press key in the field

This commit is contained in:
Jeffrey Guo 2014-07-28 17:14:07 +12:00
parent 8956b2d4fa
commit 30f245d9a3

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@ -750,4 +750,48 @@ JS;
return $table; return $table;
} }
* @Given /^(?:|I )press the "([^"]*)" key in the "([^"]*)" field$/
* @example I press the "TAB" key in the "user name" field
* @throws \Exception
public function iPressKeyInField($char, $field) {
static $keys = array(
// @todo Add character codes for more special keys; arrows, caps, shift,
// backspace, delete, ctrl, command, alt, option, spacebar, page up/down,
// home, end.
'TAB' => 9,
'ENTER' => 13,
'RETURN' => 13,
'ESC' => 27,
'ESCAPE' => 27,
'SPACE' => 32,
'DELETE' => 127
if (is_string($char)) {
if (strlen($char) < 1) {
throw new \Exception('FeatureContext->keyPress($char, $field) was invoked but the $char parameter was empty.');
} else if (strlen($char) > 1) {
$char = $keys[strtoupper($char)];
$locator = str_replace('\\"', '"', $field);//equals to MinkContext::fixStepArgument()
$element = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findField($locator);
if (!$element) {
throw new \Exception("Field '$field' not found");
$driver = $this->getSession()->getDriver();
// $driver->keyPress($element->getXpath(), $char);
// This alternative to Driver->keyPress() handles cases that depend on
// javascript which binds to key down/up events directly
$driver->keyDown($element->getXpath(), $char);
$driver->keyUp($element->getXpath(), $char);
} }