443 lines
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2021-01-25 18:15:33 +07:00
* ATTENTION: The "eval" devtool has been used (maybe by default in mode: "development").
* This devtool is neither made for production nor for readable output files.
* It uses "eval()" calls to create a separate source file in the browser devtools.
* If you are trying to read the output file, select a different devtool (https://webpack.js.org/configuration/devtool/)
* or disable the default devtool with "devtool: false".
* If you are looking for production-ready output files, see mode: "production" (https://webpack.js.org/configuration/mode/).
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2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/index.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/index.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./lib/axios */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/axios.js\");\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/index.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/xhr.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/xhr.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../utils */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js\");\n\nvar settle = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../core/settle */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js\");\n\nvar cookies = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../helpers/cookies */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/cookies.js\");\n\nvar buildURL = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../helpers/buildURL */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/buildURL.js\");\n\nvar buildFullPath = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/buildFullPath */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/buildFullPath.js\");\n\nvar parseHeaders = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../helpers/parseHeaders */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/parseHeaders.js\");\n\nvar isURLSameOrigin = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../helpers/isURLSameOrigin */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/isURLSameOrigin.js\");\n\nvar createError = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/createError */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js\");\n\nmodule.exports = function xhrAdapter(config) {\n return new Promise(function dispatchXhrRequest(resolve, reject) {\n var requestData = config.data;\n var requestHeaders = config.headers;\n\n if (utils.isFormData(requestData)) {\n delete requestHeaders['Content-Type']; // Let the browser set it\n }\n\n var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); // HTTP basic authentication\n\n if (config.auth) {\n var username = config.auth.username || '';\n var password = config.auth.password ? unescape(encodeURIComponent(config.auth.password)) : '';\n requestHeaders.Authorization = 'Basic ' + btoa(username + ':' + password);\n }\n\n var fullPath = buildFullPath(config.baseURL, config.url);\n request.open(config.method.toUpperCase(), buildURL(fullPath, config.params, config.paramsSerializer), true); // Set the request timeout in MS\n\n request.timeout = config.timeout; // Listen for ready state\n\n request.onreadystatechange = function handleLoad() {\n if (!request || request.readyState !== 4) {\n return;\n } // The request errored out and we didn't get a response, this will be\n // handled by onerror instead\n // With one exception: request that using file: protocol, most browsers\n // will return status as 0 even though it's a successful request\n\n\n if (request.status === 0 && !(request.responseURL && request.responseURL.indexOf('file:') === 0)) {\n return;\n } // Prepare the response\n\n\n var responseHeaders = 'getAllResponseHeaders' in request ? parseHeaders(request.getAllResponseHeaders()) : null;\n var responseData = !config.responseType || config.responseType === 'text' ? request.responseText : request.response;\n var response = {\n data: responseData,\n status: request.status,\n statusText: request.statusText,\n headers: responseHeaders,\n config: config,\n request: request\n };\n settle(resolve, reject, response); // Clean up request\n\n request = null;\n }; // Handle browser request cancellation (as opposed to a manual cancellation)\n\n\n request.onabort = function handleAbort() {\n if (!request) {\n return;\n }\n\n reject(createError('Request aborted', config, 'ECONNABORTED', request)); // Clean up request\n\n request = null;\n }; // Handle low level network errors\n\n\n request.onerror = function handleError() {\n // Real errors are hidden from us by the browser\n // onerror should only fire if it's a network error\n reject(createError('Network Error', config, null, request)); // Clean up request\n\n request = null;\n }; // Handle timeout\n\n\n request.ontimeout = function handleTimeout() {\n var timeoutErrorMessage = 'timeout of ' + config.timeout + 'ms exceeded';\n\n if (config.timeoutErrorMess
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/axios.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/axios.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
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2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js\");\n\nvar bind = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers/bind */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/bind.js\");\n\nvar Axios = __webpack_require__(/*! ./core/Axios */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/Axios.js\");\n\nvar mergeConfig = __webpack_require__(/*! ./core/mergeConfig */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/mergeConfig.js\");\n\nvar defaults = __webpack_require__(/*! ./defaults */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/defaults.js\");\n/**\n * Create an instance of Axios\n *\n * @param {Object} defaultConfig The default config for the instance\n * @return {Axios} A new instance of Axios\n */\n\n\nfunction createInstance(defaultConfig) {\n var context = new Axios(defaultConfig);\n var instance = bind(Axios.prototype.request, context); // Copy axios.prototype to instance\n\n utils.extend(instance, Axios.prototype, context); // Copy context to instance\n\n utils.extend(instance, context);\n return instance;\n} // Create the default instance to be exported\n\n\nvar axios = createInstance(defaults); // Expose Axios class to allow class inheritance\n\naxios.Axios = Axios; // Factory for creating new instances\n\naxios.create = function create(instanceConfig) {\n return createInstance(mergeConfig(axios.defaults, instanceConfig));\n}; // Expose Cancel & CancelToken\n\n\naxios.Cancel = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cancel/Cancel */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/Cancel.js\");\naxios.CancelToken = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cancel/CancelToken */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/CancelToken.js\");\naxios.isCancel = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cancel/isCancel */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/isCancel.js\"); // Expose all/spread\n\naxios.all = function all(promises) {\n return Promise.all(promises);\n};\n\naxios.spread = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers/spread */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/spread.js\"); // Expose isAxiosError\n\naxios.isAxiosError = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers/isAxiosError */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/isAxiosError.js\");\nmodule.exports = axios; // Allow use of default import syntax in TypeScript\n\nmodule.exports.default = axios;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/axios.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/Cancel.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/Cancel.js ***!
/***/ (function(module) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n/**\n * A `Cancel` is an object that is thrown when an operation is canceled.\n *\n * @class\n * @param {string=} message The message.\n */\n\nfunction Cancel(message) {\n this.message = message;\n}\n\nCancel.prototype.toString = function toString() {\n return 'Cancel' + (this.message ? ': ' + this.message : '');\n};\n\nCancel.prototype.__CANCEL__ = true;\nmodule.exports = Cancel;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/Cancel.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/CancelToken.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/CancelToken.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar Cancel = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Cancel */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/Cancel.js\");\n/**\n * A `CancelToken` is an object that can be used to request cancellation of an operation.\n *\n * @class\n * @param {Function} executor The executor function.\n */\n\n\nfunction CancelToken(executor) {\n if (typeof executor !== 'function') {\n throw new TypeError('executor must be a function.');\n }\n\n var resolvePromise;\n this.promise = new Promise(function promiseExecutor(resolve) {\n resolvePromise = resolve;\n });\n var token = this;\n executor(function cancel(message) {\n if (token.reason) {\n // Cancellation has already been requested\n return;\n }\n\n token.reason = new Cancel(message);\n resolvePromise(token.reason);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Throws a `Cancel` if cancellation has been requested.\n */\n\n\nCancelToken.prototype.throwIfRequested = function throwIfRequested() {\n if (this.reason) {\n throw this.reason;\n }\n};\n/**\n * Returns an object that contains a new `CancelToken` and a function that, when called,\n * cancels the `CancelToken`.\n */\n\n\nCancelToken.source = function source() {\n var cancel;\n var token = new CancelToken(function executor(c) {\n cancel = c;\n });\n return {\n token: token,\n cancel: cancel\n };\n};\n\nmodule.exports = CancelToken;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/CancelToken.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/isCancel.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/isCancel.js ***!
/***/ (function(module) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nmodule.exports = function isCancel(value) {\n return !!(value && value.__CANCEL__);\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/isCancel.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/Axios.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/Axios.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../utils */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js\");\n\nvar buildURL = __webpack_require__(/*! ../helpers/buildURL */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/buildURL.js\");\n\nvar InterceptorManager = __webpack_require__(/*! ./InterceptorManager */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/InterceptorManager.js\");\n\nvar dispatchRequest = __webpack_require__(/*! ./dispatchRequest */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/dispatchRequest.js\");\n\nvar mergeConfig = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mergeConfig */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/mergeConfig.js\");\n/**\n * Create a new instance of Axios\n *\n * @param {Object} instanceConfig The default config for the instance\n */\n\n\nfunction Axios(instanceConfig) {\n this.defaults = instanceConfig;\n this.interceptors = {\n request: new InterceptorManager(),\n response: new InterceptorManager()\n };\n}\n/**\n * Dispatch a request\n *\n * @param {Object} config The config specific for this request (merged with this.defaults)\n */\n\n\nAxios.prototype.request = function request(config) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n // Allow for axios('example/url'[, config]) a la fetch API\n if (typeof config === 'string') {\n config = arguments[1] || {};\n config.url = arguments[0];\n } else {\n config = config || {};\n }\n\n config = mergeConfig(this.defaults, config); // Set config.method\n\n if (config.method) {\n config.method = config.method.toLowerCase();\n } else if (this.defaults.method) {\n config.method = this.defaults.method.toLowerCase();\n } else {\n config.method = 'get';\n } // Hook up interceptors middleware\n\n\n var chain = [dispatchRequest, undefined];\n var promise = Promise.resolve(config);\n this.interceptors.request.forEach(function unshiftRequestInterceptors(interceptor) {\n chain.unshift(interceptor.fulfilled, interceptor.rejected);\n });\n this.interceptors.response.forEach(function pushResponseInterceptors(interceptor) {\n chain.push(interceptor.fulfilled, interceptor.rejected);\n });\n\n while (chain.length) {\n promise = promise.then(chain.shift(), chain.shift());\n }\n\n return promise;\n};\n\nAxios.prototype.getUri = function getUri(config) {\n config = mergeConfig(this.defaults, config);\n return buildURL(config.url, config.params, config.paramsSerializer).replace(/^\\?/, '');\n}; // Provide aliases for supported request methods\n\n\nutils.forEach(['delete', 'get', 'head', 'options'], function forEachMethodNoData(method) {\n /*eslint func-names:0*/\n Axios.prototype[method] = function (url, config) {\n return this.request(mergeConfig(config || {}, {\n method: method,\n url: url,\n data: (config || {}).data\n }));\n };\n});\nutils.forEach(['post', 'put', 'patch'], function forEachMethodWithData(method) {\n /*eslint func-names:0*/\n Axios.prototype[method] = function (url, data, config) {\n return this.request(mergeConfig(config || {}, {\n method: method,\n url: url,\n data: data\n }));\n };\n});\nmodule.exports = Axios;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/Axios.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/InterceptorManager.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/InterceptorManager.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../utils */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js\");\n\nfunction InterceptorManager() {\n this.handlers = [];\n}\n/**\n * Add a new interceptor to the stack\n *\n * @param {Function} fulfilled The function to handle `then` for a `Promise`\n * @param {Function} rejected The function to handle `reject` for a `Promise`\n *\n * @return {Number} An ID used to remove interceptor later\n */\n\n\nInterceptorManager.prototype.use = function use(fulfilled, rejected) {\n this.handlers.push({\n fulfilled: fulfilled,\n rejected: rejected\n });\n return this.handlers.length - 1;\n};\n/**\n * Remove an interceptor from the stack\n *\n * @param {Number} id The ID that was returned by `use`\n */\n\n\nInterceptorManager.prototype.eject = function eject(id) {\n if (this.handlers[id]) {\n this.handlers[id] = null;\n }\n};\n/**\n * Iterate over all the registered interceptors\n *\n * This method is particularly useful for skipping over any\n * interceptors that may have become `null` calling `eject`.\n *\n * @param {Function} fn The function to call for each interceptor\n */\n\n\nInterceptorManager.prototype.forEach = function forEach(fn) {\n utils.forEach(this.handlers, function forEachHandler(h) {\n if (h !== null) {\n fn(h);\n }\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = InterceptorManager;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/InterceptorManager.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/buildFullPath.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/buildFullPath.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar isAbsoluteURL = __webpack_require__(/*! ../helpers/isAbsoluteURL */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/isAbsoluteURL.js\");\n\nvar combineURLs = __webpack_require__(/*! ../helpers/combineURLs */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/combineURLs.js\");\n/**\n * Creates a new URL by combining the baseURL with the requestedURL,\n * only when the requestedURL is not already an absolute URL.\n * If the requestURL is absolute, this function returns the requestedURL untouched.\n *\n * @param {string} baseURL The base URL\n * @param {string} requestedURL Absolute or relative URL to combine\n * @returns {string} The combined full path\n */\n\n\nmodule.exports = function buildFullPath(baseURL, requestedURL) {\n if (baseURL && !isAbsoluteURL(requestedURL)) {\n return combineURLs(baseURL, requestedURL);\n }\n\n return requestedURL;\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/buildFullPath.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar enhanceError = __webpack_require__(/*! ./enhanceError */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/enhanceError.js\");\n/**\n * Create an Error with the specified message, config, error code, request and response.\n *\n * @param {string} message The error message.\n * @param {Object} config The config.\n * @param {string} [code] The error code (for example, 'ECONNABORTED').\n * @param {Object} [request] The request.\n * @param {Object} [response] The response.\n * @returns {Error} The created error.\n */\n\n\nmodule.exports = function createError(message, config, code, request, response) {\n var error = new Error(message);\n return enhanceError(error, config, code, request, response);\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/dispatchRequest.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/dispatchRequest.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../utils */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js\");\n\nvar transformData = __webpack_require__(/*! ./transformData */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/transformData.js\");\n\nvar isCancel = __webpack_require__(/*! ../cancel/isCancel */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/isCancel.js\");\n\nvar defaults = __webpack_require__(/*! ../defaults */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/defaults.js\");\n/**\n * Throws a `Cancel` if cancellation has been requested.\n */\n\n\nfunction throwIfCancellationRequested(config) {\n if (config.cancelToken) {\n config.cancelToken.throwIfRequested();\n }\n}\n/**\n * Dispatch a request to the server using the configured adapter.\n *\n * @param {object} config The config that is to be used for the request\n * @returns {Promise} The Promise to be fulfilled\n */\n\n\nmodule.exports = function dispatchRequest(config) {\n throwIfCancellationRequested(config); // Ensure headers exist\n\n config.headers = config.headers || {}; // Transform request data\n\n config.data = transformData(config.data, config.headers, config.transformRequest); // Flatten headers\n\n config.headers = utils.merge(config.headers.common || {}, config.headers[config.method] || {}, config.headers);\n utils.forEach(['delete', 'get', 'head', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'common'], function cleanHeaderConfig(method) {\n delete config.headers[method];\n });\n var adapter = config.adapter || defaults.adapter;\n return adapter(config).then(function onAdapterResolution(response) {\n throwIfCancellationRequested(config); // Transform response data\n\n response.data = transformData(response.data, response.headers, config.transformResponse);\n return response;\n }, function onAdapterRejection(reason) {\n if (!isCancel(reason)) {\n throwIfCancellationRequested(config); // Transform response data\n\n if (reason && reason.response) {\n reason.response.data = transformData(reason.response.data, reason.response.headers, config.transformResponse);\n }\n }\n\n return Promise.reject(reason);\n });\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/dispatchRequest.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/enhanceError.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/enhanceError.js ***!
/***/ (function(module) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n/**\n * Update an Error with the specified config, error code, and response.\n *\n * @param {Error} error The error to update.\n * @param {Object} config The config.\n * @param {string} [code] The error code (for example, 'ECONNABORTED').\n * @param {Object} [request] The request.\n * @param {Object} [response] The response.\n * @returns {Error} The error.\n */\n\nmodule.exports = function enhanceError(error, config, code, request, response) {\n error.config = config;\n\n if (code) {\n error.code = code;\n }\n\n error.request = request;\n error.response = response;\n error.isAxiosError = true;\n\n error.toJSON = function toJSON() {\n return {\n // Standard\n message: this.message,\n name: this.name,\n // Microsoft\n description: this.description,\n number: this.number,\n // Mozilla\n fileName: this.fileName,\n lineNumber: this.lineNumber,\n columnNumber: this.columnNumber,\n stack: this.stack,\n // Axios\n config: this.config,\n code: this.code\n };\n };\n\n return error;\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/enhanceError.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/mergeConfig.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/mergeConfig.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js\");\n/**\n * Config-specific merge-function which creates a new config-object\n * by merging two configuration objects together.\n *\n * @param {Object} config1\n * @param {Object} config2\n * @returns {Object} New object resulting from merging config2 to config1\n */\n\n\nmodule.exports = function mergeConfig(config1, config2) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n config2 = config2 || {};\n var config = {};\n var valueFromConfig2Keys = ['url', 'method', 'data'];\n var mergeDeepPropertiesKeys = ['headers', 'auth', 'proxy', 'params'];\n var defaultToConfig2Keys = ['baseURL', 'transformRequest', 'transformResponse', 'paramsSerializer', 'timeout', 'timeoutMessage', 'withCredentials', 'adapter', 'responseType', 'xsrfCookieName', 'xsrfHeaderName', 'onUploadProgress', 'onDownloadProgress', 'decompress', 'maxContentLength', 'maxBodyLength', 'maxRedirects', 'transport', 'httpAgent', 'httpsAgent', 'cancelToken', 'socketPath', 'responseEncoding'];\n var directMergeKeys = ['validateStatus'];\n\n function getMergedValue(target, source) {\n if (utils.isPlainObject(target) && utils.isPlainObject(source)) {\n return utils.merge(target, source);\n } else if (utils.isPlainObject(source)) {\n return utils.merge({}, source);\n } else if (utils.isArray(source)) {\n return source.slice();\n }\n\n return source;\n }\n\n function mergeDeepProperties(prop) {\n if (!utils.isUndefined(config2[prop])) {\n config[prop] = getMergedValue(config1[prop], config2[prop]);\n } else if (!utils.isUndefined(config1[prop])) {\n config[prop] = getMergedValue(undefined, config1[prop]);\n }\n }\n\n utils.forEach(valueFromConfig2Keys, function valueFromConfig2(prop) {\n if (!utils.isUndefined(config2[prop])) {\n config[prop] = getMergedValue(undefined, config2[prop]);\n }\n });\n utils.forEach(mergeDeepPropertiesKeys, mergeDeepProperties);\n utils.forEach(defaultToConfig2Keys, function defaultToConfig2(prop) {\n if (!utils.isUndefined(config2[prop])) {\n config[prop] = getMergedValue(undefined, config2[prop]);\n } else if (!utils.isUndefined(config1[prop])) {\n config[prop] = getMergedValue(undefined, config1[prop]);\n }\n });\n utils.forEach(directMergeKeys, function merge(prop) {\n if (prop in config2) {\n config[prop] = getMergedValue(config1[prop], config2[prop]);\n } else if (prop in config1) {\n config[prop] = getMergedValue(undefined, config1[prop]);\n }\n });\n var axiosKeys = valueFromConfig2Keys.concat(mergeDeepPropertiesKeys).concat(defaultToConfig2Keys).concat(directMergeKeys);\n var otherKeys = Object.keys(config1).concat(Object.keys(config2)).filter(function filterAxiosKeys(key) {\n return axiosKeys.indexOf(key) === -1;\n });\n utils.forEach(otherKeys, mergeDeepProperties);\n return config;\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/mergeConfig.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar createError = __webpack_require__(/*! ./createError */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js\");\n/**\n * Resolve or reject a Promise based on response status.\n *\n * @param {Function} resolve A function that resolves the promise.\n * @param {Function} reject A function that rejects the promise.\n * @param {object} response The response.\n */\n\n\nmodule.exports = function settle(resolve, reject, response) {\n var validateStatus = response.config.validateStatus;\n\n if (!response.status || !validateStatus || validateStatus(response.status)) {\n resolve(response);\n } else {\n reject(createError('Request failed with status code ' + response.status, response.config, null, response.request, response));\n }\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/transformData.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/transformData.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../utils */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js\");\n/**\n * Transform the data for a request or a response\n *\n * @param {Object|String} data The data to be transformed\n * @param {Array} headers The headers for the request or response\n * @param {Array|Function} fns A single function or Array of functions\n * @returns {*} The resulting transformed data\n */\n\n\nmodule.exports = function transformData(data, headers, fns) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n utils.forEach(fns, function transform(fn) {\n data = fn(data, headers);\n });\n return data;\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/core/transformData.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/defaults.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/defaults.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js\");\n\nvar normalizeHeaderName = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers/normalizeHeaderName */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/normalizeHeaderName.js\");\n\nvar DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = {\n 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'\n};\n\nfunction setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, value) {\n if (!utils.isUndefined(headers) && utils.isUndefined(headers['Content-Type'])) {\n headers['Content-Type'] = value;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getDefaultAdapter() {\n var adapter;\n\n if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {\n // For browsers use XHR adapter\n adapter = __webpack_require__(/*! ./adapters/xhr */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/xhr.js\");\n } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && Object.prototype.toString.call(process) === '[object process]') {\n // For node use HTTP adapter\n adapter = __webpack_require__(/*! ./adapters/http */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/xhr.js\");\n }\n\n return adapter;\n}\n\nvar defaults = {\n adapter: getDefaultAdapter(),\n transformRequest: [function transformRequest(data, headers) {\n normalizeHeaderName(headers, 'Accept');\n normalizeHeaderName(headers, 'Content-Type');\n\n if (utils.isFormData(data) || utils.isArrayBuffer(data) || utils.isBuffer(data) || utils.isStream(data) || utils.isFile(data) || utils.isBlob(data)) {\n return data;\n }\n\n if (utils.isArrayBufferView(data)) {\n return data.buffer;\n }\n\n if (utils.isURLSearchParams(data)) {\n setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8');\n return data.toString();\n }\n\n if (utils.isObject(data)) {\n setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, 'application/json;charset=utf-8');\n return JSON.stringify(data);\n }\n\n return data;\n }],\n transformResponse: [function transformResponse(data) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n if (typeof data === 'string') {\n try {\n data = JSON.parse(data);\n } catch (e) {\n /* Ignore */\n }\n }\n\n return data;\n }],\n\n /**\n * A timeout in milliseconds to abort a request. If set to 0 (default) a\n * timeout is not created.\n */\n timeout: 0,\n xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',\n xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',\n maxContentLength: -1,\n maxBodyLength: -1,\n validateStatus: function validateStatus(status) {\n return status >= 200 && status < 300;\n }\n};\ndefaults.headers = {\n common: {\n 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*'\n }\n};\nutils.forEach(['delete', 'get', 'head'], function forEachMethodNoData(method) {\n defaults.headers[method] = {};\n});\nutils.forEach(['post', 'put', 'patch'], function forEachMethodWithData(method) {\n defaults.headers[method] = utils.merge(DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);\n});\nmodule.exports = defaults;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/defaults.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/bind.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/bind.js ***!
/***/ (function(module) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nmodule.exports = function bind(fn, thisArg) {\n return function wrap() {\n var args = new Array(arguments.length);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {\n args[i] = arguments[i];\n }\n\n return fn.apply(thisArg, args);\n };\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/bind.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/buildURL.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/buildURL.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../utils */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js\");\n\nfunction encode(val) {\n return encodeURIComponent(val).replace(/%3A/gi, ':').replace(/%24/g, '$').replace(/%2C/gi, ',').replace(/%20/g, '+').replace(/%5B/gi, '[').replace(/%5D/gi, ']');\n}\n/**\n * Build a URL by appending params to the end\n *\n * @param {string} url The base of the url (e.g., http://www.google.com)\n * @param {object} [params] The params to be appended\n * @returns {string} The formatted url\n */\n\n\nmodule.exports = function buildURL(url, params, paramsSerializer) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n if (!params) {\n return url;\n }\n\n var serializedParams;\n\n if (paramsSerializer) {\n serializedParams = paramsSerializer(params);\n } else if (utils.isURLSearchParams(params)) {\n serializedParams = params.toString();\n } else {\n var parts = [];\n utils.forEach(params, function serialize(val, key) {\n if (val === null || typeof val === 'undefined') {\n return;\n }\n\n if (utils.isArray(val)) {\n key = key + '[]';\n } else {\n val = [val];\n }\n\n utils.forEach(val, function parseValue(v) {\n if (utils.isDate(v)) {\n v = v.toISOString();\n } else if (utils.isObject(v)) {\n v = JSON.stringify(v);\n }\n\n parts.push(encode(key) + '=' + encode(v));\n });\n });\n serializedParams = parts.join('&');\n }\n\n if (serializedParams) {\n var hashmarkIndex = url.indexOf('#');\n\n if (hashmarkIndex !== -1) {\n url = url.slice(0, hashmarkIndex);\n }\n\n url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + serializedParams;\n }\n\n return url;\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/buildURL.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/combineURLs.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/combineURLs.js ***!
/***/ (function(module) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n/**\n * Creates a new URL by combining the specified URLs\n *\n * @param {string} baseURL The base URL\n * @param {string} relativeURL The relative URL\n * @returns {string} The combined URL\n */\n\nmodule.exports = function combineURLs(baseURL, relativeURL) {\n return relativeURL ? baseURL.replace(/\\/+$/, '') + '/' + relativeURL.replace(/^\\/+/, '') : baseURL;\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/combineURLs.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/cookies.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/cookies.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../utils */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js\");\n\nmodule.exports = utils.isStandardBrowserEnv() ? // Standard browser envs support document.cookie\nfunction standardBrowserEnv() {\n return {\n write: function write(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) {\n var cookie = [];\n cookie.push(name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value));\n\n if (utils.isNumber(expires)) {\n cookie.push('expires=' + new Date(expires).toGMTString());\n }\n\n if (utils.isString(path)) {\n cookie.push('path=' + path);\n }\n\n if (utils.isString(domain)) {\n cookie.push('domain=' + domain);\n }\n\n if (secure === true) {\n cookie.push('secure');\n }\n\n document.cookie = cookie.join('; ');\n },\n read: function read(name) {\n var match = document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^|;\\\\s*)(' + name + ')=([^;]*)'));\n return match ? decodeURIComponent(match[3]) : null;\n },\n remove: function remove(name) {\n this.write(name, '', Date.now() - 86400000);\n }\n };\n}() : // Non standard browser env (web workers, react-native) lack needed support.\nfunction nonStandardBrowserEnv() {\n return {\n write: function write() {},\n read: function read() {\n return null;\n },\n remove: function remove() {}\n };\n}();\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/cookies.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/isAbsoluteURL.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/isAbsoluteURL.js ***!
/***/ (function(module) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n/**\n * Determines whether the specified URL is absolute\n *\n * @param {string} url The URL to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if the specified URL is absolute, otherwise false\n */\n\nmodule.exports = function isAbsoluteURL(url) {\n // A URL is considered absolute if it begins with \"<scheme>://\" or \"//\" (protocol-relative URL).\n // RFC 3986 defines scheme name as a sequence of characters beginning with a letter and followed\n // by any combination of letters, digits, plus, period, or hyphen.\n return /^([a-z][a-z\\d\\+\\-\\.]*:)?\\/\\//i.test(url);\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/isAbsoluteURL.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/isAxiosError.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/isAxiosError.js ***!
/***/ (function(module) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n/**\n * Determines whether the payload is an error thrown by Axios\n *\n * @param {*} payload The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if the payload is an error thrown by Axios, otherwise false\n */\n\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nmodule.exports = function isAxiosError(payload) {\n return _typeof(payload) === 'object' && payload.isAxiosError === true;\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/isAxiosError.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/isURLSameOrigin.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/isURLSameOrigin.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../utils */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js\");\n\nmodule.exports = utils.isStandardBrowserEnv() ? // Standard browser envs have full support of the APIs needed to test\n// whether the request URL is of the same origin as current location.\nfunction standardBrowserEnv() {\n var msie = /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent);\n var urlParsingNode = document.createElement('a');\n var originURL;\n /**\n * Parse a URL to discover it's components\n *\n * @param {String} url The URL to be parsed\n * @returns {Object}\n */\n\n function resolveURL(url) {\n var href = url;\n\n if (msie) {\n // IE needs attribute set twice to normalize properties\n urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href);\n href = urlParsingNode.href;\n }\n\n urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href); // urlParsingNode provides the UrlUtils interface - http://url.spec.whatwg.org/#urlutils\n\n return {\n href: urlParsingNode.href,\n protocol: urlParsingNode.protocol ? urlParsingNode.protocol.replace(/:$/, '') : '',\n host: urlParsingNode.host,\n search: urlParsingNode.search ? urlParsingNode.search.replace(/^\\?/, '') : '',\n hash: urlParsingNode.hash ? urlParsingNode.hash.replace(/^#/, '') : '',\n hostname: urlParsingNode.hostname,\n port: urlParsingNode.port,\n pathname: urlParsingNode.pathname.charAt(0) === '/' ? urlParsingNode.pathname : '/' + urlParsingNode.pathname\n };\n }\n\n originURL = resolveURL(window.location.href);\n /**\n * Determine if a URL shares the same origin as the current location\n *\n * @param {String} requestURL The URL to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if URL shares the same origin, otherwise false\n */\n\n return function isURLSameOrigin(requestURL) {\n var parsed = utils.isString(requestURL) ? resolveURL(requestURL) : requestURL;\n return parsed.protocol === originURL.protocol && parsed.host === originURL.host;\n };\n}() : // Non standard browser envs (web workers, react-native) lack needed support.\nfunction nonStandardBrowserEnv() {\n return function isURLSameOrigin() {\n return true;\n };\n}();\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/isURLSameOrigin.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/normalizeHeaderName.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/normalizeHeaderName.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js\");\n\nmodule.exports = function normalizeHeaderName(headers, normalizedName) {\n utils.forEach(headers, function processHeader(value, name) {\n if (name !== normalizedName && name.toUpperCase() === normalizedName.toUpperCase()) {\n headers[normalizedName] = value;\n delete headers[name];\n }\n });\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/normalizeHeaderName.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/parseHeaders.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/parseHeaders.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../utils */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js\"); // Headers whose duplicates are ignored by node\n// c.f. https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_message_headers\n\n\nvar ignoreDuplicateOf = ['age', 'authorization', 'content-length', 'content-type', 'etag', 'expires', 'from', 'host', 'if-modified-since', 'if-unmodified-since', 'last-modified', 'location', 'max-forwards', 'proxy-authorization', 'referer', 'retry-after', 'user-agent'];\n/**\n * Parse headers into an object\n *\n * ```\n * Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:58:49 GMT\n * Content-Type: application/json\n * Connection: keep-alive\n * Transfer-Encoding: chunked\n * ```\n *\n * @param {String} headers Headers needing to be parsed\n * @returns {Object} Headers parsed into an object\n */\n\nmodule.exports = function parseHeaders(headers) {\n var parsed = {};\n var key;\n var val;\n var i;\n\n if (!headers) {\n return parsed;\n }\n\n utils.forEach(headers.split('\\n'), function parser(line) {\n i = line.indexOf(':');\n key = utils.trim(line.substr(0, i)).toLowerCase();\n val = utils.trim(line.substr(i + 1));\n\n if (key) {\n if (parsed[key] && ignoreDuplicateOf.indexOf(key) >= 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (key === 'set-cookie') {\n parsed[key] = (parsed[key] ? parsed[key] : []).concat([val]);\n } else {\n parsed[key] = parsed[key] ? parsed[key] + ', ' + val : val;\n }\n }\n });\n return parsed;\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/parseHeaders.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/spread.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/spread.js ***!
/***/ (function(module) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n/**\n * Syntactic sugar for invoking a function and expanding an array for arguments.\n *\n * Common use case would be to use `Function.prototype.apply`.\n *\n * ```js\n * function f(x, y, z) {}\n * var args = [1, 2, 3];\n * f.apply(null, args);\n * ```\n *\n * With `spread` this example can be re-written.\n *\n * ```js\n * spread(function(x, y, z) {})([1, 2, 3]);\n * ```\n *\n * @param {Function} callback\n * @returns {Function}\n */\n\nmodule.exports = function spread(callback) {\n return function wrap(arr) {\n return callback.apply(null, arr);\n };\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/spread.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nvar bind = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers/bind */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/bind.js\");\n/*global toString:true*/\n// utils is a library of generic helper functions non-specific to axios\n\n\nvar toString = Object.prototype.toString;\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an Array\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an Array, otherwise false\n */\n\nfunction isArray(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object Array]';\n}\n/**\n * Determine if a value is undefined\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if the value is undefined, otherwise false\n */\n\n\nfunction isUndefined(val) {\n return typeof val === 'undefined';\n}\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Buffer\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Buffer, otherwise false\n */\n\n\nfunction isBuffer(val) {\n return val !== null && !isUndefined(val) && val.constructor !== null && !isUndefined(val.constructor) && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function' && val.constructor.isBuffer(val);\n}\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an ArrayBuffer\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an ArrayBuffer, otherwise false\n */\n\n\nfunction isArrayBuffer(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object ArrayBuffer]';\n}\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a FormData\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an FormData, otherwise false\n */\n\n\nfunction isFormData(val) {\n return typeof FormData !== 'undefined' && val instanceof FormData;\n}\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a view on an ArrayBuffer\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a view on an ArrayBuffer, otherwise false\n */\n\n\nfunction isArrayBufferView(val) {\n var result;\n\n if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && ArrayBuffer.isView) {\n result = ArrayBuffer.isView(val);\n } else {\n result = val && val.buffer && val.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a String\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a String, otherwise false\n */\n\n\nfunction isString(val) {\n return typeof val === 'string';\n}\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Number\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Number, otherwise false\n */\n\n\nfunction isNumber(val) {\n return typeof val === 'number';\n}\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an Object\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an Object, otherwise false\n */\n\n\nfunction isObject(val) {\n return val !== null && _typeof(val) === 'object';\n}\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a plain Object\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @return {boolean} True if value is a plain Object, otherwise false\n */\n\n\nfunction isPlainObject(val) {\n if (toString.call(val) !== '[object Object]') {\n return false;\n }\n\n var prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(val);\n return prototype === null || prototype === Object.prototype;\n}\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Date\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Date, otherwise false\n */\n\n\nfunction isDate(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object Date]';\n}\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a File\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a File, otherwise false\n */\n\n\nfunction isFile(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/balanced-match@1.0.0/node_modules/balanced-match/index.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/balanced-match@1.0.0/node_modules/balanced-match/index.js ***!
/***/ (function(module) {
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("\n\nmodule.exports = balanced;\n\nfunction balanced(a, b, str) {\n if (a instanceof RegExp) a = maybeMatch(a, str);\n if (b instanceof RegExp) b = maybeMatch(b, str);\n var r = range(a, b, str);\n return r && {\n start: r[0],\n end: r[1],\n pre: str.slice(0, r[0]),\n body: str.slice(r[0] + a.length, r[1]),\n post: str.slice(r[1] + b.length)\n };\n}\n\nfunction maybeMatch(reg, str) {\n var m = str.match(reg);\n return m ? m[0] : null;\n}\n\nbalanced.range = range;\n\nfunction range(a, b, str) {\n var begs, beg, left, right, result;\n var ai = str.indexOf(a);\n var bi = str.indexOf(b, ai + 1);\n var i = ai;\n\n if (ai >= 0 && bi > 0) {\n begs = [];\n left = str.length;\n\n while (i >= 0 && !result) {\n if (i == ai) {\n begs.push(i);\n ai = str.indexOf(a, i + 1);\n } else if (begs.length == 1) {\n result = [begs.pop(), bi];\n } else {\n beg = begs.pop();\n\n if (beg < left) {\n left = beg;\n right = bi;\n }\n\n bi = str.indexOf(b, i + 1);\n }\n\n i = ai < bi && ai >= 0 ? ai : bi;\n }\n\n if (begs.length) {\n result = [left, right];\n }\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@a2nt/meta-lightbox-react/./node_modules/.pnpm/balanced-match@1.0.0/node_modules/balanced-match/index.js?");
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/brace-expansion@2.0.0/node_modules/brace-expansion/index.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/brace-expansion@2.0.0/node_modules/brace-expansion/index.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("var balanced = __webpack_require__(/*! balanced-match */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/balanced-match@1.0.0/node_modules/balanced-match/index.js\");\n\nmodule.exports = expandTop;\nvar escSlash = '\\0SLASH' + Math.random() + '\\0';\nvar escOpen = '\\0OPEN' + Math.random() + '\\0';\nvar escClose = '\\0CLOSE' + Math.random() + '\\0';\nvar escComma = '\\0COMMA' + Math.random() + '\\0';\nvar escPeriod = '\\0PERIOD' + Math.random() + '\\0';\n\nfunction numeric(str) {\n return parseInt(str, 10) == str ? parseInt(str, 10) : str.charCodeAt(0);\n}\n\nfunction escapeBraces(str) {\n return str.split('\\\\\\\\').join(escSlash).split('\\\\{').join(escOpen).split('\\\\}').join(escClose).split('\\\\,').join(escComma).split('\\\\.').join(escPeriod);\n}\n\nfunction unescapeBraces(str) {\n return str.split(escSlash).join('\\\\').split(escOpen).join('{').split(escClose).join('}').split(escComma).join(',').split(escPeriod).join('.');\n} // Basically just str.split(\",\"), but handling cases\n// where we have nested braced sections, which should be\n// treated as individual members, like {a,{b,c},d}\n\n\nfunction parseCommaParts(str) {\n if (!str) return [''];\n var parts = [];\n var m = balanced('{', '}', str);\n if (!m) return str.split(',');\n var pre = m.pre;\n var body = m.body;\n var post = m.post;\n var p = pre.split(',');\n p[p.length - 1] += '{' + body + '}';\n var postParts = parseCommaParts(post);\n\n if (post.length) {\n p[p.length - 1] += postParts.shift();\n p.push.apply(p, postParts);\n }\n\n parts.push.apply(parts, p);\n return parts;\n}\n\nfunction expandTop(str) {\n if (!str) return []; // I don't know why Bash 4.3 does this, but it does.\n // Anything starting with {} will have the first two bytes preserved\n // but *only* at the top level, so {},a}b will not expand to anything,\n // but a{},b}c will be expanded to [a}c,abc].\n // One could argue that this is a bug in Bash, but since the goal of\n // this module is to match Bash's rules, we escape a leading {}\n\n if (str.substr(0, 2) === '{}') {\n str = '\\\\{\\\\}' + str.substr(2);\n }\n\n return expand(escapeBraces(str), true).map(unescapeBraces);\n}\n\nfunction embrace(str) {\n return '{' + str + '}';\n}\n\nfunction isPadded(el) {\n return /^-?0\\d/.test(el);\n}\n\nfunction lte(i, y) {\n return i <= y;\n}\n\nfunction gte(i, y) {\n return i >= y;\n}\n\nfunction expand(str, isTop) {\n var expansions = [];\n var m = balanced('{', '}', str);\n if (!m || /\\$$/.test(m.pre)) return [str];\n var isNumericSequence = /^-?\\d+\\.\\.-?\\d+(?:\\.\\.-?\\d+)?$/.test(m.body);\n var isAlphaSequence = /^[a-zA-Z]\\.\\.[a-zA-Z](?:\\.\\.-?\\d+)?$/.test(m.body);\n var isSequence = isNumericSequence || isAlphaSequence;\n var isOptions = m.body.indexOf(',') >= 0;\n\n if (!isSequence && !isOptions) {\n // {a},b}\n if (m.post.match(/,.*\\}/)) {\n str = m.pre + '{' + m.body + escClose + m.post;\n return expand(str);\n }\n\n return [str];\n }\n\n var n;\n\n if (isSequence) {\n n = m.body.split(/\\.\\./);\n } else {\n n = parseCommaParts(m.body);\n\n if (n.length === 1) {\n // x{{a,b}}y ==> x{a}y x{b}y\n n = expand(n[0], false).map(embrace);\n\n if (n.length === 1) {\n var post = m.post.length ? expand(m.post, false) : [''];\n return post.map(function (p) {\n return m.pre + n[0] + p;\n });\n }\n }\n } // at this point, n is the parts, and we know it's not a comma set\n // with a single entry.\n // no need to expand pre, since it is guaranteed to be free of brace-sets\n\n\n var pre = m.pre;\n var post = m.post.length ? expand(m.post, false) : [''];\n var N;\n\n if (isSequence) {\n var x = numeric(n[0]);\n var y = numeric(n[1]);\n var width = Math.max(n[0].length, n[1].length);\n var incr = n.length == 3 ? Math.abs(numeric(n[2])) : 1;\n var test = lte;\n var reverse = y < x;\n\n if (reverse) {\n incr *= -1;\n test = gte;\n }\n\n var pad = n.some(isPadded);\n N = [];\n\n for (var i = x; test(i, y); i += incr) {\n
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/minimatch@3.0.4/node_modules/minimatch/minimatch.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/minimatch@3.0.4/node_modules/minimatch/minimatch.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("module.exports = minimatch;\nminimatch.Minimatch = Minimatch;\nvar path = {\n sep: '/'\n};\n\ntry {\n path = __webpack_require__(Object(function webpackMissingModule() { var e = new Error(\"Cannot find module 'path'\"); e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw e; }()));\n} catch (er) {}\n\nvar GLOBSTAR = minimatch.GLOBSTAR = Minimatch.GLOBSTAR = {};\n\nvar expand = __webpack_require__(/*! brace-expansion */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/brace-expansion@2.0.0/node_modules/brace-expansion/index.js\");\n\nvar plTypes = {\n '!': {\n open: '(?:(?!(?:',\n close: '))[^/]*?)'\n },\n '?': {\n open: '(?:',\n close: ')?'\n },\n '+': {\n open: '(?:',\n close: ')+'\n },\n '*': {\n open: '(?:',\n close: ')*'\n },\n '@': {\n open: '(?:',\n close: ')'\n }\n}; // any single thing other than /\n// don't need to escape / when using new RegExp()\n\nvar qmark = '[^/]'; // * => any number of characters\n\nvar star = qmark + '*?'; // ** when dots are allowed. Anything goes, except .. and .\n// not (^ or / followed by one or two dots followed by $ or /),\n// followed by anything, any number of times.\n\nvar twoStarDot = '(?:(?!(?:\\\\\\/|^)(?:\\\\.{1,2})($|\\\\\\/)).)*?'; // not a ^ or / followed by a dot,\n// followed by anything, any number of times.\n\nvar twoStarNoDot = '(?:(?!(?:\\\\\\/|^)\\\\.).)*?'; // characters that need to be escaped in RegExp.\n\nvar reSpecials = charSet('().*{}+?[]^$\\\\!'); // \"abc\" -> { a:true, b:true, c:true }\n\nfunction charSet(s) {\n return s.split('').reduce(function (set, c) {\n set[c] = true;\n return set;\n }, {});\n} // normalizes slashes.\n\n\nvar slashSplit = /\\/+/;\nminimatch.filter = filter;\n\nfunction filter(pattern, options) {\n options = options || {};\n return function (p, i, list) {\n return minimatch(p, pattern, options);\n };\n}\n\nfunction ext(a, b) {\n a = a || {};\n b = b || {};\n var t = {};\n Object.keys(b).forEach(function (k) {\n t[k] = b[k];\n });\n Object.keys(a).forEach(function (k) {\n t[k] = a[k];\n });\n return t;\n}\n\nminimatch.defaults = function (def) {\n if (!def || !Object.keys(def).length) return minimatch;\n var orig = minimatch;\n\n var m = function minimatch(p, pattern, options) {\n return orig.minimatch(p, pattern, ext(def, options));\n };\n\n m.Minimatch = function Minimatch(pattern, options) {\n return new orig.Minimatch(pattern, ext(def, options));\n };\n\n return m;\n};\n\nMinimatch.defaults = function (def) {\n if (!def || !Object.keys(def).length) return Minimatch;\n return minimatch.defaults(def).Minimatch;\n};\n\nfunction minimatch(p, pattern, options) {\n if (typeof pattern !== 'string') {\n throw new TypeError('glob pattern string required');\n }\n\n if (!options) options = {}; // shortcut: comments match nothing.\n\n if (!options.nocomment && pattern.charAt(0) === '#') {\n return false;\n } // \"\" only matches \"\"\n\n\n if (pattern.trim() === '') return p === '';\n return new Minimatch(pattern, options).match(p);\n}\n\nfunction Minimatch(pattern, options) {\n if (!(this instanceof Minimatch)) {\n return new Minimatch(pattern, options);\n }\n\n if (typeof pattern !== 'string') {\n throw new TypeError('glob pattern string required');\n }\n\n if (!options) options = {};\n pattern = pattern.trim(); // windows support: need to use /, not \\\n\n if (path.sep !== '/') {\n pattern = pattern.split(path.sep).join('/');\n }\n\n this.options = options;\n this.set = [];\n this.pattern = pattern;\n this.regexp = null;\n this.negate = false;\n this.comment = false;\n this.empty = false; // make the set of regexps etc.\n\n this.make();\n}\n\nMinimatch.prototype.debug = function () {};\n\nMinimatch.prototype.make = make;\n\nfunction make() {\n // don't do it more than once.\n if (this._made) return;\n var pattern = this.pattern;\n var options = this.options; // empty patterns and comments match nothing.\n\n if (!options.nocomment && pattern.charAt(0) === '#') {\n this.comment = true;\n return;\n }\n\n if (!pattern) {\n this.empty = true;\n
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/.pnpm/react-tiny-oembed@1.0.1_react-dom@17.0.1+react@17.0.1/node_modules/react-tiny-oembed/lib/index.js":
!*** ./node_modules/.pnpm/react-tiny-oembed@1.0.1_react-dom@17.0.1+react@17.0.1/node_modules/react-tiny-oembed/lib/index.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\n!function (e, t) {\n \"object\" == ( false ? 0 : _typeof(exports)) && \"undefined\" != \"object\" ? t(exports, __webpack_require__(/*! react */ \"react\"), __webpack_require__(/*! minimatch */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/minimatch@3.0.4/node_modules/minimatch/minimatch.js\"), __webpack_require__(/*! axios */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/index.js\")) : true ? !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [exports, __webpack_require__(/*! react */ \"react\"), __webpack_require__(/*! minimatch */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/minimatch@3.0.4/node_modules/minimatch/minimatch.js\"), __webpack_require__(/*! axios */ \"./node_modules/.pnpm/axios@0.21.1/node_modules/axios/index.js\")], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (t),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ?\n\t\t(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__)) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__)) : 0;\n}(this, function (e, t, r, n) {\n \"use strict\";\n\n function o(e) {\n return e && \"object\" == _typeof(e) && \"default\" in e ? e : {\n default: e\n };\n }\n\n var i = o(t),\n c = o(r),\n s = o(n),\n _a = function a() {\n return (_a = Object.assign || function (e) {\n for (var t, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++) {\n for (var o in t = arguments[r]) {\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, o) && (e[o] = t[o]);\n }\n }\n\n return e;\n }).apply(this, arguments);\n };\n\n function u(e, t, r, n) {\n return new (r || (r = Promise))(function (o, i) {\n function c(e) {\n try {\n a(n.next(e));\n } catch (e) {\n i(e);\n }\n }\n\n function s(e) {\n try {\n a(n.throw(e));\n } catch (e) {\n i(e);\n }\n }\n\n function a(e) {\n var t;\n e.done ? o(e.value) : (t = e.value, t instanceof r ? t : new r(function (e) {\n e(t);\n })).then(c, s);\n }\n\n a((n = n.apply(e, t || [])).next());\n });\n }\n\n function l(e, t) {\n var r,\n n,\n o,\n i,\n c = {\n label: 0,\n sent: function sent() {\n if (1 & o[0]) throw o[1];\n return o[1];\n },\n trys: [],\n ops: []\n };\n return i = {\n next: s(0),\n throw: s(1),\n return: s(2)\n }, \"function\" == typeof Symbol && (i[Symbol.iterator] = function () {\n return this;\n }), i;\n\n function s(i) {\n return function (s) {\n return function (i) {\n if (r) throw new TypeError(\"Generator is already executing.\");\n\n for (; c;) {\n try {\n if (r = 1, n && (o = 2 & i[0] ? n.return : i[0] ? n.throw || ((o = n.return) && o.call(n), 0) : n.next) && !(o = o.call(n, i[1])).done) return o;\n\n switch (n = 0, o && (i = [2 & i[0], o.value]), i[0]) {\n case 0:\n case 1:\n o = i;\n break;\n\n case 4:\n return c.label++, {\n value: i[1],\n done: !1\n };\n\n case 5:\n c.label++, n = i[1], i = [0];\n continue;\n\n case 7:\n i = c.ops.pop(), c.trys.pop();\n continue;\n\n default:\n if (!(o = c.trys, (o = o.length > 0 && o[o.leng
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
2021-01-25 18:15:33 +07:00
/***/ "./src/js/app.js":
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
!*** ./src/js/app.js + 3 modules ***!
2021-01-25 18:15:33 +07:00
/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
"use strict";
2021-01-31 04:01:06 +07:00
eval("// ESM COMPAT FLAG\n__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: external \"React\"\nvar external_React_ = __webpack_require__(\"react\");\nvar external_React_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_React_);\n;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external \"ReactDOM\"\nvar external_ReactDOM_namespaceObject = ReactDOM;\nvar external_ReactDOM_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_ReactDOM_namespaceObject);\n;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/scss/_window.scss\n// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/.pnpm/react-tiny-oembed@1.0.1_react-dom@17.0.1+react@17.0.1/node_modules/react-tiny-oembed/lib/index.js\nvar lib = __webpack_require__(\"./node_modules/.pnpm/react-tiny-oembed@1.0.1_react-dom@17.0.1+react@17.0.1/node_modules/react-tiny-oembed/lib/index.js\");\nvar lib_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(lib);\n;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/js/_window.jsx\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nfunction _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); }\n\nfunction _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\"); }\n\nfunction _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === \"string\") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1); if (n === \"Object\" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === \"Map\" || n === \"Set\") return Array.from(o); if (n === \"Arguments\" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }\n\nfunction _iterableToArray(iter) { if (typeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter); }\n\nfunction _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr); }\n\nfunction _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.c
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/***/ }),
/***/ "react":
!*** external "React" ***!
/***/ (function(module) {
"use strict";
module.exports = React;
2021-01-25 18:15:33 +07:00
/***/ })
/******/ });
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(__webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]) {
/******/ return __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId].exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
/******/ // no module.id needed
/******/ // no module.loaded needed
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
2021-01-31 04:00:13 +07:00
/******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
2021-01-25 18:15:33 +07:00
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */
/******/ !function() {
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ }();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
/******/ !function() {
/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, definition) {
/******/ for(var key in definition) {
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ }();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
/******/ !function() {
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(obj, prop) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); }
/******/ }();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */
/******/ !function() {
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
/******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
/******/ }
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ };
/******/ }();
/******/ // startup
/******/ // Load entry module
/******/ __webpack_require__("./src/js/app.js");
/******/ // This entry module used 'exports' so it can't be inlined
/******/ })()