'tag', 'category/$Category!/$Rss' => 'category', 'archive/$Year!/$Month/$Day' => 'archive', 'profile/$URLSegment!' => 'profile' ]; /** * @var array */ private static $casting = [ 'MetaTitle' => 'Text', 'FilterDescription' => 'Text' ]; /** * The current Blog Post DataList query. * * @var DataList */ protected $blogPosts; /** * @return string */ public function index() { /** * @var Blog $dataRecord */ $dataRecord = $this->dataRecord; $this->blogPosts = $dataRecord->getBlogPosts(); return $this->render(); } /** * Renders a Blog Member's profile. * * @return string */ public function profile() { $profile = $this->getCurrentProfile(); if (!$profile) { return $this->httpError(404, 'Not Found'); } $this->blogPosts = $this->getCurrentProfilePosts(); return $this->render(); } /** * Get the Member associated with the current URL segment. * * @return null|Member */ public function getCurrentProfile() { $urlSegment = $this->request->param('URLSegment'); if ($urlSegment) { $filter = URLSegmentFilter::create(); return Member::get() ->filter('URLSegment', $filter->filter($urlSegment)) ->first(); } return null; } /** * Get posts related to the current Member profile. * * @return null|DataList */ public function getCurrentProfilePosts() { $profile = $this->getCurrentProfile(); if ($profile) { return $profile->BlogPosts()->filter('ParentID', $this->ID); } return null; } /** * Renders an archive for a specified date. This can be by year or year/month. * * @return null|string */ public function archive() { /** * @var Blog $dataRecord */ $dataRecord = $this->dataRecord; $year = $this->getArchiveYear(); $month = $this->getArchiveMonth(); $day = $this->getArchiveDay(); if ($this->request->param('Month') && !$month) { $this->httpError(404, 'Not Found'); } if ($month && $this->request->param('Day') && !$day) { $this->httpError(404, 'Not Found'); } if ($year) { $this->blogPosts = $dataRecord->getArchivedBlogPosts($year, $month, $day); return $this->render(); } $this->httpError(404, 'Not Found'); return null; } /** * Fetches the archive year from the url. * * @return int */ public function getArchiveYear() { if ($this->request->param('Year')) { if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}$/', $year = $this->request->param('Year'))) { return (int) $year; } } elseif ($this->request->param('Action') == 'archive') { return DBDatetime::now()->Year(); } return null; } /** * Fetches the archive money from the url. * * @return null|int */ public function getArchiveMonth() { $month = $this->request->param('Month'); if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}$/', $month)) { if ($month > 0 && $month < 13) { if (checkdate($month, 01, $this->getArchiveYear())) { return (int) $month; } } } return null; } /** * Fetches the archive day from the url. * * @return null|int */ public function getArchiveDay() { $day = $this->request->param('Day'); if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}$/', $day)) { if (checkdate($this->getArchiveMonth(), $day, $this->getArchiveYear())) { return (int) $day; } } return null; } /** * Renders the blog posts for a given tag. * * @return null|string */ public function tag() { $tag = $this->getCurrentTag(); if ($tag) { $this->blogPosts = $tag->BlogPosts(); if ($this->isRSS()) { return $this->rssFeed($this->blogPosts, $tag->getLink()); } else { return $this->render(); } } $this->httpError(404, 'Not Found'); return null; } /** * Tag Getter for use in templates. * * @return null|BlogTag */ public function getCurrentTag() { /** * @var Blog $dataRecord */ $dataRecord = $this->dataRecord; $tag = $this->request->param('Tag'); if ($tag) { $filter = URLSegmentFilter::create(); return $dataRecord->Tags() ->filter('URLSegment', [$tag, $filter->filter($tag)]) ->first(); } return null; } /** * Renders the blog posts for a given category. * * @return null|string */ public function category() { $category = $this->getCurrentCategory(); if ($category) { $this->blogPosts = $category->BlogPosts(); if ($this->isRSS()) { return $this->rssFeed($this->blogPosts, $category->getLink()); } else { return $this->render(); } } $this->httpError(404, 'Not Found'); return null; } /** * Category Getter for use in templates. * * @return null|BlogCategory */ public function getCurrentCategory() { /** * @var Blog $dataRecord */ $dataRecord = $this->dataRecord; $category = $this->request->param('Category'); if ($category) { $filter = URLSegmentFilter::create(); return $dataRecord->Categories() ->filter('URLSegment', [$category, $filter->filter($category)]) ->first(); } return null; } /** * Get the meta title for the current action. * * @return string */ public function getMetaTitle() { $title = $this->data()->getTitle(); $filter = $this->getFilterDescription(); if ($filter) { $title = sprintf('%s - %s', $title, $filter); } $this->extend('updateMetaTitle', $title); return $title; } /** * Returns a description of the current filter. * * @return string */ public function getFilterDescription() { $items = []; $list = $this->PaginatedList(); $currentPage = $list->CurrentPage(); if ($currentPage > 1) { $items[] = _t( 'SilverStripe\\Blog\\Model\\Blog.FILTERDESCRIPTION_PAGE', 'Page {page}', null, [ 'page' => $currentPage ] ); } if ($author = $this->getCurrentProfile()) { $items[] = _t( 'SilverStripe\\Blog\\Model\\Blog.FILTERDESCRIPTION_AUTHOR', 'By {author}', null, [ 'author' => $author->Title ] ); } if ($tag = $this->getCurrentTag()) { $items[] = _t( 'SilverStripe\\Blog\\Model\\Blog.FILTERDESCRIPTION_TAG', 'Tagged with {tag}', null, [ 'tag' => $tag->Title ] ); } if ($category = $this->getCurrentCategory()) { $items[] = _t( 'SilverStripe\\Blog\\Model\\Blog.FILTERDESCRIPTION_CATEGORY', 'In category {category}', null, [ 'category' => $category->Title ] ); } if ($this->owner->getArchiveYear()) { if ($this->owner->getArchiveDay()) { $date = $this->owner->getArchiveDate()->Nice(); } elseif ($this->owner->getArchiveMonth()) { $date = $this->owner->getArchiveDate()->format('F, Y'); } else { $date = $this->owner->getArchiveDate()->format('Y'); } $items[] = _t( 'SilverStripe\\Blog\\Model\\Blog.FILTERDESCRIPTION_DATE', 'In {date}', null, [ 'date' => $date, ] ); } $result = ''; if ($items) { $result = implode(', ', $items); } $this->extend('updateFilterDescription', $result); return $result; } /** * Returns a list of paginated blog posts based on the BlogPost dataList. * * @return PaginatedList */ public function PaginatedList() { $allPosts = $this->blogPosts ?: ArrayList::create(); $posts = PaginatedList::create($allPosts); // Set appropriate page size if ($this->PostsPerPage > 0) { $pageSize = $this->PostsPerPage; } elseif ($count = $allPosts->count()) { $pageSize = $count; } else { $pageSize = 99999; } $posts->setPageLength($pageSize); // Set current page $start = $this->request->getVar($posts->getPaginationGetVar()); $posts->setPageStart($start); return $posts; } /** * Returns the absolute link to the next page for use in the page meta tags. This helps search engines * find the pagination and index all pages properly. * * @example "<% if $PaginationAbsoluteNextLink %><% end_if %>" * * @return string|null */ public function PaginationAbsoluteNextLink() { $posts = $this->PaginatedList(); if ($posts->NotLastPage()) { return Director::absoluteURL($posts->NextLink()); } return null; } /** * Returns the absolute link to the previous page for use in the page meta tags. This helps search engines * find the pagination and index all pages properly. * * @example "<% if $PaginationAbsolutePrevLink %><% end_if %>" * * @return string|null */ public function PaginationAbsolutePrevLink() { $posts = $this->PaginatedList(); if ($posts->NotFirstPage()) { return Director::absoluteURL($posts->PrevLink()); } return null; } /** * Displays an RSS feed of blog posts. * * @return string */ public function rss() { /** * @var Blog $dataRecord */ $dataRecord = $this->dataRecord; $this->blogPosts = $dataRecord->getBlogPosts(); return $this->rssFeed($this->blogPosts, $this->Link()); } /** * Returns the current archive date. * * @return null|DBDatetime */ public function getArchiveDate() { $year = $this->getArchiveYear(); $month = $this->getArchiveMonth(); $day = $this->getArchiveDay(); if ($year) { if ($month) { $date = sprintf('%s-%s-01', $year, $month); if ($day) { $date = sprintf('%s-%s-%s', $year, $month, $day); } } else { $date = sprintf('%s-01-01', $year); } $obj = DBDatetime::create('date'); $obj->setValue($date); return $obj; } return null; } /** * Returns a link to the RSS feed. * * @return string */ public function getRSSLink() { return $this->Link('rss'); } /** * Displays an RSS feed of the given blog posts. * * @param DataList $blogPosts * @param string $link * * @return string */ protected function rssFeed($blogPosts, $link) { $rss = RSSFeed::create($blogPosts, $link, $this->MetaTitle, $this->MetaDescription); $this->extend('updateRss', $rss); return $rss->outputToBrowser(); } /** * Returns true if the $Rss sub-action for categories/tags has been set to "rss" * * @return bool */ protected function isRSS() { $rss = $this->request->param('Rss'); return (is_string($rss) && strcasecmp($rss, 'rss') == 0); } }