'Boolean', 'ShowFullEntry' => 'Boolean', ); private static $has_one = array( 'Owner' => 'Member', ); private static $allowed_children = array( 'BlogEntry' ); function getCMSFields() { $blogOwners = $this->blogOwners(); SiteTree::disableCMSFieldsExtensions(); $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); SiteTree::enableCMSFieldsExtensions(); $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.Main', DropdownField::create('OwnerID', 'Blog owner', $blogOwners->map('ID', 'Name')->toArray()) ->setEmptyString('(None)') ->setHasEmptyDefault(true), "Content" ); $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new CheckboxField('AllowCustomAuthors', 'Allow non-admins to have a custom author field'), "Content"); $fields->addFieldToTab( "Root.Main", CheckboxField::create("ShowFullEntry", "Show Full Entry") ->setDescription('Show full content in overviews rather than summary'), "Content" ); $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields); return $fields; } /** * Get members who have BLOGMANAGEMENT and ADMIN permission */ function blogOwners($sort = array('FirstName'=>'ASC','Surname'=>'ASC'), $direction = null) { $members = Permission::get_members_by_permission(array('ADMIN','BLOGMANAGEMENT')); $members->sort($sort); $this->extend('extendBlogOwners', $members); return $members; } public function BlogHolderIDs() { return array( $this->ID ); } /* * @todo: These next few functions don't really belong in the model. Can we remove them? */ /** * Only display the blog entries that have the specified tag */ function ShowTag() { if($this->request->latestParam('Action') == 'tag') { return Convert::raw2xml(Director::urlParam('ID')); } } /** * Check if url has "/post" */ function isPost() { return $this->request->latestParam('Action') == 'post'; } /** * Link for creating a new blog entry */ function postURL(){ return $this->Link('post'); } /** * Returns true if the current user is an admin, or is the owner of this blog * * @return Boolean */ function IsOwner() { return (Permission::check('BLOGMANAGEMENT') || Permission::check('ADMIN')); } /** * Create default blog setup */ function requireDefaultRecords() { parent::requireDefaultRecords(); // Skip creation of default records if(!self::config()->create_default_pages) return; if(!BlogHolder::get()->exists()) { $blogholder = new BlogHolder(); $blogholder->Title = "Blog"; $blogholder->URLSegment = "blog"; $blogholder->Status = "Published"; $blogholder->write(); $blogholder->publish("Stage", "Live"); // Add default widgets to first found WidgetArea relationship if(class_exists('WidgetArea')) { foreach($this->has_one() as $name => $class) { if($class == 'WidgetArea' || is_subclass_of($class, 'WidgetArea')) { $relationName = "{$name}ID"; $widgetarea = new WidgetArea(); $widgetarea->write(); $blogholder->$relationName = $widgetarea->ID; $blogholder->write(); $blogholder->publish("Stage", "Live"); $managementwidget = new BlogManagementWidget(); $managementwidget->ParentID = $widgetarea->ID; $managementwidget->write(); $tagcloudwidget = new TagCloudWidget(); $tagcloudwidget->ParentID = $widgetarea->ID; $tagcloudwidget->write(); $archivewidget = new ArchiveWidget(); $archivewidget->ParentID = $widgetarea->ID; $archivewidget->write(); $widgetarea->write(); break; // only apply to one } } } DB::alteration_message("Blog holder created","created"); } if(!BlogEntry::get()->exists()) { $blog = new BlogEntry(); $blog->Title = _t('BlogHolder.SUCTITLE', "SilverStripe blog module successfully installed"); $blog->URLSegment = 'sample-blog-entry'; $blog->Tags = _t('BlogHolder.SUCTAGS',"silverstripe, blog"); $blog->Content = _t('BlogHolder.SUCCONTENT',"

Congratulations, the SilverStripe blog module has been successfully installed. This blog entry can be safely deleted. You can configure aspects of your blog in the CMS.

"); $blog->Status = "Published"; $blog->ParentID = BlogHolder::get()->first()->ID; $blog->write(); $blog->publish("Stage", "Live"); DB::alteration_message("Blog entry created","created"); } } function providePermissions() { return array("BLOGMANAGEMENT" => "Blog management"); } } class BlogHolder_Controller extends BlogTree_Controller { private static $allowed_actions = array( 'index', 'tag', 'date', 'metaweblog', 'postblog' => 'BLOGMANAGEMENT', 'post', 'BlogEntryForm' => 'BLOGMANAGEMENT', ); function init() { parent::init(); Requirements::themedCSS("bbcodehelp"); } /** * Return list of usable tags for help */ function BBTags() { return BBCodeParser::usable_tags(); } /** * Post a new blog entry */ function post(){ if(!Permission::check('BLOGMANAGEMENT')) return Security::permissionFailure(); $page = $this->customise(array( 'Content' => false, 'Form' => $this->BlogEntryForm() )); return $page->renderWith('Page'); } /** * A simple form for creating blog entries */ function BlogEntryForm() { if(!Permission::check('BLOGMANAGEMENT')) return Security::permissionFailure(); $id = 0; if($this->request->latestParam('ID')) { $id = (int) $this->request->latestParam('ID'); } $codeparser = new BBCodeParser(); $membername = Member::currentUser() ? Member::currentUser()->getName() : ""; if(BlogEntry::$allow_wysiwyg_editing) { $contentfield = new HtmlEditorField("BlogPost", _t("BlogEntry.CN")); } else { $contentfield = new CompositeField( new LiteralField("BBCodeHelper",""._t("BlogEntry.BBH")."
" ), new TextareaField("BlogPost", _t("BlogEntry.CN"),20), // This is called BlogPost as the id #Content is generally used already new LiteralField("BBCodeTags","
") ); } if(class_exists('TagField')) { $tagfield = new TagField('Tags', null, null, 'BlogEntry'); $tagfield->setSeparator(', '); } else { $tagfield = new TextField('Tags'); } $field = 'TextField'; if(!$this->AllowCustomAuthors && !Permission::check('ADMIN')) { $field = 'ReadonlyField'; } $fields = new FieldList( new HiddenField("ID", "ID"), new TextField("Title", _t('BlogHolder.SJ', "Subject")), new $field("Author", _t('BlogEntry.AU'), $membername), $contentfield, $tagfield, new LiteralField("Tagsnote"," ") ); $submitAction = new FormAction('postblog', _t('BlogHolder.POST', 'Post blog entry')); $actions = new FieldList($submitAction); $validator = new RequiredFields('Title','BlogPost'); $form = new Form($this, 'BlogEntryForm',$fields, $actions,$validator); if($id != 0) { $entry = DataObject::get_by_id('BlogEntry', $id); if($entry->IsOwner()) { $form->loadDataFrom($entry); $form->Fields()->fieldByName('BlogPost')->setValue($entry->Content); } } else { $form->loadDataFrom(array("Author" => Cookie::get("BlogHolder_Name"))); } return $form; } function postblog($data, $form) { if(!Permission::check('BLOGMANAGEMENT')) return Security::permissionFailure(); Cookie::set("BlogHolder_Name", $data['Author']); $blogentry = false; if(isset($data['ID']) && $data['ID']) { $blogentry = DataObject::get_by_id("BlogEntry", $data['ID']); if(!$blogentry->IsOwner()) { unset($blogentry); } } if(!$blogentry) { $blogentry = new BlogEntry(); } $form->saveInto($blogentry); $blogentry->ParentID = $this->ID; $blogentry->Content = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $form->Fields()->fieldByName('BlogPost')->dataValue()); if(Object::has_extension($this->ClassName, 'Translatable')) { $blogentry->Locale = $this->Locale; } $oldMode = Versioned::get_reading_mode(); Versioned::reading_stage('Stage'); $blogentry->write(); $blogentry->publish("Stage", "Live"); Versioned::set_reading_mode($oldMode); $this->redirect($this->Link()); } }