* * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ /** * SilverStripe extension for Behat class. * * Configured by adding `SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Extension` to your behat.yml * * @author Michał Ochman */ class Extension implements ExtensionInterface { /** * Extension configuration ID. */ const SILVERSTRIPE_ID = 'silverstripe_extension'; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getConfigKey() { return self::SILVERSTRIPE_ID; } public function initialize(ExtensionManager $extensionManager) { // Find PHPUnit assertion implementations $found = false; $options = [ BASE_PATH . '/vendor/sminnee/phpunit/src/Framework/Assert/Functions.php', BASE_PATH . '/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/Assert/Functions.php' ]; foreach ($options as $file) { if (file_exists($file ?? '')) { require_once $file; $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { throw new RuntimeException('Could not find PHPUnit installation'); } } public function load(ContainerBuilder $container, array $config) { // Load yml config if ($this->getShouldBootstrap($container)) { $loader = new YamlFileLoader($container, new FileLocator(__DIR__ . '/../config')); $loader->load('silverstripe.yml'); } // Add CLI substitutions $this->loadSuiteLocator($container); $this->loadBootstrapController($container); $this->loadCallHandlers($container, $config['error_reporting'], $config['retry_seconds']); // Set various paths $container->setParameter('silverstripe_extension.admin_url', $config['admin_url']); $container->setParameter('silverstripe_extension.login_url', $config['login_url']); $container->setParameter('silverstripe_extension.screenshot_path', $config['screenshot_path']); $container->setParameter('silverstripe_extension.ajax_timeout', $config['ajax_timeout']); if (isset($config['ajax_steps'])) { $container->setParameter('silverstripe_extension.ajax_steps', $config['ajax_steps']); } if (isset($config['region_map'])) { $container->setParameter('silverstripe_extension.region_map', $config['region_map']); } $container->setParameter('silverstripe_extension.bootstrap_file', $config['bootstrap_file']); $container->setParameter('silverstripe_extension.is_ci', $config['is_ci']); // When running in CI, behat scenarios will occasionally sporadically fail // Replaces services with custom implementations that will rerun failed features // Note that features rather than scenarios need to be rerun to ensure that // everything is setup and torn down correctly and that "Background" bits of // feature fits are rerun if ($config['is_ci']) { $definition = new Definition(RerunRuntimeSuiteTester::class, array( new Reference(TesterExtension::SPECIFICATION_TESTER_ID) )); $container->setDefinition(TesterExtension::SUITE_TESTER_ID, $definition); $definition = new Definition(RerunTotalStatistics::class); $container->setDefinition('output.pretty.statistics', $definition); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function process(ContainerBuilder $container) { if ($this->getShouldBootstrap($container)) { $corePass = new Compiler\CoreInitializationPass(); $corePass->process($container); } } public function configure(ArrayNodeDefinition $builder) { $builder-> children()-> scalarNode('screenshot_path')-> defaultNull()-> end()-> arrayNode('region_map')-> useAttributeAsKey('key')-> prototype('variable')->end()-> end()-> scalarNode('admin_url')-> defaultValue('/admin/')-> end()-> scalarNode('login_url')-> defaultValue('/Security/login')-> end()-> scalarNode('ajax_timeout')-> defaultValue(5000)-> end()-> scalarNode('bootstrap_file')-> defaultNull()-> end()-> scalarNode('error_reporting')-> info('Call executor will catch exceptions matching this level')-> defaultValue(E_ALL | E_STRICT)-> end()-> scalarNode('retry_seconds')-> info('Number of seconds that @retry tags will retry for')-> defaultValue(2)-> end()-> scalarNode('is_ci')-> defaultValue(false)-> end()-> arrayNode('ajax_steps')-> defaultValue(array( 'go to', 'follow', 'press', 'click', 'submit' ))-> prototype('scalar')-> end()-> end()-> end(); } /** * Loads module suite locator. * This is responsible for bootstrapping the module config * for running tests. * * @param ContainerBuilder $container */ protected function loadSuiteLocator(ContainerBuilder $container) { $definition = new Definition(ModuleSuiteLocator::class, [ $container, new Reference(SuiteExtension::REGISTRY_ID) ]); $definition->addTag(CliExtension::CONTROLLER_TAG, ['priority' => 9999]); $container->setDefinition(CliExtension::CONTROLLER_TAG . '.suite', $definition); } /** * Loads suite bootstrap controller. * This is responsible for invoking --init commands for modules. * Replaces the core behat InitializationController * * @see InitializationController * @param ContainerBuilder $container */ protected function loadBootstrapController(ContainerBuilder $container) { $definition = new Definition(ModuleInitialisationController::class, [ $container, new Reference(SuiteExtension::REGISTRY_ID), new Reference(SuiteExtension::BOOTSTRAPPER_ID) ]); $definition->addTag(CliExtension::CONTROLLER_TAG, ['priority' => 900]); $container->setDefinition(CliExtension::CONTROLLER_TAG . '.initialization', $definition); } /** * Shivs in custom call handler * * @param ContainerBuilder $container * @param integer $errorReporting * @param int $retrySeconds */ protected function loadCallHandlers(ContainerBuilder $container, $errorReporting, $retrySeconds) { $definition = new Definition(RetryableCallHandler::class, [$errorReporting, $retrySeconds]); $definition->addTag(CallExtension::CALL_HANDLER_TAG, ['priority' => 50]); $container->setDefinition(CallExtension::CALL_HANDLER_TAG . '.runtime', $definition); } /** * Check whether the extension should bootstrap or not. * The extension should always bootstrap unless the `-h` or `--help` option is passed. */ private function getShouldBootstrap(ContainerBuilder $container): bool { if (!$container->has('cli.input')) { // If the input isn't there for some bizarre reason, just assume we should bootstrap. return true; } /** @var ArgvInput $input */ $input = $container->get('cli.input'); return !$input->hasParameterOption(['--help', '-h']); } }