We've upgraded SilverStripe core to PHPUnit 4.x now, and the Functions.php has moved locations.
Since all custom contexts either use one of these contexts, or extend off SilverStripeContext,
we can be certain that the required assertions are automatically included for custom contexts,
no need to duplicate the require_once() calls.
Note that Behat 3.x suggests using static methods on a class, e.g. PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertSame (see http://docs.behat.org/en/master/quick_intro.html).
This seems quite verbose, and increases the upgrade burden on any project using Behat.
Changed from 'secret' to 'Secret!123'.
For example, the CWP default configuration increases the required
complexity to include uppercase letters, see https://gitlab.cwp.govt.nz/cwp/cwp-core/blob/master/_config.php#L134
This should not impact existing tests since the password is only used
indirectly, through "Given I login with ADMIN permissions".
stepIAmNotLoggedIn() would previously just kill the test
session, but this has the side effect of losing the current testsession
temporary database, so this causes steps of logging out to fail the
rest of the steps in a scenario.
See https://github.com/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-behat-extension/pull/12
- Moved all extension-specific conf into its own configuration namespace
- Described configuration via PHP, and added default values
- Removed boilerplate config from README
- Made screenshot_path optional
- Configurable ajax_timeout settings
Note: The DI system plus the initializer+context combo requires insane amounts of code duplication,
will need to be looked at more closely (very little docs on that level of Behat extension available).