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synced 2024-10-22 15:05:32 +00:00
Fixes #27: I wait for the text/element
This commit is contained in:
@ -800,4 +800,90 @@ JS;
assertTrue(strpos($text, $textBefore) > strpos($text, $textAfter));
* Wait until a certain amount of seconds till I see an element identified by a CSS selector.
* Example: Given I wait for 10 seconds until I see the ".css_element" element
* @Given /^I wait for (\d+) seconds until I see the "([^"]*)" element$/
public function iWaitXUntilISee($wait, $selector) {
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$this->spin(function($page) use ($page, $selector){
$element = $page->find('css', $selector);
if(empty($element)) {
return false;
} else {
return $element->isVisible();
}, $wait);
* Waits until it can see an element identified by a CSS selector,
* or until it timeouts (default is 60 seconds)
* Example: Given I wait until I see the ".css_element" element
* @Given /^I wait until I see the "([^"]*)" element$/
public function iWaitUntilISee($selector) {
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$this->spin(function($page) use ($page, $selector){
$element = $page->find('css', $selector);
if(empty($element)) {
return false;
} else {
return $element->isVisible();
* Waits until it can see a certain text in the page, or until it timeouts (default is 60 seconds)
* Example: Given I wait until I see the text "Hello World"
* @Given /^I wait until I see the text "([^"]*)"$/
public function iWaitUntilISeeText($text) {
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$this->spin(function($page) use ($page, $text){
// returns true if text is contained within the page
return (strpos($page->getText(), $text) !== false);
* Continuously poll until callback returns true. Read more about the use of
* the spin function (@link http://docs.behat.org/en/v2.5/cookbook/using_spin_functions.html)
* If the callback doesn't return true within $wait, timeout and throw error
* @param callback $lambda function to run continuously
* @param integer $wait Timeout, default is 60 secs.
* @return boolean Returns true or false depending on the spin function
public function spin($lambda, $wait = 5, $sleep = 0.5) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $wait; $i++){
try {
if ($lambda($this)) return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// do nothing
throw new \Exception ("Timeout thrown: Callback does not return true");
Reference in New Issue
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