context = $parameters; } public function getSession($name = null) { return $this->getMainContext()->getSession($name); } /** * @return \FixtureFactory */ public function getFixtureFactory() { if(!$this->fixtureFactory) { $this->fixtureFactory = \Injector::inst()->create('FixtureFactory', 'FixtureContextFactory'); } return $this->fixtureFactory; } /** * @param \FixtureFactory $factory */ public function setFixtureFactory(\FixtureFactory $factory) { $this->fixtureFactory = $factory; } /** * @param String */ public function setFilesPath($path) { $this->filesPath = $path; } /** * @return String */ public function getFilesPath() { return $this->filesPath; } /** * @BeforeScenario @database-defaults */ public function beforeDatabaseDefaults(ScenarioEvent $event) { \SapphireTest::empty_temp_db(); \DB::getConn()->quiet(); $dataClasses = \ClassInfo::subclassesFor('DataObject'); array_shift($dataClasses); foreach ($dataClasses as $dataClass) { \singleton($dataClass)->requireDefaultRecords(); } } /** * @AfterScenario */ public function afterResetDatabase(ScenarioEvent $event) { \SapphireTest::empty_temp_db(); } /** * @AfterScenario */ public function afterResetAssets(ScenarioEvent $event) { if (is_array($this->createdFilesPaths)) { $createdFiles = array_reverse($this->createdFilesPaths); foreach ($createdFiles as $path) { if (is_dir($path)) { \Filesystem::removeFolder($path); } else { @unlink($path); } } } } /** * Example: Given a page "Page 1" * * @Given /^(?:(an|a|the) )(?[^"]+)"(?[^"]+)"$/ */ public function stepCreateRecord($type, $id) { $class = $this->convertTypeToClass($type); if(is_a($class, 'File', true)) { $fields = $this->prepareAsset($class, $id); var_dump($fields); } else { $fields = array(); } $this->fixtureFactory->createObject($class, $id, $fields); } /** * Example: Given a page "Page 1" with "URL"="page-1" and "Content"="my page 1" * * @Given /^(?:(an|a|the) )(?[^"]+)"(?[^"]+)" with (?.*)$/ */ public function stepCreateRecordWithData($type, $id, $data) { $class = $this->convertTypeToClass($type); preg_match_all( '/"(?[^"]+)"\s*=\s*"(?[^"]+)"/', $data, $matches ); $fields = $this->convertFields( $class, array_combine($matches['key'], $matches['value']) ); if(is_a($class, 'File', true)) { $fields = $this->prepareAsset($class, $id, $fields); } $this->fixtureFactory->createObject($class, $id, $fields); } /** * Example: And the page "Page 2" has the following data * | Content | | * | My Property | foo | * | My Boolean | bar | * * @Given /^(?:(an|a|the) )(?[^"]+)"(?[^"]+)" has the following data$/ */ public function stepCreateRecordWithTable($type, $id, $null, TableNode $fieldsTable) { $class = $this->convertTypeToClass($type); // TODO Support more than one record $fields = $this->convertFields($class, $fieldsTable->getRowsHash()); if(is_a($class, 'File', true)) { $fields = $this->prepareAsset($class, $id, $fields); } $this->fixtureFactory->createObject($class, $id, $fields); } /** * Example: Given the page "Page 1.1" is a child of the page "Page1" * * @Given /^(?:(an|a|the) )(?[^"]+)"(?[^"]+)" is a (?[^\s]*) of (?:(an|a|the) )(?[^"]+)"(?[^"]+)"/ */ public function stepUpdateRecordRelation($type, $id, $relation, $relationType, $relationId) { $class = $this->convertTypeToClass($type); $relationClass = $this->convertTypeToClass($relationType); $obj = $this->fixtureFactory->get($class, $id); if(!$obj) $obj = $this->fixtureFactory->createObject($class, $id); $relationObj = $this->fixtureFactory->get($relationClass, $relationId); if(!$relationObj) $relationObj = $this->fixtureFactory->createObject($relationClass, $relationId); switch($relation) { case 'parent': $relationObj->ParentID = $obj->ID; $relationObj->write(); break; case 'child': $obj->ParentID = $relationObj->ID; $obj->write(); break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Invalid relation "%s"', $relation )); } } /** * Example: Given the page "Page 1" is not published * * @Given /^(?:(an|a|the) )(?[^"]+)"(?[^"]+)" is (?[^"]*)$/ */ public function stepUpdateRecordState($type, $id, $state) { $class = $this->convertTypeToClass($type); $obj = $this->fixtureFactory->get($class, $id); if(!$obj) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Can not find record "%s" with identifier "%s"', $type, $id )); } switch($state) { case 'published': $obj->publish('Stage', 'Live'); break; case 'not published': case 'unpublished': $oldMode = \Versioned::get_reading_mode(); \Versioned::reading_stage('Live'); $clone = clone $obj; $clone->delete(); \Versioned::reading_stage($oldMode); break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Invalid state: "%s"', $state )); } } /** * @Given /^there are the following ([^\s]*) records$/ */ public function stepThereAreTheFollowingRecords($dataObject, PyStringNode $string) { $yaml = array_merge(array($dataObject . ':'), $string->getLines()); $yaml = implode("\n ", $yaml); // Save fixtures into database // TODO Run prepareAsset() for each File and Folder record $yamlFixture = new \YamlFixture($yaml); $yamlFixture->writeInto($this->getFixtureFactory()); } protected function prepareAsset($class, $identifier, $data = null) { if(!$data) $data = array(); $relativeTargetPath = (isset($data['Filename'])) ? $data['Filename'] : $identifier; $relativeTargetPath = preg_replace('/^' . ASSETS_DIR . '/', '', $relativeTargetPath); $targetPath = $this->joinPaths(ASSETS_PATH, $relativeTargetPath); $sourcePath = $this->joinPaths($this->getFilesPath(), basename($relativeTargetPath)); // Create file or folder on filesystem if(is_a($class, 'Folder', true)) { $parent = \Folder::find_or_make($relativeTargetPath); } else { if(!file_exists($sourcePath)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Source file for "%s" cannot be found in "%s"', $targetPath, $sourcePath )); } $parent = \Folder::find_or_make(dirname($relativeTargetPath)); copy($sourcePath, $targetPath); } $data['Filename'] = $this->joinPaths(ASSETS_DIR, $relativeTargetPath); if(!isset($data['Name'])) $data['Name'] = basename($relativeTargetPath); $data['ParentID'] = $parent->ID; $this->createdFilesPaths[] = $targetPath; return $data; } /** * Converts a natural language class description to an actual class name. * Respects {@link DataObject::$singular_name} variations. * Example: "redirector page" -> "RedirectorPage" * * @param String * @return String Class name */ protected function convertTypeToClass($type) { $type = trim($type); // Try direct mapping $class = str_replace(' ', '', ucfirst($type)); if(class_exists($class) || !is_a($class, 'DataObject', true)) { return $class; } // Fall back to singular names foreach(array_values(\ClassInfo::subclassesFor('DataObject')) as $candidate) { if(singleton($candidate)->singular_name() == $type) return $candidate; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Class "%s" does not exist, or is not a subclass of DataObjet', $class )); } /** * Updates an object with values, resolving aliases set through * {@link DataObject->fieldLabels()}. * * @param String Class name * @param Array Map of field names or aliases to their values. * @return Array Map of actual object properties to their values. */ protected function convertFields($class, $fields) { $labels = singleton($class)->fieldLabels(); foreach($fields as $fieldName => $fieldVal) { if(array_key_exists($fieldName, $labels)) { unset($fields[$fieldName]); $fields[$labels[$fieldName]] = $fieldVal; } } return $fields; } protected function joinPaths() { $args = func_get_args(); $paths = array(); foreach($args as $arg) $paths = array_merge($paths, (array)$arg); foreach($paths as &$path) $path = trim($path, '/'); if (substr($args[0], 0, 1) == '/') $paths[0] = '/' . $paths[0]; return join('/', $paths); } }