handleAjaxBeforeStep(). */ protected $ajaxSteps; /** * @var Int Timeout in milliseconds, after which the interface assumes * that an Ajax request has timed out, and continues with assertions. */ protected $ajaxTimeout; /** * @var String Relative URL to the SilverStripe admin interface. */ protected $adminUrl; /** * @var String Relative URL to the SilverStripe login form. */ protected $loginUrl; /** * @var String Relative path to a writeable folder where screenshots can be stored. * If set to NULL, no screenshots will be stored. */ protected $screenshotPath; protected $context; protected $testSessionEnvironment; /** * Initializes context. * Every scenario gets it's own context object. * * @param array $parameters context parameters (set them up through behat.yml) */ public function __construct(array $parameters) { // Initialize your context here $this->context = $parameters; $this->testSessionEnvironment = new \TestSessionEnvironment(); } public function setDatabase($databaseName) { $this->databaseName = $databaseName; } public function setAjaxSteps($ajaxSteps) { if($ajaxSteps) $this->ajaxSteps = $ajaxSteps; } public function getAjaxSteps() { return $this->ajaxSteps; } public function setAjaxTimeout($ajaxTimeout) { $this->ajaxTimeout = $ajaxTimeout; } public function getAjaxTimeout() { return $this->ajaxTimeout; } public function setAdminUrl($adminUrl) { $this->adminUrl = $adminUrl; } public function getAdminUrl() { return $this->adminUrl; } public function setLoginUrl($loginUrl) { $this->loginUrl = $loginUrl; } public function getLoginUrl() { return $this->loginUrl; } public function setScreenshotPath($screenshotPath) { $this->screenshotPath = $screenshotPath; } public function getScreenshotPath() { return $this->screenshotPath; } public function getRegionMap(){ return $this->regionMap; } public function setRegionMap($regionMap){ $this->regionMap = $regionMap; } /** * Returns MinkElement based off region defined in .yml file * @return MinkElement|null */ public function getRegionObj($region) { $key = $this->regionMap[$region]; if(!$this->regionMap){ throw new \LogicException("Cannot find 'region_map' in the behat.yml"); } if(!$key) { throw new \LogicException("Cannot find the specified region in the behat.yml"); } $regionObj = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('css', $key); if(!$regionObj) { throw new ElementNotFoundException("Cannot find the specified region on the page"); } return $regionObj; } /** * @BeforeScenario */ public function before(ScenarioEvent $event) { if (!isset($this->databaseName)) { throw new \LogicException( 'Context\'s $databaseName has to be set when implementing SilverStripeAwareContextInterface.' ); } $state = $this->getTestSessionState(); $this->testSessionEnvironment->startTestSession($state); // Optionally import database if(!empty($state['importDatabasePath'])) { $this->testSessionEnvironment->importDatabase( $state['importDatabasePath'], !empty($state['requireDefaultRecords']) ? $state['requireDefaultRecords'] : false ); } else if(!empty($state['requireDefaultRecords']) && $state['requireDefaultRecords']) { $this->testSessionEnvironment->requireDefaultRecords(); } // Fixtures $fixtureFile = (!empty($params['fixture'])) ? $params['fixture'] : null; if($fixtureFile) { $this->testSessionEnvironment->loadFixtureIntoDb($fixtureFile); } if($screenSize = getenv('BEHAT_SCREEN_SIZE')) { list($screenWidth, $screenHeight) = explode('x', $screenSize); $this->getSession()->resizeWindow((int)$screenWidth, (int)$screenHeight); } } /** * Returns a parameter map of state to set within the test session. * Takes TESTSESSION_PARAMS environment variable into account for run-specific configurations. * * @return array */ public function getTestSessionState() { $extraParams = array(); parse_str(getenv('TESTSESSION_PARAMS'), $extraParams); return array_merge( array( 'database' => $this->databaseName, 'mailer' => 'SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Utility\TestMailer', ), $extraParams ); } /** * Parses given URL and returns its components * * @param $url * @return array|mixed Parsed URL */ public function parseUrl($url) { $url = parse_url($url); $url['vars'] = array(); if (!isset($url['fragment'])) { $url['fragment'] = null; } if (isset($url['query'])) { parse_str($url['query'], $url['vars']); } return $url; } /** * Checks whether current URL is close enough to the given URL. * Unless specified in $url, get vars will be ignored * Unless specified in $url, fragment identifiers will be ignored * * @param $url string URL to compare to current URL * @return boolean Returns true if the current URL is close enough to the given URL, false otherwise. */ public function isCurrentUrlSimilarTo($url) { $current = $this->parseUrl($this->getSession()->getCurrentUrl()); $test = $this->parseUrl($url); if ($current['path'] !== $test['path']) { return false; } if (isset($test['fragment']) && $current['fragment'] !== $test['fragment']) { return false; } foreach ($test['vars'] as $name => $value) { if (!isset($current['vars'][$name]) || $current['vars'][$name] !== $value) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns base URL parameter set in MinkExtension. * It simplifies configuration by allowing to specify this parameter * once but makes code dependent on MinkExtension. * * @return string */ public function getBaseUrl() { return $this->getMinkParameter('base_url') ?: ''; } /** * Joins URL parts into an URL using forward slash. * Forward slash usages are normalised to one between parts. * This method takes variable number of parameters. * * @param $... * @return string * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function joinUrlParts() { if (0 === func_num_args()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Need at least one argument'); } $parts = func_get_args(); $trimSlashes = function(&$part) { $part = trim($part, '/'); }; array_walk($parts, $trimSlashes); return implode('/', $parts); } public function canIntercept() { $driver = $this->getSession()->getDriver(); if ($driver instanceof GoutteDriver) { return true; } else { if ($driver instanceof Selenium2Driver) { return false; } } throw new UnsupportedDriverActionException('You need to tag the scenario with "@mink:goutte" or "@mink:symfony". Intercepting the redirections is not supported by %s', $driver); } /** * @Given /^(.*) without redirection$/ */ public function theRedirectionsAreIntercepted($step) { if ($this->canIntercept()) { $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getClient()->followRedirects(false); } return new Step\Given($step); } /** * Fills in form field with specified id|name|label|value. * Overwritten to select the first *visible* element, see https://github.com/Behat/Mink/issues/311 */ public function fillField($field, $value) { $value = $this->fixStepArgument($value); $fields = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findAll('named', array( 'field', $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral($field) )); if($fields) foreach($fields as $field) { if($field->isVisible()) { $field->setValue($value); return; } } throw new ElementNotFoundException( $this->getSession(), 'form field', 'id|name|label|value', $field ); } /** * Overwritten to click the first *visable* link the DOM. */ public function clickLink($link) { $link = $this->fixStepArgument($link); $links = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findAll('named', array( 'link', $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral($link) )); if($links) foreach($links as $l) { if($l->isVisible()) { $l->click(); return; } } throw new ElementNotFoundException( $this->getSession(), 'link', 'id|name|label|value', $link ); } }