2012-11-09 17:34:24 +01:00
< ? php
namespace SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Context ;
use Behat\Behat\Context\Step ,
Behat\Behat\Event\FeatureEvent ,
Behat\Behat\Event\ScenarioEvent ,
Behat\Behat\Event\SuiteEvent ;
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode ;
use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext ;
use Behat\Mink\Driver\GoutteDriver ,
Behat\Mink\Driver\Selenium2Driver ,
Behat\Mink\Exception\UnsupportedDriverActionException ;
use SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Context\SilverStripeAwareContextInterface ;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml ;
// Mink etc.
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php' ;
* SilverStripeContext
* Generic context wrapper used as a base for Behat FeatureContext .
class SilverStripeContext extends MinkContext implements SilverStripeAwareContextInterface
2012-11-14 00:29:20 +01:00
protected $database_name ;
* @ var Array Partial string match for step names
* that are considered to trigger Ajax request in the CMS ,
* and hence need special timeout handling .
* @ see \SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Context\BasicContext -> handleAjaxBeforeStep () .
protected $ajaxSteps ;
* @ var Int Timeout in milliseconds , after which the interface assumes
* that an Ajax request has timed out , and continues with assertions .
protected $ajaxTimeout ;
* @ var String Relative URL to the SilverStripe admin interface .
protected $adminUrl ;
* @ var String Relative URL to the SilverStripe login form .
protected $loginUrl ;
* @ var String Relative path to a writeable folder where screenshots can be stored .
* If set to NULL , no screenshots will be stored .
protected $screenshotPath ;
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protected $context ;
protected $fixtures ;
protected $fixtures_lazy ;
protected $files_path ;
protected $created_files_paths ;
* Initializes context .
* Every scenario gets it ' s own context object .
* @ param array $parameters context parameters ( set them up through behat . yml )
public function __construct ( array $parameters )
// Initialize your context here
$this -> context = $parameters ;
public function setDatabase ( $database_name )
$this -> database_name = $database_name ;
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public function setAjaxSteps ( $ajaxSteps )
if ( $ajaxSteps ) $this -> ajaxSteps = $ajaxSteps ;
public function getAjaxSteps ()
return $this -> ajaxSteps ;
public function setAjaxTimeout ( $ajaxTimeout )
$this -> ajaxTimeout = $ajaxTimeout ;
public function getAjaxTimeout ()
return $this -> ajaxTimeout ;
public function setAdminUrl ( $adminUrl )
$this -> adminUrl = $adminUrl ;
public function getAdminUrl ()
return $this -> adminUrl ;
public function setLoginUrl ( $loginUrl )
$this -> loginUrl = $loginUrl ;
public function getLoginUrl ()
return $this -> loginUrl ;
public function setScreenshotPath ( $screenshotPath )
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$this -> screenshotPath = $screenshotPath ;
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public function getScreenshotPath ()
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return $this -> screenshotPath ;
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public function getFixture ( $data_object )
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $data_object , $this -> fixtures )) {
throw new \OutOfBoundsException ( sprintf ( 'Data object `%s` does not exist!' , $data_object ));
return $this -> fixtures [ $data_object ];
public function getFixtures ()
return $this -> fixtures ;
* @ BeforeScenario
public function before ( ScenarioEvent $event )
if ( ! isset ( $this -> database_name )) {
throw new \LogicException ( 'Context\'s $database_name has to be set when implementing SilverStripeAwareContextInterface.' );
$setdb_url = $this -> joinUrlParts ( $this -> getBaseUrl (), '/dev/tests/setdb' );
$setdb_url = sprintf ( '%s?database=%s' , $setdb_url , $this -> database_name );
$this -> getSession () -> visit ( $setdb_url );
* @ BeforeScenario @ database - defaults
public function beforeDatabaseDefaults ( ScenarioEvent $event )
\SapphireTest :: empty_temp_db ();
global $databaseConfig ;
\DB :: connect ( $databaseConfig );
2012-11-14 15:19:22 +01:00
\DB :: getConn () -> quiet ();
2012-11-09 17:34:24 +01:00
$dataClasses = \ClassInfo :: subclassesFor ( 'DataObject' );
array_shift ( $dataClasses );
foreach ( $dataClasses as $dataClass ) {
\singleton ( $dataClass ) -> requireDefaultRecords ();
* @ AfterScenario @ database - defaults
public function afterDatabaseDefaults ( ScenarioEvent $event )
\SapphireTest :: empty_temp_db ();
* @ AfterScenario @ assets
public function afterResetAssets ( ScenarioEvent $event )
if ( is_array ( $this -> created_files_paths )) {
$created_files = array_reverse ( $this -> created_files_paths );
foreach ( $created_files as $path ) {
if ( is_dir ( $path )) {
\Filesystem :: removeFolder ( $path );
} else {
@ unlink ( $path );
\SapphireTest :: empty_temp_db ();
* @ Given /^ there are the following ([ ^ \s ] * ) records $ /
public function thereAreTheFollowingRecords ( $data_object , PyStringNode $string )
if ( ! is_array ( $this -> fixtures )) {
$this -> fixtures = array ();
if ( ! is_array ( $this -> fixtures_lazy )) {
$this -> fixtures_lazy = array ();
if ( ! isset ( $this -> files_path )) {
$this -> files_path = realpath ( $this -> getMinkParameter ( 'files_path' ));
if ( ! is_array ( $this -> created_files_paths )) {
$this -> created_files_paths = array ();
if ( array_key_exists ( $data_object , $this -> fixtures )) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Data object `%s` already exists!' , $data_object ));
$fixture = array_merge ( array ( $data_object . ':' ), $string -> getLines ());
$fixture = implode ( " \n " , $fixture );
if ( 'Folder' === $data_object ) {
$this -> prepareTestAssetsDirectories ( $fixture );
if ( 'File' === $data_object ) {
$this -> prepareTestAssetsFiles ( $fixture );
$fixtures_lazy = array ( $data_object => array ());
if ( preg_match ( '/=>(\w+)/' , $fixture )) {
$fixture_content = Yaml :: parse ( $fixture );
foreach ( $fixture_content [ $data_object ] as $identifier => & $fields ) {
foreach ( $fields as $field_val ) {
if ( substr ( $field_val , 0 , 2 ) == '=>' ) {
$fixtures_lazy [ $data_object ][ $identifier ] = $fixture_content [ $data_object ][ $identifier ];
unset ( $fixture_content [ $data_object ][ $identifier ]);
$fixture = Yaml :: dump ( $fixture_content );
// As we're dealing with split fixtures and can't join them, replace references by hand
// if (preg_match('/=>(\w+)\.([\w.]+)/', $fixture, $matches)) {
// if ($matches[1] !== $data_object) {
// $fixture = preg_replace_callback('/=>(\w+)\.([\w.]+)/', array($this, 'replaceFixtureReferences'), $fixture);
// }
// }
$fixture = preg_replace_callback ( '/=>(\w+)\.([\w.]+)/' , array ( $this , 'replaceFixtureReferences' ), $fixture );
// Save fixtures into database
$this -> fixtures [ $data_object ] = new \YamlFixture ( $fixture );
$model = \DataModel :: inst ();
$this -> fixtures [ $data_object ] -> saveIntoDatabase ( $model );
// Lazy load fixtures into database
// Loop is required for nested lazy fixtures
foreach ( $fixtures_lazy [ $data_object ] as $identifier => $fields ) {
$fixture = array (
$data_object => array (
$identifier => $fields ,
$fixture = Yaml :: dump ( $fixture );
$fixture = preg_replace_callback ( '/=>(\w+)\.([\w.]+)/' , array ( $this , 'replaceFixtureReferences' ), $fixture );
$this -> fixtures_lazy [ $data_object ][ $identifier ] = new \YamlFixture ( $fixture );
$this -> fixtures_lazy [ $data_object ][ $identifier ] -> saveIntoDatabase ( $model );
protected function prepareTestAssetsDirectories ( $fixture )
$folders = Yaml :: parse ( $fixture );
foreach ( $folders [ 'Folder' ] as $fields ) {
foreach ( $fields as $field => $value ) {
if ( 'Filename' === $field ) {
if ( 0 === strpos ( $value , 'assets/' )) {
$value = substr ( $value , strlen ( 'assets/' ));
$folder_path = ASSETS_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value ;
if ( file_exists ( $folder_path ) && ! is_dir ( $folder_path )) {
throw new \Exception ( sprintf ( '`%s` already exists and is not a directory' , $this -> files_path ));
\Filesystem :: makeFolder ( $folder_path );
$this -> created_files_paths [] = $folder_path ;
protected function prepareTestAssetsFiles ( $fixture )
$files = Yaml :: parse ( $fixture );
foreach ( $files [ 'File' ] as $fields ) {
foreach ( $fields as $field => $value ) {
if ( 'Filename' === $field ) {
if ( 0 === strpos ( $value , 'assets/' )) {
$value = substr ( $value , strlen ( 'assets/' ));
$file_path = $this -> files_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename ( $value );
if ( ! file_exists ( $file_path ) || ! is_file ( $file_path )) {
throw new \Exception ( sprintf ( '`%s` does not exist or is not a file' , $this -> files_path ));
$asset_path = ASSETS_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value ;
if ( file_exists ( $asset_path ) && ! is_file ( $asset_path )) {
throw new \Exception ( sprintf ( '`%s` already exists and is not a file' , $this -> files_path ));
if ( ! file_exists ( $asset_path )) {
if ( @ copy ( $file_path , $asset_path )) {
$this -> created_files_paths [] = $asset_path ;
protected function replaceFixtureReferences ( $references )
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $references [ 1 ], $this -> fixtures )) {
throw new \OutOfBoundsException ( sprintf ( 'Data object `%s` does not exist!' , $references [ 1 ]));
return $this -> idFromFixture ( $references [ 1 ], $references [ 2 ]);
protected function idFromFixture ( $class_name , $identifier )
if ( false !== ( $id = $this -> fixtures [ $class_name ] -> idFromFixture ( $class_name , $identifier ))) {
return $id ;
if ( isset ( $this -> fixtures_lazy [ $class_name ], $this -> fixtures_lazy [ $class_name ][ $identifier ]) &&
false !== ( $id = $this -> fixtures_lazy [ $class_name ][ $identifier ] -> idFromFixture ( $class_name , $identifier ))) {
return $id ;
throw new \OutOfBoundsException ( sprintf ( '`%s` identifier in Data object `%s` does not exist!' , $identifier , $class_name ));
* Parses given URL and returns its components
* @ param $url
* @ return array | mixed Parsed URL
public function parseUrl ( $url )
$url = parse_url ( $url );
$url [ 'vars' ] = array ();
if ( ! isset ( $url [ 'fragment' ])) {
$url [ 'fragment' ] = null ;
if ( isset ( $url [ 'query' ])) {
parse_str ( $url [ 'query' ], $url [ 'vars' ]);
return $url ;
* Checks whether current URL is close enough to the given URL .
* Unless specified in $url , get vars will be ignored
* Unless specified in $url , fragment identifiers will be ignored
* @ param $url string URL to compare to current URL
* @ return boolean Returns true if the current URL is close enough to the given URL , false otherwise .
public function isCurrentUrlSimilarTo ( $url )
$current = $this -> parseUrl ( $this -> getSession () -> getCurrentUrl ());
$test = $this -> parseUrl ( $url );
if ( $current [ 'path' ] !== $test [ 'path' ]) {
return false ;
if ( isset ( $test [ 'fragment' ]) && $current [ 'fragment' ] !== $test [ 'fragment' ]) {
return false ;
foreach ( $test [ 'vars' ] as $name => $value ) {
if ( ! isset ( $current [ 'vars' ][ $name ]) || $current [ 'vars' ][ $name ] !== $value ) {
return false ;
return true ;
* Returns base URL parameter set in MinkExtension .
* It simplifies configuration by allowing to specify this parameter
* once but makes code dependent on MinkExtension .
* @ return string
public function getBaseUrl ()
return $this -> getMinkParameter ( 'base_url' ) ? : '' ;
* Joins URL parts into an URL using forward slash .
* Forward slash usages are normalised to one between parts .
* This method takes variable number of parameters .
* @ param $ ...
* @ return string
* @ throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function joinUrlParts ()
if ( 0 === func_num_args ()) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( 'Need at least one argument' );
$parts = func_get_args ();
$trim_slashes = function ( & $part ) {
$part = trim ( $part , '/' );
array_walk ( $parts , $trim_slashes );
return implode ( '/' , $parts );
public function canIntercept ()
$driver = $this -> getSession () -> getDriver ();
if ( $driver instanceof GoutteDriver ) {
return true ;
else {
if ( $driver instanceof Selenium2Driver ) {
return false ;
throw new UnsupportedDriverActionException ( 'You need to tag the scenario with "@mink:goutte" or "@mink:symfony". Intercepting the redirections is not supported by %s' , $driver );
* @ Given /^ ( .* ) without redirection $ /
public function theRedirectionsAreIntercepted ( $step )
if ( $this -> canIntercept ()) {
$this -> getSession () -> getDriver () -> getClient () -> followRedirects ( false );
return new Step\Given ( $step );
* @ Given /^ (( ? : I ) fill in => ( .+ ? ) for " ([^ " ] * ) " ) $ /
public function iFillInFor ( $step , $reference , $field )
if ( false === strpos ( $reference , '.' )) {
throw new \Exception ( 'Fixture reference should be in following format: =>ClassName.identifier' );
list ( $class_name , $identifier ) = explode ( '.' , $reference );
$id = $this -> idFromFixture ( $class_name , $identifier );
//$step = preg_replace('#=>(.+?) for "([^"]*)"#', '"'.$id.'" for "'.$field.'"', $step);
// below is not working, because Selenium can't interact with hidden inputs
// return new Step\Given($step);
// TODO: investigate how to simplify this and make universal
$javascript = <<< JAVASCRIPT
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof window . jQuery ) {
window . jQuery ( 'input[name="$field"]' ) . val ( $id );
$this -> getSession () -> executeScript ( $javascript );
* @ Given /^ (( ? : I ) fill in " ([^ " ] * ) " with =>(.+)) $ /
public function iFillInWith ( $step , $field , $reference )
if ( false === strpos ( $reference , '.' )) {
throw new \Exception ( 'Fixture reference should be in following format: =>ClassName.identifier' );
list ( $class_name , $identifier ) = explode ( '.' , $reference );
$id = $this -> idFromFixture ( $class_name , $identifier );
//$step = preg_replace('#"([^"]*)" with =>(.+)#', '"'.$field.'" with "'.$id.'"', $step);
// below is not working, because Selenium can't interact with hidden inputs
// return new Step\Given($step);
// TODO: investigate how to simplify this and make universal
$javascript = <<< JAVASCRIPT
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof window . jQuery ) {
window . jQuery ( 'input[name="$field"]' ) . val ( $id );
$this -> getSession () -> executeScript ( $javascript );