More versatile "press button/link, confirming dialog"

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Ingo Schommer 2014-03-31 14:30:49 +13:00
parent e55c6bb22a
commit 8211d3f5fc

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@ -320,8 +320,10 @@ JS;
* Needs to be in single command to avoid "unexpected alert open" errors in Selenium.
* Example1: I press the "Remove current combo" button, confirming the dialog
* Example2: I follow the "Remove current combo" link, confirming the dialog
* @Given /^I press the "([^"]*)" button, confirming the dialog$/
* @Given /^I (?:press|follow) the "([^"]*)" (?:button|link), confirming the dialog$/
public function stepIPressTheButtonConfirmingTheDialog($button)