context = $parameters; } /** * Get Mink session from MinkContext */ public function getSession($name = null) { return $this->getMainContext()->getSession($name); } /** * @BeforeScenario */ public function before(ScenarioEvent $event) { // Also set through the 'supportbehat' extension // to ensure its available both in CLI execution and the tested browser session $this->mailer = new \SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Utility\TestMailer(); \Email::set_mailer($this->mailer); \Config::inst()->update("Email","send_all_emails_to", null); } /** * @Given /^there should (not |)be an email (to|from) "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function thereIsAnEmailFromTo($negate, $direction, $email) { $to = ($direction == 'to') ? $email : null; $from = ($direction == 'from') ? $email : null; $match = $this->mailer->findEmail($to, $from); if(trim($negate)) { assertNull($match); } else { assertNotNull($match); } $this->lastMatchedEmail = $match; } /** * @Given /^there should (not |)be an email (to|from) "([^"]*)" titled "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function thereIsAnEmailFromToTitled($negate, $direction, $email, $subject) { $to = ($direction == 'to') ? $email : null; $from = ($direction == 'from') ? $email : null; $match = $this->mailer->findEmail($to, $from, $subject); $allMails = $this->mailer->findEmails($to, $from); $allTitles = $allMails ? '"' . implode('","', array_map(function($email) {return $email->Subject;}, $allMails)) . '"' : null; if(trim($negate)) { assertNull($match); } else { $msg = sprintf( 'Could not find email %s "%s" titled "%s".', $direction, $email, $subject ); if($allTitles) { $msg .= ' Existing emails: ' . $allTitles; } assertNotNull($match,$msg); } $this->lastMatchedEmail = $match; } /** * Example: Given the email should contain "Thank you for registering!". * Assumes an email has been identified by a previous step, * e.g. through 'Given there should be an email to ""'. * * @Given /^the email should (not |)contain "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function thereTheEmailContains($negate, $content) { if(!$this->lastMatchedEmail) { throw new \LogicException('No matched email found from previous step'); } $email = $this->lastMatchedEmail; $emailContent = null; if($email->Content) { $emailContent = $email->Content; } else { $emailContent = $email->PlainContent; } if(trim($negate)) { assertNotContains($content, $emailContent); } else { assertContains($content, $emailContent); } } /** * Example: Given the email contains "Thank you for registering!". * Then the email should contain plain text "Thank you for registering!" * Assumes an email has been identified by a previous step, * e.g. through 'Given there should be an email to ""'. * * @Given /^the email should contain plain text "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function thereTheEmailContainsPlainText($content) { if(!$this->lastMatchedEmail) { throw new \LogicException('No matched email found from previous step'); } $email = $this->lastMatchedEmail; $emailContent = ($email->Content) ? ($email->Content) : ($email->PlainContent); $emailPlainText = strip_tags($emailContent); $emailPlainText = preg_replace("/\h+/", " ", $emailPlainText); assertContains($content, $emailPlainText); } /** * @When /^I click on the "([^"]*)" link in the email (to|from) "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iGoToInTheEmailTo($linkSelector, $direction, $email) { $to = ($direction == 'to') ? $email : null; $from = ($direction == 'from') ? $email : null; $match = $this->mailer->findEmail($to, $from); assertNotNull($match); $crawler = new Crawler($match->Content); $linkEl = $crawler->selectLink($linkSelector); assertNotNull($linkEl); $link = $linkEl->attr('href'); assertNotNull($link); return new Step\When(sprintf('I go to "%s"', $link)); } /** * @When /^I click on the "([^"]*)" link in the email (to|from) "([^"]*)" titled "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iGoToInTheEmailToTitled($linkSelector, $direction, $email, $title) { $to = ($direction == 'to') ? $email : null; $from = ($direction == 'from') ? $email : null; $match = $this->mailer->findEmail($to, $from, $title); assertNotNull($match); $crawler = new Crawler($match->Content); $linkEl = $crawler->selectLink($linkSelector); assertNotNull($linkEl); $link = $linkEl->attr('href'); assertNotNull($link); return new Step\When(sprintf('I go to "%s"', $link)); } /** * Assumes an email has been identified by a previous step, * e.g. through 'Given there should be an email to ""'. * * @When /^I click on the "([^"]*)" link in the email"$/ */ public function iGoToInTheEmail($linkSelector) { if(!$this->lastMatchedEmail) { throw new \LogicException('No matched email found from previous step'); } $match = $this->lastMatchedEmail; $crawler = new Crawler($match->Content); $linkEl = $crawler->selectLink($linkSelector); assertNotNull($linkEl); $link = $linkEl->attr('href'); assertNotNull($link); return new Step\When(sprintf('I go to "%s"', $link)); } /** * @Given /^I clear all emails$/ */ public function iClearAllEmails() { $this->lastMatchedEmail = null; return $this->mailer->clearEmails(); } /** * Example: Then the email should contain the following data: * | row1 | * | row2 | * Assumes an email has been identified by a previous step. * @Then /^the email should (not |)contain the following data:$/ */ public function theEmailContainFollowingData($negate, TableNode $table) { if(!$this->lastMatchedEmail) { throw new \LogicException('No matched email found from previous step'); } $email = $this->lastMatchedEmail; $emailContent = null; if($email->Content) { $emailContent = $email->Content; } else { $emailContent = $email->PlainContent; } // Convert html content to plain text $emailContent = strip_tags($emailContent); $emailContent = preg_replace("/\h+/", " ", $emailContent); $rows = $table->getRows(); // For "should not contain" if(trim($negate)) { foreach($rows as $row) { assertNotContains($row[0], $emailContent); } } else { foreach($rows as $row) { assertContains($row[0], $emailContent); } } } /** * @Then /^there should (not |)be an email titled "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function thereIsAnEmailTitled($negate, $subject) { $match = $this->mailer->findEmail(null, null, $subject); if(trim($negate)) { assertNull($match); } else { $msg = sprintf( 'Could not find email titled "%s".', $subject ); assertNotNull($match,$msg); } $this->lastMatchedEmail = $match; } /** * @Then /^the email should (not |)be sent from "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function theEmailSentFrom($negate, $from) { if(!$this->lastMatchedEmail) { throw new \LogicException('No matched email found from previous step'); } $match = $this->lastMatchedEmail; if(trim($negate)) { assertNotContains($from, $match->From); } else { assertContains($from, $match->From); } } /** * @Then /^the email should (not |)be sent to "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function theEmailSentTo($negate, $to) { if(!$this->lastMatchedEmail) { throw new \LogicException('No matched email found from previous step'); } $match = $this->lastMatchedEmail; if(trim($negate)) { assertNotContains($to, $match->To); } else { assertContains($to, $match->To); } } }