#Running Behat Tests using Chrome If you would like to run Behat Tests using Google Chrome here are a few steps I went through to get that setup. 1) [Download the Google Chrome Webdriver](http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html?path=2.8/) 2) Unzip the file, and place the chromedriver file in a known location. 3) Now edit the `behat.yml` file and create a new profile for using Chrome by adding the following below the default profile. ``` default_session: selenium2 javascript_session: selenium2 goutte: ~ selenium2: browser: chrome SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Extension: screenshot_path: %behat.paths.base%/_artifacts/screenshots ``` 4) Now we need to use the new webdriver with Selenium. ``` java -jar selenium-server.jar -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver="/path/to/chromedriver" ``` 5) Now run your behat steps with the chrome profile. ``` behat @mysite --profile=chrome ```