en: JonoM\BetterNavigator: VIEWING_LIVE: 'Live' VIEWING_DRAFT: 'Draft' VIEWING_ARCHIVED: 'Archived' DEVELOPER_TOOLS_HEADING: 'Developer tools' DEBUGGING_HEADING: 'Debugging' RESTORE_LABEL: 'Restore' VIEW_LIVE_LABEL: 'View live' NOT_YET_PUBLISHED_LABEL: 'Not yet published' VIEW_DRAFT_LABEL: 'View draft' DELETED_FROM_DRAFT_SITE_LABEL: 'Deleted from draft site' EDIT_IN_CMS_LABEL: 'Edit in CMS' LOG_OUT_LABEL: 'Log out' LOG_IN_LABEL: 'Log in' DEV_MOVE_ON_LABEL: 'Dev mode on' DEV_MODE_LABEL: 'Dev mode' FLUSH_CACHE_LABEL: 'Flush caches' BUILD_DATABASE_LABEL: 'Build database' DEV_MENU_LABEL: 'Dev menu' SHOW_TEMPLATE_LABEL: 'Show template' SHOW_METRICS_LABEL: 'Show metrics' DEBUG_PAGE_LABEL: 'Debug page' DEBUG_REQUEST_LABEL: 'Debug request' DEBUG_FAILOVER_LABEL: 'Debug failover' SHOW_QUERIES_LABEL: 'Show queries' PREVIEW_WRITE_LABEL: 'Preview write' END_DEV_MODE_TITLE: 'Log out to end Dev Mode' FLUSH_CACHE_TITLE: 'Flush templates and manifest, and regenerate images for this page (behaviour varies by Framework version)' BUILD_DATABASE_TITLE: 'Build database and flush caches (excludes template caches pre SS-3.1.7)' SHOW_TEMPLATE_TITLE: 'Show the compiled version of all the templates used, including line numbers. Good when you have a syntax error in a template. Cannot be used on a Live site without isDev' EXEC_METRIC_TITLE: 'Display the execution time and peak memory usage for the request' DEBUG_PAGE_TITLE: 'Show a collection of debugging information about the director / controller operation' DEBUG_REQUEST_TITLE: 'Show all steps of the request from initial HTTPRequest to Controller to Template Rendering' DEBUG_FAILOVER_TITLE: 'Shows failover methods from classes extended' SHOW_QUERIES_TITLE: 'List all SQL queries executed' PREVIEW_WRITE_TITLE: "List all insert / update SQL queries, and don't execute them. Useful for previewing writes to the database"