en: ArchiveWidget: DispBY: 'Display by' MONTH: month PLURALNAME: 'Archive Widgets' SINGULARNAME: 'Archive Widget' YEAR: year BlogEntry: AU: Author BBH: 'BBCode help' CN: Content DESCRIPTION: 'An individual blog entry' DT: Date PLURALNAME: 'Blog Entry Pages' SINGULARNAME: 'Blog Entry Page' TS: 'Tags (comma sep.)' BlogEntry_ss: COMMENTS: Comments EDITTHIS: 'Edit this post' POSTEDBY: 'Posted by' POSTEDON: 'on' TAGS: 'Tags:' UNPUBLISHTHIS: 'Unpublish this post' VIEWALLPOSTTAGGED: 'View all posts tagged' BlogHolder: DESCRIPTION: 'Displays listings of blog entries' PLURALNAME: 'Blog Holder Pages' POST: 'Post blog entry' RSSFEED: 'RSS feed of these blogs' SINGULARNAME: 'Blog Holder Page' SJ: Subject SPUC: 'Please separate tags using commas.' SUCCONTENT: '

Congratulations, the SilverStripe blog module has been successfully installed. This blog entry can be safely deleted. You can configure aspects of your blog in the CMS.

' SUCTAGS: 'silverstripe, blog' SUCTITLE: 'SilverStripe blog module successfully installed' TE: 'For example: sport, personal, science fiction' BlogHolder_ss: NOENTRIES: 'There are no blog entries' VIEWINGPOSTEDBY: 'Viewing entries posted by' VIEWINGPOSTEDIN: 'Viewing entries posted in' VIEWINGTAGGED: 'Viewing entries tagged with' BlogManagementWidget: COMADM: 'Comment administration' PLURALNAME: 'Blog Management Widgets' SINGULARNAME: 'Blog Management Widget' UNM1: 'You have 1 unmoderated comment' UNMM: 'You have %i unmoderated comments' BlogManagementWidget_ss: LOGOUT: Logout POSTNEW: 'Post a new blog entry' BlogPostMeta_ss: AND: and By: by 'ON': 'on' POSTED: posted BlogSummary_ss: POSTEDBY: 'Posted by' POSTEDON: 'on' READFULLPOST: 'Read the full post' TAGS: Tags VIEWFULL: 'View full post titled -' BlogTree: DESCRIPTION: 'A grouping of blogs' PLURALNAME: 'Blog Tree Pages' SINGULARNAME: 'Blog Tree Page' BlogTree_ss: NOENTRIES: 'There are no blog entries' VIEWINGPOSTEDBY: 'Viewing entries posted by' VIEWINGPOSTEDIN: 'Viewing entries posted in' VIEWINGTAGGED: 'Viewing entries tagged with' RSSWidget: CT: 'Custom title for the feed' DEFAULTTITLE: 'RSS Feed' NTS: 'Number of Items to show' PLURALNAME: 'R S S Widgets' SINGULARNAME: 'R S S Widget' URL: 'URL of the other page''s RSS feed. Please make sure this URL points to an RSS feed.' SubscribeRSSWidget: PLURALNAME: 'Subscribe R S S Widgets' SINGULARNAME: 'Subscribe R S S Widget' SubscribeRSSWidget_ss: SUBSCRIBETEXT: Subscribe SUBSCRIBETITLE: 'Subscribe to this blog via RSS' TagCloudWidget: DEFAULTTITLE: 'Tag Cloud' LIMIT: 'Limit number of tags' PLURALNAME: 'Tag Cloud Widgets' SBAL: alphabet SBFREQ: frequency SINGULARNAME: 'Tag Cloud Widget' SORTBY: 'Sort by' TILE: Title