Allows for a step like: `I select "Admins" from "Groups" input group`
Adding it to BasicContext as it seems useful to be used in
other places, not just the CMS admin interface. It could be used
frontend forms that use CheckboxSetField, or OptionsetField,
for example.
Thanks to @srizzling for writing the definition for this step!
Was referencing outdated $this->context settings
instead of parent context. Still a bit hacky to make
assumptions on parent context, but its difficult to pass
through arguments to subcontexts.
- Moved all extension-specific conf into its own configuration namespace
- Described configuration via PHP, and added default values
- Removed boilerplate config from README
- Made screenshot_path optional
- Configurable ajax_timeout settings
Note: The DI system plus the initializer+context combo requires insane amounts of code duplication,
will need to be looked at more closely (very little docs on that level of Behat extension available).