[![Netlify Status](https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/badges/98ac537e-14f6-4864-bf56-d5a60c76ccc9/deploy-status)](https://app.netlify.com/sites/ss-docs/deploys) # doc.silverstripe.org This repository contains the source code powering [SilverStripe's developer documentation website](https://docs.silverstripe.org). This application is build on [Gatsby](https://gatsbyjs.com), a static site generator based on [React](https://reactjs.org). It sources content from the [framework](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework) repository for each major release. **This repository does NOT contain the most current documentation.** The documentation files are written in the [markdown](https://docs.silverstripe.org/en/2.4/misc/ss-markdown/) format and the most current versions of these files and are not stored here. Instead, they are stored in a `docs` folder alongside the framework source code in each framework repository. For example, the documentation markdown files for the master branch of the SilverStripe framework are stored in [https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework/tree/master/docs](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework/tree/master/docs). ## Installation To set up a local instance of [doc.silverstripe.org](https://github.com/silverstripe/doc.silverstripe.org): * Clone this repository to an empty directory ``` git clone https://github.com/silverstripe/doc.silverstripe.org path/to/ssdocs ``` ### Docker install No local NodeJS nor gatsby-cli is required for this option. * Make sure docker and docker-compose are installed and docker daemon is running * Simply use `./docker/run` to run gatsby commands - `./docker/run build` would be equal to run `gatsby build` within a container - `./docker/run develop -p 8000` would run `gatsby develop -p 8000` within a container. ### Native install * Install [Gatsby CLI](https://gatsbyjs.com) ## Building To test a static build of the site, first create a production environment file. ``` cp .env.development .env.production ``` Then, run the build. ``` gatsby build gatsby serve ``` These commands will give you an exact representation of how the site will run on a production server, with statically generated html files and server-side rendering. ## Developing From within `path/to/ssdocs`, run the command ``` gatsby develop ``` to instantiate a development server. This will consume all of the markdown files in both major release branches and allow you to browse the documentation site on `http://localhost:8000` by default (see the [Gatsby docs](https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/) for instructions on customising the port). ## Authoring You can make changes directly to the source markdown files and get live updates in the development server without having to rebuild the app or even refresh the browser. The clones of the `silverstripe/framework` repositories are in the `.cache/gatsby-source-git` folder in the root of this project. There are subfolders for `3/` and `4/`, respective to their branch names. You can edit the files in `docs/en` from there. Just don't forget to merge your changes upstream once you're done. Building the gatsby app will not preserve your content changes, since the remote repositories are the source of truth. ## Deploying content changes Once your contribution has been merged into the master branch, it will be deployed to production via a Github action in the `silverstripe-framework` repository. ## Deploying app changes Once your change is merged in to the `master` branch of this repository, it will be deployed to production. ## Contribution To contribute an improvement to the https://docs.silverstripe.org functionality or theme, submit a pull request on the [GitHub project](https://github.com/silverstripe/doc.silverstripe.org). Any approved pull requests will make their way onto the https://docs.silverstripe.org site in the next release. If you wish to edit the documentation content, submit a pull request on the [framework Github project](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework). Updated documentation content is uploaded daily to [doc.silverstripe.org](https://docs.silverstripe.org) via a build hook.