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namespace SilverStripe\RecipePlugin;
use Composer\Command\RequireCommand;
use Composer\Command\UpdateCommand;
use Composer\Composer;
use Composer\Factory;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
trait RecipeCommandBehaviour
* Gets the application instance for this command.
* @return Application An Application instance
public abstract function getApplication();
* @param bool $required
* @param bool|null $disablePlugins
* @throws \RuntimeException
* @return Composer
public abstract function getComposer($required = true, $disablePlugins = null);
* Removes the cached composer instance
public abstract function resetComposer();
* @return IOInterface
abstract public function getIO();
* @param OutputInterface $output
* @param string $recipe
* @param string $constraint
* @return int
protected function requireRecipe(OutputInterface $output, $recipe, $constraint = null)
/** @var RequireCommand $command */
$command = $this->getApplication()->find('require');
$packages = [$recipe];
if ($constraint) {
$packages[] = $constraint;
$arguments = [
'command' => 'require',
'packages' => $packages,
$requireInput = new ArrayInput($arguments);
$returnCode = $command->run($requireInput, $output);
// Flush modified composer object
return $returnCode;
* Update the project
* @param OutputInterface $output
* @return int
protected function updateProject(OutputInterface $output)
/** @var UpdateCommand $command */
$command = $this->getApplication()->find('update');
$arguments = [ 'command' => 'update' ];
$requireInput = new ArrayInput($arguments);
$returnCode = $command->run($requireInput, $output);
// Flush modified composer object
return $returnCode;
* Find installed version or constraint
* @param string $recipe
* @return string
protected function findInstalledVersion($recipe)
// Check locker
$installed = $this->getComposer()->getLocker()->getLockedRepository()->findPackage($recipe, '*');
if ($installed) {
return $installed->getPrettyVersion();
// Check provides
$provides = $this->getComposer()->getPackage()->getProvides();
if (isset($provides[$recipe])) {
return $provides[$recipe]->getPrettyConstraint();
// Check requires
$requires = $this->getComposer()->getPackage()->getRequires();
if (isset($requires[$recipe])) {
return $requires[$recipe]->getPrettyConstraint();
// No existing version
return null;
* Guess constraint to use if not provided
* @param string $existingVersion Known installed version
* @return string
protected function findBestConstraint($existingVersion)
// Cannot guess without existing version
if (!$existingVersion) {
return null;
// Existing version is already a ^1.0.0 or ~1.0.0 constraint
if (preg_match('#^[~^]#', $existingVersion)) {
return $existingVersion;
// Existing version is already a dev constraint
if (stristr($existingVersion, 'dev') !== false) {
return $existingVersion;
// Numeric-only version maps to semver constraint
if (preg_match('#^([\d.]+)$#', $existingVersion)) {
return "^{$existingVersion}";
// Cannot guess; Let composer choose (equivalent to `composer require vendor/library`)
return null;
* Install or update a recipe with a given constraint and current version
* @param OutputInterface $output
* @param string $recipe
* @param string $constraint
* @param string $installedVersion
* @return int
protected function installRecipe(OutputInterface $output, $recipe, $constraint, $installedVersion)
if ($installedVersion) {
if ($constraint) {
"Updating existing recipe from <info>{$installedVersion}</info> to <info>{$constraint}</info>"
} else {
// Show a guessed constraint
$constraint = $this->findBestConstraint($installedVersion);
if ($constraint) {
"Updating existing recipe from <info>{$installedVersion}</info> to <info>{$constraint}</info> "
. "(auto-detected constraint)"
} else {
"Updating existing recipe from <info>{$installedVersion}</info> to latest version"
// Ensure composer require includes this recipe
$returnCode = $this->requireRecipe($output, $recipe, $constraint);
if ($returnCode) {
return $returnCode;
// inline all dependencies inline into composer.json
$this->modifyComposer(function ($composerData) use ($output, $recipe, $installedVersion) {
// Check previously installed, and currently installed modules
$require = isset($composerData['require']) ? $composerData['require'] : [];
$previouslyInstalled = isset($composerData['extra'][RecipePlugin::PROJECT_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALLED])
? $composerData['extra'][RecipePlugin::PROJECT_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALLED]
: [];
// Get composer data for both root and newly installed recipe
$installedRecipe = $this
->findPackage($recipe, '*');
if ($installedRecipe) {
$output->writeln("Inlining all dependencies for recipe <info>{$recipe}</info>:");
foreach ($installedRecipe->getRequires() as $requireName => $requireConstraint) {
$requireVersion = $requireConstraint->getPrettyConstraint();
// If already installed, upgrade
if (isset($require[$requireName])) {
// Check if upgrade or not
$requireInstalledVersion = $require[$requireName];
if ($requireInstalledVersion === $requireVersion) {
// No need to upgrade
" - Skipping <info>{$requireName}</info> "
. "(Already installed as <comment>{$requireVersion}</comment>)"
} else {
// Upgrade obsolete version
" - Inlining <info>{$requireName}</info> "
. "(Updated to <comment>{$requireVersion}</comment> from "
. "<comment>{$requireInstalledVersion}</comment>)"
$require[$requireName] = $requireVersion;
} elseif (isset($previouslyInstalled[$requireName])) {
// Old module, manually removed
" - Skipping <info>{$requireName}</info> (Manually removed from recipe)"
} else {
// New module
" - Inlining <info>{$requireName}</info> (<comment>{$requireVersion}</comment>)"
$require[$requireName] = $requireVersion;
// note dependency as previously installed
$previouslyInstalled[$requireName] = $requireVersion;
// Add new require / extra-installed
$composerData['require'] = $require;
if ($previouslyInstalled) {
if (!isset($composerData['extra'])) {
$composerData['extra'] = [];
$composerData['extra'][RecipePlugin::PROJECT_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALLED] = $previouslyInstalled;
// Move recipe from 'require' to 'provide'
$installedVersion = $this->findInstalledVersion($recipe) ?: $installedVersion;
if (!isset($composerData['provide'])) {
$composerData['provide'] = [];
$composerData['provide'][$recipe] = $installedVersion;
return $composerData;
// Update synchronise composer.lock
return $this->updateProject($output);
* callback to safely modify composer.json data
* @param callable $callable Callable which will safely take and return the composer data.
* This should return false if no content changed, or the updated data
protected function modifyComposer($callable)
// Begin modification of composer.json
$composerFile = new JsonFile(Factory::getComposerFile(), null, $this->getIO());
$composerData = $composerFile->read();
// Note: Respect call by ref $composerData
$result = $callable($composerData);
if ($result === false) {
if ($result) {
$composerData = $result;
// Update composer.json and refresh local composer instance