
See sapphiredocs/ for main setup instructions.

Source Documentation Files

Source registration is documented in sapphiredocs module. We keep sources in a src/ subdirectory. For this project the different sources are NOT included in version control, because we need to check out from git and subversion (so svn:externals won't work in this case). All sources have to be checked out and updated manually. We use the Makefile for this, which exposes a new make update command.

In mysite/_config.php:

DocumentationService::register("sapphire", BASE_PATH ."/src/github/master/sapphire/docs/", '2.4');

When registering a new module, you have to update the Makefile as well.

Cronjob Setup

05 * * * * sites make -f /sites/ss2doc-v2/www/Makefile -C /sites/ss2doc-v2/www update 

Legacy Dokuwiki

We assume that DokuWiki (which ran the original is served on the same webserver from a different webroot, thats symlinked in under the URL

ln -s /sites/ss2doc/www /sites/ss2doc-v2/www/old