**/ class Blog extends Page { private static $db = array( "PostsPerPage" => "Int", ); private static $has_many = array( "Tags" => "BlogTag", "Categories" => "BlogCategory", ); private static $allowed_children = array( "BlogPost", ); private static $extensions = array( "BlogFilter", ); private static $defaults = array( "ProvideComments" => false, ); public function getCMSFields() { $self =& $this; $this->beforeUpdateCMSFields(function($fields) use ($self) { $posts = $self->getBlogPosts(); $excluded = $self->getExcludedSiteTreeClassNames(); if(!empty($excluded)) { $posts = $posts->filter("ClassName", $excluded); $gridField = new GridField( "BlogPost", _t("Blog.BlogPosts", "Blog Posts"), $posts, GridFieldConfig_BlogPost::create() ); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.BlogPosts", $gridField); } // Create categories and tag config $config = GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create(); $config->removeComponentsByType("GridFieldAddNewButton"); $config->addComponent(new GridFieldAddByDBField("buttons-before-left")); $categories = GridField::create( "Categories", _t("Blog.Categories", "Categories"), $self->Categories(), $config ); $tags = GridField::create( "Tags", _t("Blog.Tags", "Tags"), $self->Tags(), $config ); $fields->addFieldsToTab("Root.BlogOptions", array( $categories, $tags )); }); $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); return $fields; } public function getSettingsFields() { $fields = parent::getSettingsFields(); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Settings", NumericField::create("PostsPerPage", _t("Blog.PostsPerPage", "Posts Per Page")) ); return $fields; } /** * Loops through subclasses of BlogPost and checks whether they have been configured * to be hidden. If so, then they will be excluded from the SiteTree. * * @return array **/ public function getExcludedSiteTreeClassNames() { $classes = array(); $tmpClasses = $this->allowedChildren(); foreach($tmpClasses as $class) { if(!Config::inst()->get($class, "show_in_sitetree")) { $classes[$class] = $class; } } return $classes; } /** * Return blogs posts * * @return DataList of BlogPost objects **/ public function getBlogPosts() { $blogPosts = BlogPost::get()->filter("ParentID", $this->ID); //Allow decorators to manipulate list $this->extend('updateGetBlogPosts', $blogPosts); return $blogPosts; } /** * Returns blogs posts for a given date period. * * @param $year int * @param $month int * @param $dat int * * @return DataList **/ public function getArchivedBlogPosts($year, $month = null, $day = null) { $query = $this->getBlogPosts()->dataQuery(); $stage = $query->getQueryParam("Versioned.stage"); if($stage) $stage = '_' . Convert::raw2sql($stage); $query->innerJoin("BlogPost", "`SiteTree" . $stage . "`.`ID` = `BlogPost" . $stage . "`.`ID`"); $query->where("YEAR(PublishDate) = '" . Convert::raw2sql($year) . "'"); if($month) { $query->where("MONTH(PublishDate) = '" . Convert::raw2sql($month) . "'"); if($day) { $query->where("DAY(PublishDate) = '" . Convert::raw2sql($day) . "'"); } } return $this->getBlogPosts()->setDataQuery($query); } } /** * Blog Controller * * @package silverstripe * @subpackage blog * * @author Michael Strong **/ class Blog_Controller extends Page_Controller { private static $allowed_actions = array( 'archive', 'tag', 'category', 'rss', ); private static $url_handlers = array( 'tag/$Tag!' => 'tag', 'category/$Category!' => 'category', 'archive/$Year!/$Month/$Day' => 'archive', ); /** * The current Blog Post DataList query. * * @var DataList **/ protected $blogPosts; public function index() { $this->blogPosts = $this->getBlogPosts(); return $this->render(); } /** * Renders an archive for a specificed date. This can be by year or year/month * * @return SS_HTTPResponse **/ public function archive() { $year = $this->getArchiveYear(); $month = $this->getArchiveMonth(); $day = $this->getArchiveDay(); // If an invalid month has been passed, we can return a 404. if($this->request->param("Month") && !$month) { return $this->httpError(404, "Not Found"); } // Check for valid day if($month && $this->request->param("Day") && !$day) { return $this->httpError(404, "Not Found"); } if($year) { $this->blogPosts = $this->getArchivedBlogPosts($year, $month, $day); return $this->render(); } return $this->httpError(404, "Not Found"); } /** * Renders the blog posts for a given tag. * * @return SS_HTTPResponse **/ public function tag() { $tag = $this->getCurrentTag(); if($tag) { $this->blogPosts = $tag->BlogPosts(); return $this->render(); } return $this->httpError(404, "Not Found"); } /** * Renders the blog posts for a given category * * @return SS_HTTPResponse **/ public function category() { $category = $this->getCurrentCategory(); if($category) { $this->blogPosts = $category->BlogPosts(); return $this->render(); } return $this->httpError(404, "Not Found"); } /** * Displays an RSS feed of blog posts * * @return string HTML **/ public function rss() { $rss = new RSSFeed($this->getBlogPosts(), $this->Link(), $this->MetaTitle, $this->MetaDescription); return $rss->outputToBrowser(); } /** * Returns a list of paginated blog posts based on the blogPost dataList * * @return PaginatedList **/ public function PaginatedList() { $posts = new PaginatedList($this->blogPosts); // If pagination is set to '0' then no pagination will be shown. if($this->PostsPerPage > 0) $posts->setPageLength($this->PostsPerPage); else $posts->setPageLength($this->getBlogPosts()->count()); $start = $this->request->getVar($posts->getPaginationGetVar()); $posts->setPageStart($start); return $posts; } /** * Tag Getter for use in templates. * * @return BlogTag|null **/ public function getCurrentTag() { $tag = $this->request->param("Tag"); if($tag) { return $this->dataRecord->Tags() ->filter("URLSegment", $tag) ->first(); } return null; } /** * Category Getter for use in templates. * * @return BlogCategory|null **/ public function getCurrentCategory() { $category = $this->request->param("Category"); if($category) { return $this->dataRecord->Categories() ->filter("URLSegment", $category) ->first(); } return null; } /** * Fetches the archive year from the url * * @return int|null **/ public function getArchiveYear() { $year = $this->request->param("Year"); if(preg_match("/^[0-9]{4}$/", $year)) { return (int) $year; } return null; } /** * Fetches the archive money from the url. * * @return int|null **/ public function getArchiveMonth() { $month = $this->request->param("Month"); if(preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,2}$/", $month)) { if($month > 0 && $month < 13) { // Check that we have a valid date. if(checkdate($month, 01, $this->getArchiveYear())) { return (int) $month; } } } return null; } /** * Fetches the archive day from the url * * @return int|null **/ public function getArchiveDay() { $day = $this->request->param("Day"); if(preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,2}$/", $day)) { // Check that we have a valid date if(checkdate($this->getArchiveMonth(), $day, $this->getArchiveYear())) { return (int) $day; } } return null; } /** * Returns the current archive date. * * @return Date **/ public function getArchiveDate() { $year = $this->getArchiveYear(); $month = $this->getArchiveMonth(); $day = $this->getArchiveDay(); if($year) { if($month) { $date = $year . '-' . $month . '-01'; if($day) { $date = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day; } } else { $date = $year . '-01-01'; } return DBField::create_field("Date", $date); } } /** * Returns a link to the RSS feed. * * @return string URL **/ public function getRSSLink() { return $this->Link("rss"); } }