Ingo Schommer ff86bde036 Step definitions for table interactions
Moved from framework module which had GridField specific steps under the same naming.
Made them more versatile, working for both GridField and other <table> nodes.
2014-06-13 15:05:32 +12:00

754 lines
24 KiB

namespace SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Context;
use Behat\Behat\Context\ClosuredContextInterface,
use Behat\Mink\Driver\Selenium2Driver;
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode,
// PHPUnit
require_once 'PHPUnit/Autoload.php';
require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework/Assert/Functions.php';
* BasicContext
* Context used to define generic steps like following anchors or pressing buttons.
* Handles timeouts.
* Handles redirections.
* Handles AJAX enabled links, buttons and forms - jQuery is assumed.
class BasicContext extends BehatContext
protected $context;
* Date format in date() syntax
* @var String
protected $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
* Time format in date() syntax
* @var String
protected $timeFormat = 'H:i:s';
* Date/time format in date() syntax
* @var String
protected $datetimeFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
* Initializes context.
* Every scenario gets it's own context object.
* @param array $parameters context parameters (set them up through behat.yml)
public function __construct(array $parameters)
// Initialize your context here
$this->context = $parameters;
* Get Mink session from MinkContext
public function getSession($name = null)
return $this->getMainContext()->getSession($name);
* @AfterStep ~@modal
* Excluding scenarios with @modal tag is required,
* because modal dialogs stop any JS interaction
public function appendErrorHandlerBeforeStep(StepEvent $event)
$javascript = <<<JS
window.onerror = function(msg) {
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
body.setAttribute('data-jserrors', '[captured JavaScript error] ' + msg);
if ('undefined' !== typeof window.jQuery) {
window.jQuery('body').ajaxError(function(event, jqxhr, settings, exception) {
if ('abort' === exception) return;
window.onerror(event.type + ': ' + settings.type + ' ' + settings.url + ' ' + exception + ' ' + jqxhr.responseText);
* @AfterStep ~@modal
* Excluding scenarios with @modal tag is required,
* because modal dialogs stop any JS interaction
public function readErrorHandlerAfterStep(StepEvent $event)
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$jserrors = $page->find('xpath', '//body[@data-jserrors]');
if (null !== $jserrors) {
file_put_contents('php://stderr', $jserrors->getAttribute('data-jserrors') . PHP_EOL);
$javascript = <<<JS
(function() {
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
* Hook into jQuery ajaxStart, ajaxSuccess and ajaxComplete events.
* Prepare __ajaxStatus() functions and attach them to these handlers.
* Event handlers are removed after one run.
* @BeforeStep
public function handleAjaxBeforeStep(StepEvent $event)
$ajaxEnabledSteps = $this->getMainContext()->getAjaxSteps();
$ajaxEnabledSteps = implode('|', array_filter($ajaxEnabledSteps));
if (empty($ajaxEnabledSteps) || !preg_match('/(' . $ajaxEnabledSteps . ')/i', $event->getStep()->getText())) {
$javascript = <<<JS
if ('undefined' !== typeof window.jQuery && 'undefined' !== typeof window.jQuery.fn.on) {
window.jQuery(document).on('', function(){
window.__ajaxStatus = function() {
return 'waiting';
window.jQuery(document).on('', function(e, jqXHR){
if (null === jqXHR.getResponseHeader('X-ControllerURL')) {
window.__ajaxStatus = function() {
return 'no ajax';
window.jQuery(document).on('', function(e, jqXHR){
if (null === jqXHR.getResponseHeader('X-ControllerURL')) {
window.__ajaxStatus = function() {
return 'success';
$this->getSession()->wait(500); // give browser a chance to process and render response
* Wait for the __ajaxStatus()to return anything but 'waiting'.
* Don't wait longer than 5 seconds.
* Don't unregister handler if we're dealing with modal windows
* @AfterStep ~@modal
public function handleAjaxAfterStep(StepEvent $event)
$ajaxEnabledSteps = $this->getMainContext()->getAjaxSteps();
$ajaxEnabledSteps = implode('|', array_filter($ajaxEnabledSteps));
if (empty($ajaxEnabledSteps) || !preg_match('/(' . $ajaxEnabledSteps . ')/i', $event->getStep()->getText())) {
$javascript = <<<JS
if ('undefined' !== typeof window.jQuery && 'undefined' !== typeof {
public function handleAjaxTimeout()
$timeoutMs = $this->getMainContext()->getAjaxTimeout();
// Wait for an ajax request to complete, but only for a maximum of 5 seconds to avoid deadlocks
"(typeof window.__ajaxStatus !== 'undefined' ? window.__ajaxStatus() : 'no ajax') !== 'waiting'"
// wait additional 100ms to allow DOM to update
* Take screenshot when step fails.
* Works only with Selenium2Driver.
* @AfterStep
public function takeScreenshotAfterFailedStep(StepEvent $event)
if (4 === $event->getResult()) {
* Delete any created files and folders from assets directory
* @AfterScenario @assets
public function cleanAssetsAfterScenario(ScenarioEvent $event)
foreach(\File::get() as $file) {
if(file_exists($file->getFullPath())) $file->delete();
public function takeScreenshot(StepEvent $event) {
$driver = $this->getSession()->getDriver();
// quit silently when unsupported
if (!($driver instanceof Selenium2Driver)) {
$parent = $event->getLogicalParent();
$feature = $parent->getFeature();
$step = $event->getStep();
$screenshotPath = null;
$path = $this->getMainContext()->getScreenshotPath();
if(!$path) return; // quit silently when path is not set
$path = realpath($path);
if (!file_exists($path)) {
file_put_contents('php://stderr', sprintf('"%s" is not valid directory and failed to create it' . PHP_EOL, $path));
if (file_exists($path) && !is_dir($path)) {
file_put_contents('php://stderr', sprintf('"%s" is not valid directory' . PHP_EOL, $path));
if (file_exists($path) && !is_writable($path)) {
file_put_contents('php://stderr', sprintf('"%s" directory is not writable' . PHP_EOL, $path));
$path = sprintf('%s/%s_%d.png', $path, basename($feature->getFile()), $step->getLine());
$screenshot = $driver->getWebDriverSession()->screenshot();
file_put_contents($path, base64_decode($screenshot));
file_put_contents('php://stderr', sprintf('Saving screenshot into %s' . PHP_EOL, $path));
* @Then /^I should be redirected to "([^"]+)"/
public function stepIShouldBeRedirectedTo($url)
if ($this->getMainContext()->canIntercept()) {
$client = $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getClient();
$url = $this->getMainContext()->joinUrlParts($this->context['base_url'], $url);
assertTrue($this->getMainContext()->isCurrentUrlSimilarTo($url), sprintf('Current URL is not %s', $url));
* @Given /^the page can't be found/
public function stepPageCantBeFound()
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
// Content from ErrorPage default record
$page->hasContent('Page not found')
// Generic ModelAsController message
|| $page->hasContent('The requested page could not be found')
* @Given /^I wait (?:for )?([\d\.]+) second(?:s?)$/
public function stepIWaitFor($secs)
* @Given /^I press the "([^"]*)" button$/
public function stepIPressTheButton($button)
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$els = $page->findAll('named', array('link_or_button', "'$button'"));
$matchedEl = null;
foreach($els as $el) {
if($el->isVisible()) $matchedEl = $el;
assertNotNull($matchedEl, sprintf('%s button not found', $button));
* Needs to be in single command to avoid "unexpected alert open" errors in Selenium.
* Example1: I press the "Remove current combo" button, confirming the dialog
* Example2: I follow the "Remove current combo" link, confirming the dialog
* @Given /^I (?:press|follow) the "([^"]*)" (?:button|link), confirming the dialog$/
public function stepIPressTheButtonConfirmingTheDialog($button)
* Needs to be in single command to avoid "unexpected alert open" errors in Selenium.
* Example: I follow the "Remove current combo" link, dismissing the dialog
* @Given /^I (?:press|follow) the "([^"]*)" (?:button|link), dismissing the dialog$/
public function stepIPressTheButtonDismissingTheDialog($button)
* @Given /^I click "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" element$/
public function iClickInTheElement($text, $selector)
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$parentElement = $page->find('css', $selector);
assertNotNull($parentElement, sprintf('"%s" element not found', $selector));
$element = $parentElement->find('xpath', sprintf('//*[count(*)=0 and contains(.,"%s")]', $text));
assertNotNull($element, sprintf('"%s" not found', $text));
* @Given /^I type "([^"]*)" into the dialog$/
public function iTypeIntoTheDialog($data)
$data = array(
'text' => $data,
* @Given /^I confirm the dialog$/
public function iConfirmTheDialog()
* @Given /^I dismiss the dialog$/
public function iDismissTheDialog()
* @Given /^(?:|I )attach the file "(?P<path>[^"]*)" to "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" with HTML5$/
public function iAttachTheFileTo($field, $path)
// Remove wrapped button styling to make input field accessible to Selenium
$js = <<<JS
var input = jQuery('[name="$field"]');
if(input.closest('.ss-uploadfield-item-info').length) {
while(!input.parent().is('.ss-uploadfield-item-info')) input = input.unwrap();
return new Step\Given(sprintf('I attach the file "%s" to "%s"', $path, $field));
* Select an individual input from within a group, matched by the top-most label.
* @Given /^I select "([^"]*)" from "([^"]*)" input group$/
public function iSelectFromInputGroup($value, $labelText) {
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$parent = null;
foreach($page->findAll('css', 'label') as $label) {
if($label->getText() == $labelText) {
$parent = $label->getParent();
if(!$parent) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Input group with label "%s" cannot be found', $labelText));
foreach($parent->findAll('css', 'label') as $option) {
if($option->getText() == $value) {
$for = $option->getAttribute('for');
$input = $parent->findById($for);
if(!$input) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Input "%s" cannot be found', $value));
* Pauses the scenario until the user presses a key. Useful when debugging a scenario.
* @Then /^(?:|I )put a breakpoint$/
public function iPutABreakpoint()
fwrite(STDOUT, "\033[s \033[93m[Breakpoint] Press \033[1;93m[RETURN]\033[0;93m to continue...\033[0m");
while (fgets(STDIN, 1024) == '') {}
fwrite(STDOUT, "\033[u");
* Transforms relative time statements compatible with strtotime().
* Example: "time of 1 hour ago" might return "22:00:00" if its currently "23:00:00".
* Customize through {@link setTimeFormat()}.
* @Transform /^(?:(the|a)) time of (?<val>.*)$/
public function castRelativeToAbsoluteTime($prefix, $val) {
$timestamp = strtotime($val);
if(!$timestamp) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
"Can't resolve '%s' into a valid datetime value",
return date($this->timeFormat, $timestamp);
* Transforms relative date and time statements compatible with strtotime().
* Example: "datetime of 2 days ago" might return "2013-10-10 22:00:00" if its currently
* the 12th of October 2013. Customize through {@link setDatetimeFormat()}.
* @Transform /^(?:(the|a)) datetime of (?<val>.*)$/
public function castRelativeToAbsoluteDatetime($prefix, $val) {
$timestamp = strtotime($val);
if(!$timestamp) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
"Can't resolve '%s' into a valid datetime value",
return date($this->datetimeFormat, $timestamp);
* Transforms relative date statements compatible with strtotime().
* Example: "date 2 days ago" might return "2013-10-10" if its currently
* the 12th of October 2013. Customize through {@link setDateFormat()}.
* @Transform /^(?:(the|a)) date of (?<val>.*)$/
public function castRelativeToAbsoluteDate($prefix, $val) {
$timestamp = strtotime($val);
if(!$timestamp) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
"Can't resolve '%s' into a valid datetime value",
return date($this->dateFormat, $timestamp);
public function getDateFormat() {
return $this->dateFormat;
public function setDateFormat($format) {
$this->dateFormat = $format;
public function getTimeFormat() {
return $this->timeFormat;
public function setTimeFormat($format) {
$this->timeFormat = $format;
public function getDatetimeFormat() {
return $this->datetimeFormat;
public function setDatetimeFormat($format) {
$this->datetimeFormat = $format;
* Checks that field with specified in|name|label|value is disabled.
* Example: Then the field "Email" should be disabled
* Example: Then the "Email" field should be disabled
* @Then /^the "(?P<name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" (?P<type>(?:(field|button))) should (?P<negate>(?:(not |)))be disabled/
* @Then /^the (?P<type>(?:(field|button))) "(?P<name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" should (?P<negate>(?:(not |)))be disabled/
public function stepFieldShouldBeDisabled($name, $type, $negate) {
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
if($type == 'field') {
$element = $page->findField($name);
} else {
$element = $page->find('named', array(
'button', $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral($name)
assertNotNull($element, sprintf("Element '%s' not found", $name));
$disabledAttribute = $element->getAttribute('disabled');
if(trim($negate)) {
assertNull($disabledAttribute, sprintf("Failed asserting element '%s' is not disabled", $name));
} else {
assertNotNull($disabledAttribute, sprintf("Failed asserting element '%s' is disabled", $name));
* Checks that checkbox with specified in|name|label|value is enabled.
* Example: Then the field "Email" should be enabled
* Example: Then the "Email" field should be enabled
* @Then /^the "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" field should be enabled/
* @Then /^the field "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" should be enabled/
public function stepFieldShouldBeEnabled($field) {
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$fieldElement = $page->findField($field);
assertNotNull($fieldElement, sprintf("Field '%s' not found", $field));
$disabledAttribute = $fieldElement->getAttribute('disabled');
assertNull($disabledAttribute, sprintf("Failed asserting field '%s' is enabled", $field));
* Clicks a link in a specific region (an element identified by a CSS selector, a "data-title" attribute,
* or a named region mapped to a CSS selector via Behat configuration).
* Example: Given I follow "Select" in the "header .login-form" region
* Example: Given I follow "Select" in the "My Login Form" region
* @Given /^I (?:follow|click) "(?P<link>[^"]*)" in the "(?P<region>[^"]*)" region$/
public function iFollowInTheRegion($link, $region) {
$context = $this->getMainContext();
$regionObj = $context->getRegionObj($region);
$linkObj = $regionObj->findLink($link);
if (empty($linkObj)) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf('The link "%s" was not found in the region "%s" on the page %s', $link, $region, $this->getSession()->getCurrentUrl()));
* Fills in a field in a specfic region similar to (@see iFollowInTheRegion or @see iSeeTextInRegion)
* Example: Given I fill in "Hello" with "World"
* @Given /^I fill in "(?P<field>[^"]*)" with "(?P<value>[^"]*)" in the "(?P<region>[^"]*)" region$/
public function iFillinTheRegion($field, $value, $region){
$context = $this->getMainContext();
$regionObj = $context->getRegionObj($region);
assertNotNull($regionObj, "Region Object is null");
$fieldObj = $regionObj->findField($field);
if (empty($fieldObj)) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf('The field "%s" was not found in the region "%s" on the page %s', $field, $region, $this->getSession()->getCurrentUrl()));
$regionObj->fillField($field, $value);
* Asserts text in a specific region (an element identified by a CSS selector, a "data-title" attribute,
* or a named region mapped to a CSS selector via Behat configuration).
* Supports regular expressions in text value.
* Example: Given I should see "My Text" in the "header .login-form" region
* Example: Given I should not see "My Text" in the "My Login Form" region
* @Given /^I should (?P<negate>(?:(not |)))see "(?P<text>[^"]*)" in the "(?P<region>[^"]*)" region$/
public function iSeeTextInRegion($negate, $text, $region) {
$context = $this->getMainContext();
$regionObj = $context->getRegionObj($region);
$actual = $regionObj->getText();
$actual = preg_replace('/\s+/u', ' ', $actual);
$regex = '/'.preg_quote($text, '/').'/ui';
if(trim($negate)) {
if (preg_match($regex, $actual)) {
$message = sprintf(
'The text "%s" was found in the text of the "%s" region on the page %s.',
throw new \Exception($message);
} else {
if (!preg_match($regex, $actual)) {
$message = sprintf(
'The text "%s" was not found anywhere in the text of the "%s" region on the page %s.',
throw new \Exception($message);
* Selects the specified radio button
* @Given /^I select the "([^"]*)" radio button$/
public function iSelectTheRadioButton($radioLabel) {
$session = $this->getSession();
$radioButton = $session->getPage()->find('named', array(
'radio', $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral($radioLabel)
* @Then /^the "([^"]*)" table should contain "([^"]*)"$/
public function theTableShouldContain($selector, $text) {
$table = $this->getTable($selector);
$element = $table->find('named', array('content', "'$text'"));
assertNotNull($element, sprintf('Element containing `%s` not found in `%s` table', $text, $selector));
* @Then /^the "([^"]*)" table should not contain "([^"]*)"$/
public function theTableShouldNotContain($selector, $text) {
$table = $this->getTable($selector);
$element = $table->find('named', array('content', "'$text'"));
assertNull($element, sprintf('Element containing `%s` not found in `%s` table', $text, $selector));
* @Given /^I click on "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" table$/
public function iClickOnInTheTable($text, $selector) {
$table = $this->getTable($selector);
$element = $table->find('xpath', sprintf('//*[count(*)=0 and contains(.,"%s")]', $text));
assertNotNull($element, sprintf('Element containing `%s` not found', $text));
* Finds the first visible table by various factors:
* - table[id]
* - table[title]
* - table *[class=title]
* - fieldset[data-name] table
* - table caption
* @return Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
protected function getTable($selector) {
$selector = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral($selector);
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$candidates = $page->findAll(
"xpath", ".//table[(./@id = $selector or contains(./@title, $selector))]"
// Find tables by a <caption> field
$candidates += $page->findAll('xpath', "//table//caption[contains(normalize-space(string(.)), $selector)]/ancestor-or-self::table[1]");
// Find tables by a .title node
$candidates += $page->findAll('xpath', "//table//*[@class='title' and contains(normalize-space(string(.)), $selector)]/ancestor-or-self::table[1]");
// Some tables don't have a visible title, so look for a fieldset with data-name instead
$candidates += $page->findAll('xpath', "//fieldset[@data-name=$selector]//table");
assertTrue((bool)$candidates, 'Could not find any table elements');
$table = null;
foreach($candidates as $candidate) {
if(!$table && $candidate->isVisible()) {
$table = $candidate;
assertTrue((bool)$table, 'Found table elements, but none are visible');
return $table;