context = $parameters; } /** * Get Mink session from MinkContext */ public function getSession($name = null) { return $this->getMainContext()->getSession($name); } /** * @AfterStep ~@modal * * Excluding scenarios with @modal tag is required, * because modal dialogs stop any JS interaction */ public function appendErrorHandlerBeforeStep(StepEvent $event) { $javascript = <<getSession()->executeScript($javascript); } /** * @AfterStep ~@modal * * Excluding scenarios with @modal tag is required, * because modal dialogs stop any JS interaction */ public function readErrorHandlerAfterStep(StepEvent $event) { $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); $jserrors = $page->find('xpath', '//body[@data-jserrors]'); if (null !== $jserrors) { $this->takeScreenshot($event); file_put_contents('php://stderr', $jserrors->getAttribute('data-jserrors') . PHP_EOL); } $javascript = <<getSession()->executeScript($javascript); } /** * Hook into jQuery ajaxStart, ajaxSuccess and ajaxComplete events. * Prepare __ajaxStatus() functions and attach them to these handlers. * Event handlers are removed after one run. * * @BeforeStep */ public function handleAjaxBeforeStep(StepEvent $event) { $ajaxEnabledSteps = $this->getMainContext()->getAjaxSteps(); $ajaxEnabledSteps = implode('|', array_filter($ajaxEnabledSteps)); if (empty($ajaxEnabledSteps) || !preg_match('/(' . $ajaxEnabledSteps . ')/i', $event->getStep()->getText())) { return; } $javascript = <<getSession()->wait(500); // give browser a chance to process and render response $this->getSession()->executeScript($javascript); } /** * Wait for the __ajaxStatus()to return anything but 'waiting'. * Don't wait longer than 5 seconds. * * Don't unregister handler if we're dealing with modal windows * * @AfterStep ~@modal */ public function handleAjaxAfterStep(StepEvent $event) { $ajaxEnabledSteps = $this->getMainContext()->getAjaxSteps(); $ajaxEnabledSteps = implode('|', array_filter($ajaxEnabledSteps)); if (empty($ajaxEnabledSteps) || !preg_match('/(' . $ajaxEnabledSteps . ')/i', $event->getStep()->getText())) { return; } $this->handleAjaxTimeout(); $javascript = <<getSession()->executeScript($javascript); } public function handleAjaxTimeout() { $timeoutMs = $this->getMainContext()->getAjaxTimeout(); // Wait for an ajax request to complete, but only for a maximum of 5 seconds to avoid deadlocks $this->getSession()->wait($timeoutMs, "(typeof window.__ajaxStatus !== 'undefined' ? window.__ajaxStatus() : 'no ajax') !== 'waiting'" ); // wait additional 100ms to allow DOM to update $this->getSession()->wait(100); } /** * Take screenshot when step fails. * Works only with Selenium2Driver. * * @AfterStep */ public function takeScreenshotAfterFailedStep(StepEvent $event) { if (4 === $event->getResult()) { $this->takeScreenshot($event); } } public function takeScreenshot(StepEvent $event) { $driver = $this->getSession()->getDriver(); // quit silently when unsupported if (!($driver instanceof Selenium2Driver)) { return; } $parent = $event->getLogicalParent(); $feature = $parent->getFeature(); $step = $event->getStep(); $screenshotPath = null; $path = $this->getMainContext()->getScreenshotPath(); if(!$path) return; // quit silently when path is not set $path = realpath($path); if (!$path) { \Filesystem::makeFolder($this->context['screenshot_path']); $path = realpath($this->context['screenshot_path']); } if (!file_exists($path)) { file_put_contents('php://stderr', sprintf('"%s" is not valid directory and failed to create it' . PHP_EOL, $this->context['screenshot_path'])); return; } if (file_exists($path) && !is_dir($path)) { file_put_contents('php://stderr', sprintf('"%s" is not valid directory' . PHP_EOL, $this->context['screenshot_path'])); return; } if (file_exists($path) && !is_writable($path)) { file_put_contents('php://stderr', sprintf('"%s" directory is not writable' . PHP_EOL, $path)); return; } $path = sprintf('%s/%s_%d.png', $path, basename($feature->getFile()), $step->getLine()); $screenshot = $driver->getWebDriverSession()->screenshot(); file_put_contents($path, base64_decode($screenshot)); file_put_contents('php://stderr', sprintf('Saving screenshot into %s' . PHP_EOL, $path)); } /** * @Then /^I should be redirected to "([^"]+)"/ */ public function stepIShouldBeRedirectedTo($url) { if ($this->getMainContext()->canIntercept()) { $client = $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getClient(); $client->followRedirects(true); $client->followRedirect(); $url = $this->getMainContext()->joinUrlParts($this->context['base_url'], $url); assertTrue($this->getMainContext()->isCurrentUrlSimilarTo($url), sprintf('Current URL is not %s', $url)); } } /** * @Given /^the page can't be found/ */ public function stepPageCantBeFound() { $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); assertTrue( // Content from ErrorPage default record $page->hasContent('Page not found') // Generic ModelAsController message || $page->hasContent('The requested page could not be found') ); } /** * @Given /^I wait (?:for )?([\d\.]+) second(?:s?)$/ */ public function stepIWaitFor($secs) { $this->getSession()->wait((float)$secs*1000); } /** * @Given /^I press the "([^"]*)" button$/ */ public function stepIPressTheButton($button) { $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); $els = $page->findAll('named', array('link_or_button', "'$button'")); $matchedEl = null; foreach($els as $el) { if($el->isVisible()) $matchedEl = $el; } assertNotNull($matchedEl, sprintf('%s button not found', $button)); $matchedEl->click(); } /** * Needs to be in single command to avoid "unexpected alert open" errors in Selenium. * * @Given /^I press the "([^"]*)" button, confirming the dialog$/ */ public function stepIPressTheButtonConfirmingTheDialog($button) { $this->stepIPressTheButton($button); $this->iConfirmTheDialog(); } /** * @Given /^I click "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" element$/ */ public function iClickInTheElement($text, $selector) { $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); $parentElement = $page->find('css', $selector); assertNotNull($parentElement, sprintf('"%s" element not found', $selector)); $element = $parentElement->find('xpath', sprintf('//*[count(*)=0 and contains(.,"%s")]', $text)); assertNotNull($element, sprintf('"%s" not found', $text)); $element->click(); } /** * @Given /^I type "([^"]*)" into the dialog$/ */ public function iTypeIntoTheDialog($data) { $data = array( 'text' => $data, ); $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getWebDriverSession()->postAlert_text($data); } /** * @Given /^I confirm the dialog$/ */ public function iConfirmTheDialog() { $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getWebDriverSession()->accept_alert(); $this->handleAjaxTimeout(); } /** * @Given /^I dismiss the dialog$/ */ public function iDismissTheDialog() { $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getWebDriverSession()->dismiss_alert(); $this->handleAjaxTimeout(); } /** * @Given /^(?:|I )attach the file "(?P[^"]*)" to "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" with HTML5$/ */ public function iAttachTheFileTo($field, $path) { // Remove wrapped button styling to make input field accessible to Selenium $js = <<getSession()->evaluateScript($js); $this->getSession()->wait(1000); return new Step\Given(sprintf('I attach the file "%s" to "%s"', $path, $field)); } }