Title = "imported blog"; // write it! $bholder->write(); $bholder->publish("Stage", "Live"); // get the typo articles $result = pg_query($dbconn, "SELECT * FROM contents WHERE type='Article'"); while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result)) { // title [1] // author [2] // body [3] // body_html [4] (type rendered and cached the html here. This is the preferred blog entry content for migration) // keywords (space separated) [7] (tags table is just a list of the unique variants of these keywords) // created_at [8] // permalink [12] (this is like the url in sitetree, prolly not needed) // email [18] (address of the commenter) // url [19] (url of the commenter) $title = $row[1]; $author = $row[2]; $blog_entry = $row[4]; $keywords = $row[7]; $created_at = $row[8]; // sometimes it's empty. If it is, grab the body if ($blog_entry == ""){ // use "body" $blog_entry = $row[3]; } echo "blog_entry: $blog_entry"; echo "
\n"; // put the typo blog entry in the SS database $newEntry = new BlogEntry(); $newEntry->Title = $title; $newEntry->Author = $author; $newEntry->Content = $blog_entry; $newEntry->Tags = $keywords; $newEntry->Date = $created_at; // tie each blog entry back to the blogholder we created initially $newEntry->ParentID = $bholder->ID; // write it! $newEntry->write(); $newEntry->publish("Stage", "Live"); // grab the id so we can get the comments $old_article_id = $row[0]; // get the comments $result2 = pg_query($dbconn, "SELECT * FROM contents WHERE type = 'Comment' AND article_id = $old_article_id"); while ($row2 = pg_fetch_row($result2)) { // grab the body_html $comment = $row2[4]; // sometimes it's empty. If it is, grab the body if ($comment == ""){ // use "body" $comment = $row2[3]; } $Cauthor = $row2[2]; $Ccreated_at = $row2[8]; // put the typo blog comment in the SS database $newCEntry = new PageComment(); $newCEntry->Name = $Cauthor; $newCEntry->Comment = $comment; $newCEntry->Created = $created_at; // need to grab the newly inserted blog entry's id $newCEntry->ParentID = $newEntry->ID; // write it! $newCEntry->write(); echo "comment: $comment"; echo "
\n"; } $newEntry->flushCache(); // fix up the specialchars pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"×\", \"x\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"’\", \"’\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"‘\", \"‘\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"—\", \"—\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"“\", \"“\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"”\", \"”\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"–\", \"–\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"—\", \"—\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"…\", \"…\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"™\", \"™\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"&\", \"&\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"×\", \"x\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"’\", \"’\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"‘\", \"‘\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"—\", \"—\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"“\", \"“\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"”\", \"”\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"–\", \"–\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"—\", \"—\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"…\", \"…\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"™\", \"™\")"); pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"&\", \"&\")"); } pg_close($dbconn); } // end function } // end class