r\n to separate headers and data
// (even though it is not valid http)
$pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n");
if($pos || is_int($pos))
$bd = $pos+4;
$pos = strpos($data,"\n\n");
if($pos || is_int($pos))
$bd = $pos+2;
// No separation between response headers and body: fault?
// we could take some action here instead of going on...
$bd = 0;
// be tolerant to line endings, and extra empty lines
$ar = preg_split("/\r?\n/", trim(substr($data, 0, $pos)));
while(list(,$line) = @each($ar))
// take care of multi-line headers and cookies
$arr = explode(':',$line,2);
if(count($arr) > 1)
$header_name = strtolower(trim($arr[0]));
/// @todo some other headers (the ones that allow a CSV list of values)
/// do allow many values to be passed using multiple header lines.
/// We should add content to $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'][$header_name]
/// instead of replacing it for those...
if ($header_name == 'set-cookie' || $header_name == 'set-cookie2')
if ($header_name == 'set-cookie2')
// version 2 cookies:
// there could be many cookies on one line, comma separated
$cookies = explode(',', $arr[1]);
$cookies = array($arr[1]);
foreach ($cookies as $cookie)
// glue together all received cookies, using a comma to separate them
// (same as php does with getallheaders())
if (isset($GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'][$header_name]))
$GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'][$header_name] .= ', ' . trim($cookie);
$GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'][$header_name] = trim($cookie);
// parse cookie attributes, in case user wants to correctly honour them
// feature creep: only allow rfc-compliant cookie attributes?
// @todo support for server sending multiple time cookie with same name, but using different PATHs
$cookie = explode(';', $cookie);
foreach ($cookie as $pos => $val)
$val = explode('=', $val, 2);
$tag = trim($val[0]);
$val = trim(@$val[1]);
/// @todo with version 1 cookies, we should strip leading and trailing " chars
if ($pos == 0)
$cookiename = $tag;
$GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies'][$tag] = array();
$GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies'][$cookiename]['value'] = urldecode($val);
if ($tag != 'value')
$GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies'][$cookiename][$tag] = $val;
$GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'][$header_name] = trim($arr[1]);
/// @todo version1 cookies might span multiple lines, thus breaking the parsing above
$GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'][$header_name] .= ' ' . trim($line);
$data = substr($data, $bd);
if($this->debug && count($GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']))
print '';
foreach($GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'] as $header => $value)
print htmlentities("HEADER: $header: $value\n");
foreach($GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies'] as $header => $value)
print htmlentities("COOKIE: $header={$value['value']}\n");
print "
// if CURL was used for the call, http headers have been processed,
// and dechunking + reinflating have been carried out
// Decode chunked encoding sent by http 1.1 servers
if(isset($GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['transfer-encoding']) && $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['transfer-encoding'] == 'chunked')
if(!$data = decode_chunked($data))
error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': errors occurred when trying to rebuild the chunked data received from server');
$r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['dechunk_fail'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['dechunk_fail']);
return $r;
// Decode gzip-compressed stuff
// code shamelessly inspired from nusoap library by Dietrich Ayala
$GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-encoding'] = str_replace('x-', '', $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-encoding']);
if($GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'deflate' || $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'gzip')
// if decoding works, use it. else assume data wasn't gzencoded
if($GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'deflate' && $degzdata = @gzuncompress($data))
$data = $degzdata;
print "---INFLATED RESPONSE---[".strlen($data)." chars]---\n" . htmlentities($data) . "\n---END---
elseif($GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'gzip' && $degzdata = @gzinflate(substr($data, 10)))
$data = $degzdata;
print "---INFLATED RESPONSE---[".strlen($data)." chars]---\n" . htmlentities($data) . "\n---END---
error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': errors occurred when trying to decode the deflated data received from server');
$r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['decompress_fail'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['decompress_fail']);
return $r;
error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': the server sent deflated data. Your php install must have the Zlib extension compiled in to support this.');
$r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['cannot_decompress'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['cannot_decompress']);
return $r;
} // end of 'if needed, de-chunk, re-inflate response'
// real stupid hack to avoid PHP complaining about returning NULL by ref
$r = null;
$r =& $r;
return $r;
* Parse the xmlrpc response contained in the string $data and return an xmlrpcresp object.
* @param string $data the xmlrpc response, eventually including http headers
* @param bool $headers_processed when true prevents parsing HTTP headers for interpretation of content-encoding and consequent decoding
* @param string $return_type decides return type, i.e. content of response->value(). Either 'xmlrpcvals', 'xml' or 'phpvals'
* @return xmlrpcresp
* @access public
function &parseResponse($data='', $headers_processed=false, $return_type='xmlrpcvals')
//by maHo, replaced htmlspecialchars with htmlentities
print "---GOT---\n" . htmlentities($data) . "\n---END---\n
if($data == '')
error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': no response received from server.');
$r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['no_data'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['no_data']);
return $r;
$raw_data = $data;
// parse the HTTP headers of the response, if present, and separate them from data
if(substr($data, 0, 4) == 'HTTP')
$r =& $this->parseResponseHeaders($data, $headers_processed);
if ($r)
// failed processing of HTTP response headers
// save into response obj the full payload received, for debugging
$r->raw_data = $data;
return $r;
$GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'] = array();
$GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies'] = array();
$start = strpos($data, '', $start);
$comments = substr($data, $start, $end-$start);
print "---SERVER DEBUG INFO (DECODED) ---\n\t".htmlentities(str_replace("\n", "\n\t", base64_decode($comments)))."\n---END---\n
// be tolerant of extra whitespace in response body
$data = trim($data);
/// @todo return an error msg if $data=='' ?
// be tolerant of junk after methodResponse (e.g. javascript ads automatically inserted by free hosts)
// idea from Luca Mariano originally in PEARified version of the lib
$pos = strrpos($data, '');
if($pos !== false)
$data = substr($data, 0, $pos+17);
// if user wants back raw xml, give it to him
if ($return_type == 'xml')
$r = new xmlrpcresp($data, 0, '', 'xml');
$r->hdrs = $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'];
$r->_cookies = $GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies'];
$r->raw_data = $raw_data;
return $r;
// try to 'guestimate' the character encoding of the received response
$resp_encoding = guess_encoding(@$GLOBALS['_xh']['headers']['content-type'], $data);
//$GLOBALS['_xh']['qt']=''; //unused...
$GLOBALS['_xh']['stack'] = array();
$GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack'] = array();
$GLOBALS['_xh']['isf']=0; // 0 = OK, 1 for xmlrpc fault responses, 2 = invalid xmlrpc
$GLOBALS['_xh']['rt']=''; // 'methodcall or 'methodresponse'
// if response charset encoding is not known / supported, try to use
// the default encoding and parse the xml anyway, but log a warning...
if (!in_array($resp_encoding, array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII')))
// the following code might be better for mb_string enabled installs, but
// makes the lib about 200% slower...
//if (!is_valid_charset($resp_encoding, array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII')))
error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': invalid charset encoding of received response: '.$resp_encoding);
$resp_encoding = $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_defencoding'];
$parser = xml_parser_create($resp_encoding);
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, true);
// G. Giunta 2005/02/13: PHP internally uses ISO-8859-1, so we have to tell
// the xml parser to give us back data in the expected charset.
// What if internal encoding is not in one of the 3 allowed?
// we use the broadest one, ie. utf8
// This allows to send data which is native in various charset,
// by extending xmlrpc_encode_entitites() and setting xmlrpc_internalencoding
if (!in_array($GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding'], array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII')))
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, 'UTF-8');
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding']);
if ($return_type == 'phpvals')
xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_se', 'xmlrpc_ee_fast');
xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_se', 'xmlrpc_ee');
xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_cd');
xml_set_default_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_dh');
// first error check: xml not well formed
if(!xml_parse($parser, $data, count($data)))
// thanks to Peter Kocks
if((xml_get_current_line_number($parser)) == 1)
$errstr = 'XML error at line 1, check URL';
$errstr = sprintf('XML error: %s at line %d, column %d',
xml_get_current_line_number($parser), xml_get_current_column_number($parser));
$r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['invalid_return'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['invalid_return'].' ('.$errstr.')');
print $errstr;
$r->hdrs = $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'];
$r->_cookies = $GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies'];
$r->raw_data = $raw_data;
return $r;
// second error check: xml well formed but not xml-rpc compliant
if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] > 1)
if ($this->debug)
/// @todo echo something for user?
$r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['invalid_return'],
$GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['invalid_return'] . ' ' . $GLOBALS['_xh']['isf_reason']);
// third error check: parsing of the response has somehow gone boink.
// NB: shall we omit this check, since we trust the parsing code?
elseif ($return_type == 'xmlrpcvals' && !is_object($GLOBALS['_xh']['value']))
// something odd has happened
// and it's time to generate a client side error
// indicating something odd went on
$r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['invalid_return'],
if ($this->debug)
print "---PARSED---\n";
// somehow htmlentities chokes on var_export, and some full html string...
//print htmlentitites(var_export($GLOBALS['_xh']['value'], true));
print htmlspecialchars(var_export($GLOBALS['_xh']['value'], true));
print "\n---END---
// note that using =& will raise an error if $GLOBALS['_xh']['st'] does not generate an object.
$v =& $GLOBALS['_xh']['value'];
/// @todo we should test here if server sent an int and a string,
/// and/or coerce them into such...
if ($return_type == 'xmlrpcvals')
$errno_v = $v->structmem('faultCode');
$errstr_v = $v->structmem('faultString');
$errno = $errno_v->scalarval();
$errstr = $errstr_v->scalarval();
$errno = $v['faultCode'];
$errstr = $v['faultString'];
if($errno == 0)
// FAULT returned, errno needs to reflect that
$errno = -1;
$r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $errno, $errstr);
$r=new xmlrpcresp($v, 0, '', $return_type);
$r->hdrs = $GLOBALS['_xh']['headers'];
$r->_cookies = $GLOBALS['_xh']['cookies'];
$r->raw_data = $raw_data;
return $r;
class xmlrpcval
var $me=array();
var $mytype=0;
var $_php_class=null;
* @param mixed $val
* @param string $type any valid xmlrpc type name (lowercase). If null, 'string' is assumed
function xmlrpcval($val=-1, $type='')
/// @todo: optimization creep - do not call addXX, do it all inline.
/// downside: booleans will not be coerced anymore
if($val!==-1 || $type!='')
// optimization creep: inlined all work done by constructor
case '':
case 'i4':
case 'int':
case 'double':
case 'string':
case 'boolean':
case 'dateTime.iso8601':
case 'base64':
case 'null':
case 'array':
case 'struct':
error_log("XML-RPC: ".__METHOD__.": not a known type ($type)");
* Add a single php value to an (unitialized) xmlrpcval
* @param mixed $val
* @param string $type
* @return int 1 or 0 on failure
function addScalar($val, $type='string')
error_log("XML-RPC: ".__METHOD__.": not a scalar type ($type)");
return 0;
// coerce booleans into correct values
// NB: we should either do it for datetimes, integers and doubles, too,
// or just plain remove this check, implemented on booleans only...
if(strcasecmp($val,'true')==0 || $val==1 || ($val==true && strcasecmp($val,'false')))
case 1:
error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': scalar xmlrpcval can have only one value');
return 0;
case 3:
error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': cannot add anonymous scalar to struct xmlrpcval');
return 0;
case 2:
// we're adding a scalar value to an array here
//$ar[]=new xmlrpcval($val, $type);
// Faster (?) avoid all the costly array-copy-by-val done here...
$this->me['array'][]=new xmlrpcval($val, $type);
return 1;
// a scalar, so set the value and remember we're scalar
return 1;
* Add an array of xmlrpcval objects to an xmlrpcval
* @param array $vals
* @return int 1 or 0 on failure
* @access public
* @todo add some checking for $vals to be an array of xmlrpcvals?
function addArray($vals)
return 1;
// we're adding to an array here
$this->me['array'] = array_merge($this->me['array'], $vals);
return 1;
error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': already initialized as a [' . $this->kindOf() . ']');
return 0;
* Add an array of named xmlrpcval objects to an xmlrpcval
* @param array $vals
* @return int 1 or 0 on failure
* @access public
* @todo add some checking for $vals to be an array?
function addStruct($vals)
return 1;
// we're adding to a struct here
$this->me['struct'] = array_merge($this->me['struct'], $vals);
return 1;
error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': already initialized as a [' . $this->kindOf() . ']');
return 0;
// poor man's version of print_r ???
function dump($ar)
foreach($ar as $key => $val)
echo "$key => $val
if($key == 'array')
while(list($key2, $val2) = each($val))
echo "-- $key2 => $val2
* Returns a string containing "struct", "array" or "scalar" describing the base type of the value
* @return string
* @access public
function kindOf()
case 3:
return 'struct';
case 2:
return 'array';
case 1:
return 'scalar';
return 'undef';
* @access private
function serializedata($typ, $val, $charset_encoding='')
case 1:
case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcBase64']:
$rs.="<${typ}>" . base64_encode($val) . "${typ}>";
case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcBoolean']:
$rs.="<${typ}>" . ($val ? '1' : '0') . "${typ}>";
case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcString']:
// G. Giunta 2005/2/13: do NOT use htmlentities, since
// it will produce named html entities, which are invalid xml
$rs.="<${typ}>" . xmlrpc_encode_entitites($val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding'], $charset_encoding). "${typ}>";
case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcInt']:
case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcI4']:
case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDouble']:
// avoid using standard conversion of float to string because it is locale-dependent,
// and also because the xmlrpc spec forbids exponential notation.
// sprintf('%F') could be most likely ok but it fails eg. on 2e-14.
// The code below tries its best at keeping max precision while avoiding exp notation,
// but there is of course no limit in the number of decimal places to be used...
$rs.="<${typ}>".preg_replace('/\\.?0+$/','',number_format((double)$val, 128, '.', ''))."${typ}>";
case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDateTime']:
if (is_string($val))
else if(is_a($val, 'DateTime'))
else if(is_int($val))
$rs.="<${typ}>".strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S", $val)."${typ}>";
// not really a good idea here: but what shall we output anyway? left for backward compat...
case $GLOBALS['xmlrpcNull']:
if ($GLOBALS['xmlrpc_null_apache_encoding'])
// no standard type value should arrive here, but provide a possibility
// for xmlrpcvals of unknown type...
case 3:
// struct
if ($this->_php_class)
foreach($val as $key2 => $val2)
$rs.=''.xmlrpc_encode_entitites($key2, $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding'], $charset_encoding)."\n";
case 2:
// array
for($i=0; $iserializeval($val[$i]);
return $rs;
* Returns xml representation of the value. XML prologue not included
* @param string $charset_encoding the charset to be used for serialization. if null, US-ASCII is assumed
* @return string
* @access public
function serialize($charset_encoding='')
// add check? slower, but helps to avoid recursion in serializing broken xmlrpcvals...
//if (is_object($o) && (get_class($o) == 'xmlrpcval' || is_subclass_of($o, 'xmlrpcval')))
list($typ, $val) = each($this->me);
return '' . $this->serializedata($typ, $val, $charset_encoding) . "\n";
function serializeval($o)
// add check? slower, but helps to avoid recursion in serializing broken xmlrpcvals...
//if (is_object($o) && (get_class($o) == 'xmlrpcval' || is_subclass_of($o, 'xmlrpcval')))
list($typ, $val) = each($ar);
return '' . $this->serializedata($typ, $val) . "\n";
* Checks wheter a struct member with a given name is present.
* Works only on xmlrpcvals of type struct.
* @param string $m the name of the struct member to be looked up
* @return boolean
* @access public
function structmemexists($m)
return array_key_exists($m, $this->me['struct']);
* Returns the value of a given struct member (an xmlrpcval object in itself).
* Will raise a php warning if struct member of given name does not exist
* @param string $m the name of the struct member to be looked up
* @return xmlrpcval
* @access public
function structmem($m)
return $this->me['struct'][$m];
* Reset internal pointer for xmlrpcvals of type struct.
* @access public
function structreset()
* Return next member element for xmlrpcvals of type struct.
* @return xmlrpcval
* @access public
function structeach()
return each($this->me['struct']);
// DEPRECATED! this code looks like it is very fragile and has not been fixed
// for a long long time. Shall we remove it for 2.0?
function getval()
// contributed by I Sofer, 2001-03-24
// add support for nested arrays to scalarval
// i've created a new method here, so as to
// preserve back compatibility
while(list($id,$cont) = @each($b))
$b[$id] = $cont->scalarval();
// add support for structures directly encoding php objects
$t = get_object_vars($b);
while(list($id,$cont) = @each($t))
$t[$id] = $cont->scalarval();
while(list($id,$cont) = @each($t))
@$b->$id = $cont;
// end contrib
return $b;
* Returns the value of a scalar xmlrpcval
* @return mixed
* @access public
function scalarval()
return $b;
* Returns the type of the xmlrpcval.
* For integers, 'int' is always returned in place of 'i4'
* @return string
* @access public
function scalartyp()
return $a;
* Returns the m-th member of an xmlrpcval of struct type
* @param integer $m the index of the value to be retrieved (zero based)
* @return xmlrpcval
* @access public
function arraymem($m)
return $this->me['array'][$m];
* Returns the number of members in an xmlrpcval of array type
* @return integer
* @access public
function arraysize()
return count($this->me['array']);
* Returns the number of members in an xmlrpcval of struct type
* @return integer
* @access public
function structsize()
return count($this->me['struct']);
// date helpers
* Given a timestamp, return the corresponding ISO8601 encoded string.
* Really, timezones ought to be supported
* but the XML-RPC spec says:
* "Don't assume a timezone. It should be specified by the server in its
* documentation what assumptions it makes about timezones."
* These routines always assume localtime unless
* $utc is set to 1, in which case UTC is assumed
* and an adjustment for locale is made when encoding
* @param int $timet (timestamp)
* @param int $utc (0 or 1)
* @return string
function iso8601_encode($timet, $utc=0)
$t=strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S", $timet);
// gmstrftime doesn't exist in some versions
// of PHP
$t=gmstrftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S", $timet);
$t=strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S", $timet-date('Z'));
return $t;
* Given an ISO8601 date string, return a timet in the localtime, or UTC
* @param string $idate
* @param int $utc either 0 or 1
* @return int (datetime)
function iso8601_decode($idate, $utc=0)
if(preg_match('/([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/', $idate, $regs))
$t=gmmktime($regs[4], $regs[5], $regs[6], $regs[2], $regs[3], $regs[1]);
$t=mktime($regs[4], $regs[5], $regs[6], $regs[2], $regs[3], $regs[1]);
return $t;
* Takes an xmlrpc value in PHP xmlrpcval object format and translates it into native PHP types.
* Works with xmlrpc message objects as input, too.
* Given proper options parameter, can rebuild generic php object instances
* (provided those have been encoded to xmlrpc format using a corresponding
* option in php_xmlrpc_encode())
* PLEASE NOTE that rebuilding php objects involves calling their constructor function.
* This means that the remote communication end can decide which php code will
* get executed on your server, leaving the door possibly open to 'php-injection'
* style of attacks (provided you have some classes defined on your server that
* might wreak havoc if instances are built outside an appropriate context).
* Make sure you trust the remote server/client before eanbling this!
* @author Dan Libby (dan@libby.com)
* @param xmlrpcval $xmlrpc_val
* @param array $options if 'decode_php_objs' is set in the options array, xmlrpc structs can be decoded into php objects; if 'dates_as_objects' is set xmlrpc datetimes are decoded as php DateTime objects (standard is
* @return mixed
function php_xmlrpc_decode($xmlrpc_val, $options=array())
case 'scalar':
if (in_array('extension_api', $options))
list($typ,$val) = each($xmlrpc_val->me);
switch ($typ)
case 'dateTime.iso8601':
$xmlrpc_val->scalar = $val;
$xmlrpc_val->xmlrpc_type = 'datetime';
$xmlrpc_val->timestamp = iso8601_decode($val);
return $xmlrpc_val;
case 'base64':
$xmlrpc_val->scalar = $val;
$xmlrpc_val->type = $typ;
return $xmlrpc_val;
return $xmlrpc_val->scalarval();
if (in_array('dates_as_objects', $options) && $xmlrpc_val->scalartyp() == 'dateTime.iso8601')
// we return a Datetime object instead of a string
// since now the constructor of xmlrpcval accepts safely strings, ints and datetimes,
// we cater to all 3 cases here
$out = $xmlrpc_val->scalarval();
if (is_string($out))
$out = strtotime($out);
if (is_int($out))
$result = new Datetime();
return $result;
elseif (is_a($out, 'Datetime'))
return $out;
return $xmlrpc_val->scalarval();
case 'array':
$size = $xmlrpc_val->arraysize();
$arr = array();
for($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++)
$arr[] = php_xmlrpc_decode($xmlrpc_val->arraymem($i), $options);
return $arr;
case 'struct':
// If user said so, try to rebuild php objects for specific struct vals.
/// @todo should we raise a warning for class not found?
// shall we check for proper subclass of xmlrpcval instead of
// presence of _php_class to detect what we can do?
if (in_array('decode_php_objs', $options) && $xmlrpc_val->_php_class != ''
&& class_exists($xmlrpc_val->_php_class))
$obj = @new $xmlrpc_val->_php_class;
$obj->$key = php_xmlrpc_decode($value, $options);
return $obj;
$arr = array();
$arr[$key] = php_xmlrpc_decode($value, $options);
return $arr;
case 'msg':
$paramcount = $xmlrpc_val->getNumParams();
$arr = array();
for($i = 0; $i < $paramcount; $i++)
$arr[] = php_xmlrpc_decode($xmlrpc_val->getParam($i));
return $arr;
// This constant left here only for historical reasons...
// it was used to decide if we have to define xmlrpc_encode on our own, but
// we do not do it anymore
* Takes native php types and encodes them into xmlrpc PHP object format.
* It will not re-encode xmlrpcval objects.
* Feature creep -- could support more types via optional type argument
* (string => datetime support has been added, ??? => base64 not yet)
* If given a proper options parameter, php object instances will be encoded
* into 'special' xmlrpc values, that can later be decoded into php objects
* by calling php_xmlrpc_decode() with a corresponding option
* @author Dan Libby (dan@libby.com)
* @param mixed $php_val the value to be converted into an xmlrpcval object
* @param array $options can include 'encode_php_objs', 'auto_dates', 'null_extension' or 'extension_api'
* @return xmlrpcval
function php_xmlrpc_encode($php_val, $options=array())
$type = gettype($php_val);
case 'string':
if (in_array('auto_dates', $options) && preg_match('/^[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/', $php_val))
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDateTime']);
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcString']);
case 'integer':
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcInt']);
case 'double':
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDouble']);
// Add support for encoding/decoding of booleans, since they are supported in PHP
case 'boolean':
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcBoolean']);
case 'array':
// PHP arrays can be encoded to either xmlrpc structs or arrays,
// depending on wheter they are hashes or plain 0..n integer indexed
// A shorter one-liner would be
// $tmp = array_diff(array_keys($php_val), range(0, count($php_val)-1));
// but execution time skyrockets!
$j = 0;
$arr = array();
$ko = false;
foreach($php_val as $key => $val)
$arr[$key] = php_xmlrpc_encode($val, $options);
if(!$ko && $key !== $j)
$ko = true;
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($arr, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcStruct']);
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($arr, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcArray']);
case 'object':
if(is_a($php_val, 'xmlrpcval'))
$xmlrpc_val = $php_val;
else if(is_a($php_val, 'DateTime'))
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($php_val->format('Ymd\TH:i:s'), $GLOBALS['xmlrpcStruct']);
$arr = array();
while(list($k,$v) = each($php_val))
$arr[$k] = php_xmlrpc_encode($v, $options);
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($arr, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcStruct']);
if (in_array('encode_php_objs', $options))
// let's save original class name into xmlrpcval:
// might be useful later on...
$xmlrpc_val->_php_class = get_class($php_val);
case 'NULL':
if (in_array('extension_api', $options))
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval('', $GLOBALS['xmlrpcString']);
else if (in_array('null_extension', $options))
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval('', $GLOBALS['xmlrpcNull']);
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval();
case 'resource':
if (in_array('extension_api', $options))
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval((int)$php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcInt']);
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval();
// catch "user function", "unknown type"
// giancarlo pinerolo
// it has to return
// an empty object in case, not a boolean.
$xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval();
return $xmlrpc_val;
* Convert the xml representation of a method response, method request or single
* xmlrpc value into the appropriate object (a.k.a. deserialize)
* @param string $xml_val
* @param array $options
* @return mixed false on error, or an instance of either xmlrpcval, xmlrpcmsg or xmlrpcresp
function php_xmlrpc_decode_xml($xml_val, $options=array())
$GLOBALS['_xh'] = array();
$GLOBALS['_xh']['ac'] = '';
$GLOBALS['_xh']['stack'] = array();
$GLOBALS['_xh']['valuestack'] = array();
$GLOBALS['_xh']['params'] = array();
$GLOBALS['_xh']['pt'] = array();
$GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] = 0;
$GLOBALS['_xh']['isf_reason'] = '';
$GLOBALS['_xh']['method'] = false;
$GLOBALS['_xh']['rt'] = '';
/// @todo 'guestimate' encoding
$parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, true);
// What if internal encoding is not in one of the 3 allowed?
// we use the broadest one, ie. utf8!
if (!in_array($GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding'], array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII')))
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, 'UTF-8');
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding']);
xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_se_any', 'xmlrpc_ee');
xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_cd');
xml_set_default_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_dh');
if(!xml_parse($parser, $xml_val, 1))
$errstr = sprintf('XML error: %s at line %d, column %d',
xml_get_current_line_number($parser), xml_get_current_column_number($parser));
return false;
if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] > 1) // test that $GLOBALS['_xh']['value'] is an obj, too???
return false;
switch ($GLOBALS['_xh']['rt'])
case 'methodresponse':
$v =& $GLOBALS['_xh']['value'];
if ($GLOBALS['_xh']['isf'] == 1)
$vc = $v->structmem('faultCode');
$vs = $v->structmem('faultString');
$r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $vc->scalarval(), $vs->scalarval());
$r = new xmlrpcresp($v);
return $r;
case 'methodcall':
$m = new xmlrpcmsg($GLOBALS['_xh']['method']);
for($i=0; $i < count($GLOBALS['_xh']['params']); $i++)
return $m;
case 'value':
return $GLOBALS['_xh']['value'];
return false;
* decode a string that is encoded w/ "chunked" transfer encoding
* as defined in rfc2068 par. 19.4.6
* code shamelessly stolen from nusoap library by Dietrich Ayala
* @param string $buffer the string to be decoded
* @return string
function decode_chunked($buffer)
// length := 0
$length = 0;
$new = '';
// read chunk-size, chunk-extension (if any) and crlf
// get the position of the linebreak
$chunkend = strpos($buffer,"\r\n") + 2;
$temp = substr($buffer,0,$chunkend);
$chunk_size = hexdec( trim($temp) );
$chunkstart = $chunkend;
while($chunk_size > 0)
$chunkend = strpos($buffer, "\r\n", $chunkstart + $chunk_size);
// just in case we got a broken connection
if($chunkend == false)
$chunk = substr($buffer,$chunkstart);
// append chunk-data to entity-body
$new .= $chunk;
$length += strlen($chunk);
// read chunk-data and crlf
$chunk = substr($buffer,$chunkstart,$chunkend-$chunkstart);
// append chunk-data to entity-body
$new .= $chunk;
// length := length + chunk-size
$length += strlen($chunk);
// read chunk-size and crlf
$chunkstart = $chunkend + 2;
$chunkend = strpos($buffer,"\r\n",$chunkstart)+2;
if($chunkend == false)
break; //just in case we got a broken connection
$temp = substr($buffer,$chunkstart,$chunkend-$chunkstart);
$chunk_size = hexdec( trim($temp) );
$chunkstart = $chunkend;
return $new;
* xml charset encoding guessing helper function.
* Tries to determine the charset encoding of an XML chunk received over HTTP.
* NB: according to the spec (RFC 3023), if text/xml content-type is received over HTTP without a content-type,
* we SHOULD assume it is strictly US-ASCII. But we try to be more tolerant of unconforming (legacy?) clients/servers,
* which will be most probably using UTF-8 anyway...
* @param string $httpheaders the http Content-type header
* @param string $xmlchunk xml content buffer
* @param string $encoding_prefs comma separated list of character encodings to be used as default (when mb extension is enabled)
* @todo explore usage of mb_http_input(): does it detect http headers + post data? if so, use it instead of hand-detection!!!
function guess_encoding($httpheader='', $xmlchunk='', $encoding_prefs=null)
// discussion: see http://www.yale.edu/pclt/encoding/
// 1 - test if encoding is specified in HTTP HEADERS
// LWS: (\13\10)?( |\t)+
// token: (any char but excluded stuff)+
// quoted string: " (any char but double quotes and cointrol chars)* "
// header: Content-type = ...; charset=value(; ...)*
// where value is of type token, no LWS allowed between 'charset' and value
// Note: we do not check for invalid chars in VALUE:
// this had better be done using pure ereg as below
// Note 2: we might be removing whitespace/tabs that ought to be left in if
// the received charset is a quoted string. But nobody uses such charset names...
/// @todo this test will pass if ANY header has charset specification, not only Content-Type. Fix it?
$matches = array();
if(preg_match('/;\s*charset\s*=([^;]+)/i', $httpheader, $matches))
return strtoupper(trim($matches[1], " \t\""));
// 2 - scan the first bytes of the data for a UTF-16 (or other) BOM pattern
// (source: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006)
// NOTE: actually, according to the spec, even if we find the BOM and determine
// an encoding, we should check if there is an encoding specified
// in the xml declaration, and verify if they match.
/// @todo implement check as described above?
/// @todo implement check for first bytes of string even without a BOM? (It sure looks harder than for cases WITH a BOM)
if(preg_match('/^(\x00\x00\xFE\xFF|\xFF\xFE\x00\x00|\x00\x00\xFF\xFE|\xFE\xFF\x00\x00)/', $xmlchunk))
return 'UCS-4';
elseif(preg_match('/^(\xFE\xFF|\xFF\xFE)/', $xmlchunk))
return 'UTF-16';
elseif(preg_match('/^(\xEF\xBB\xBF)/', $xmlchunk))
return 'UTF-8';
// 3 - test if encoding is specified in the xml declaration
// Details:
// SPACE: (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+ === [ \x9\xD\xA]+
// EQ: SPACE?=SPACE? === [ \x9\xD\xA]*=[ \x9\xD\xA]*
if (preg_match('/^<\?xml\s+version\s*=\s*'. "((?:\"[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+\")|(?:'[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+'))".
'\s+encoding\s*=\s*' . "((?:\"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._-]*\")|(?:'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._-]*'))/",
$xmlchunk, $matches))
return strtoupper(substr($matches[2], 1, -1));
// 4 - if mbstring is available, let it do the guesswork
// NB: we favour finding an encoding that is compatible with what we can process
$enc = mb_detect_encoding($xmlchunk, $encoding_prefs);
$enc = mb_detect_encoding($xmlchunk);
// NB: mb_detect likes to call it ascii, xml parser likes to call it US_ASCII...
// IANA also likes better US-ASCII, so go with it
if($enc == 'ASCII')
$enc = 'US-'.$enc;
return $enc;
// no encoding specified: as per HTTP1.1 assume it is iso-8859-1?
// Both RFC 2616 (HTTP 1.1) and 1945 (HTTP 1.0) clearly state that for text/xxx content types
// this should be the standard. And we should be getting text/xml as request and response.
// BUT we have to be backward compatible with the lib, which always used UTF-8 as default...
return $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_defencoding'];
* Checks if a given charset encoding is present in a list of encodings or
* if it is a valid subset of any encoding in the list
* @param string $encoding charset to be tested
* @param mixed $validlist comma separated list of valid charsets (or array of charsets)
function is_valid_charset($encoding, $validlist)
$charset_supersets = array(
'US-ASCII' => array ('ISO-8859-1', 'ISO-8859-2', 'ISO-8859-3', 'ISO-8859-4',
'ISO-8859-5', 'ISO-8859-6', 'ISO-8859-7', 'ISO-8859-8',
'ISO-8859-9', 'ISO-8859-10', 'ISO-8859-11', 'ISO-8859-12',
'ISO-8859-13', 'ISO-8859-14', 'ISO-8859-15', 'UTF-8',
'EUC-JP', 'EUC-', 'EUC-KR', 'EUC-CN')
if (is_string($validlist))
$validlist = explode(',', $validlist);
if (@in_array(strtoupper($encoding), $validlist))
return true;
if (array_key_exists($encoding, $charset_supersets))
foreach ($validlist as $allowed)
if (in_array($allowed, $charset_supersets[$encoding]))
return true;
return false;