# doc.silverstripe.org This repository contains the source code powering [SilverStripe's developer documentation website](https://docs.silverstripe.org). The source code here primarily consists of the SilverStripe [framework](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework) and the [docsviewer](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-docsviewer) modules with minimal configuration. **This repository does NOT contain the most current documentation.** The documentation files are written in the [markdown](https://docs.silverstripe.org/en/2.4/misc/ss-markdown/) format and the most current versions of these files and are not stored here. Instead, they are stored in a `docs` folder alongside the framework source code in each framework repository. For example, the documentation markdown files for the master branch of the SilverStripe framework are stored in [https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework/tree/master/docs](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework/tree/master/docs). As described below in the **Installation** section, one must first download the latest versions of the documentation markdown files from the framework repositories and re-index them before being able to view the most current content. For adding functionality or editing the style of the documentation, see the [docsviewer](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-docsviewer) module. ## Installation To set up a local instance of [doc.silverstripe.org](https://github.com/SpiritLevel/doc.silverstripe.org): * Ensure you are running the required PHP version (see .platform.yml) * Install [Composer](https://docs.silverstripe.org/en/getting_started/composer) * Install [sake](https://docs.silverstripe.org/en/developer_guides/cli). * Clone this repository to a LAMP server. For example, the shell command ``` git clone https://github.com/silverstripe/doc.silverstripe.org path/to/ssdocs ``` will clone this repository into `path/to/ssdocs`. * From within `path/to/ssdocs`, run the command ``` composer install --prefer-source ``` to install all required modules, in particular, the [docsviewer](http://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-docsviewer) module. * If you are only interested in being able to view the documentation locally then, from within `path/to/ssdocs`, run the command ``` sake dev/tasks/RefreshMarkdownTask flush=1 ``` to get the latest documentation markdown files. If you are interested in contributing, you must first install [subversion](https://subversion.apache.org/). For example, in [Ubuntu](http://www.ubuntu.com/) or [Debian](https://www.debian.org/), `sudo apt-get install subversion` will install subversion. Then run the command ``` sake dev/tasks/RefreshMarkdownTask flush=1 dev=1 ``` to get the full git repositories. * From within `path/to/ssdocs`, run the command ``` sake dev/tasks/RebuildLuceneDocsIndex flush=1 ``` to re-index the latest documentation markdown files. Note: re-indexing will take some time. * Make sure to flush the cache for markdown content to show up. Rather than using [sake](https://docs.silverstripe.org/en/developer_guides/cli), one can instead run the two tasks directly in the browser. To get the documentation markdown files, use the url: ``` http://localhost/path/to/ssdocs/dev/tasks/RefreshMarkdownTask?flush=1 ``` To get the full git repositories use the url ``` http://localhost/path/to/ssdocs/dev/tasks/RefreshMarkdownTask?flush=1&dev=1 ``` To re-index the documentation files use the url: ``` http://localhost/path/to/ssdocs/dev/tasks/RebuildLuceneDocsIndex?flush=1 ``` ## Automation Refreshing and re-indexing the documentation markdown files can be automated. From within `path/to/webroot/ssdocs`, run the command: ``` sake dev/tasks/UpdateDocsCronTask ``` The cron job `UpdateDocsCronTask` runs the `RefreshMarkdownTask` and `RebuildLuceneDocsIndex` tasks every day at 8PM. This execution schedule can be altered by editing `UpdateDocsCronTask.php`, found in the `apps/code` folder, and changing the scheduling function: ``` public function getSchedule() { return "0 20 * * *"; // runs process() function every day at 8PM } ``` Rather than using `sake`, one can instead run the cron task directly in the browser using the url: ``` http://localhost/path/to/ssdocs/dev/cron/UpdateDocsCronTask?flush=1 ``` ## Contribution To contribute an improvement to the https://docs.silverstripe.org functionality or theme, submit a pull request on the [GitHub project](https://github.com/silverstripe/doc.silverstripe.org). Any approved pull requests will make their way onto the https://docs.silverstripe.org site in the next release. If you wish to edit the documentation content, submit a pull request on the [framework Github project](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework). Updated documentation content is uploaded daily at 8PM to [doc.silverstripe.org](https://docs.silverstripe.org) via a cron job. See the **Automation** section. If you are adding a new version of the documentation, you must register it in both `app/_config/docs-repositories.yml` and `app/_config/docsviewer.yml`. To set one particular version to be current stable version, set `Stable: true` in `app/_config/docsviewer.yml`. Remove the `Stable: true` for all versions that are not stable. ## Deployment Deployment is via the [SilverStripe Platform](https://www.silverstripe.com/platform/) deployment tool and uses [StackShare](http://www.silverstripe.com/platform/technical/). For platform configuration, see .platform.yml.