const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const { createFilePath } = require(`gatsby-source-filesystem`); const fileToTitle = require('./src/utils/fileToTitle'); const createSlug = (filePath, version) => { const parts = filePath.split('/'); const langIndex = parts.indexOf('en'); parts.splice(langIndex + 1, 0, version); return parts .map(part => part.replace(/^\d+_/, '')) .join('/') .toLowerCase() }; exports.onCreateNode = async ({ node, getNode, getNodesByType, actions, createNodeId, createContentDigest }) => { if (node.internal.type !== 'MarkdownRemark') { return; } const { createNode } = actions; const fileNode = getNode(node.parent); const version = fileNode.sourceInstanceName; // The gatsby-source-filesystem plugins are registered to collect from the same path // that the git source writes to, so we get the watch task (hot reload on content changes) // But we don't want duplicate document pages for each source plugin, so // we bail out if we already have the file. However, we need to ensure // the file is injected into the template as a dependency, so when the content changes, // the pages get refreshed on the fly. if (version.match(/^watcher--/)) { const existing = getNodesByType('SilverstripeDocument') .find(n => n.fileAbsolutePath === node.fileAbsolutePath); if (existing) { // Pair the document with its watched file so we can inject it into the template // as a dependency. existing.watchFile___NODE =; return; } } const filePath = createFilePath({ node, getNode, basePath: `docs` }); let fileTitle = path.basename(node.fileAbsolutePath, '.md'); const isIndex = fileTitle === 'index'; if (isIndex) { fileTitle = path.basename(path.dirname(node.fileAbsolutePath)); } const docTitle = fileToTitle(fileTitle); const slug = createSlug(filePath, version); const parentSlug = `${path.resolve(slug, '../')}/`; const unhideSelf = false; const docData = { isIndex, filePath, fileTitle, slug, parentSlug, unhideSelf, ...node.frontmatter, }; if (!docData.title || docData.title === '') { docData.title = docTitle; } const docInternal = { type: `SilverstripeDocument`, contentDigest: createContentDigest({ ...docData, rawMarkdownBody: node.rawMarkdownBody, }), }; const nodeData = { ...node, id: createNodeId(`SilverstripeDocument${}`), ...docData, parent:, internal: docInternal, } createNode(nodeData); }; exports.createPages = async ({ actions, graphql }) => { const { createPage } = actions; const docTemplate = path.resolve(`src/templates/docs-template.tsx`); const result = await graphql(` { allSilverstripeDocument { nodes { id slug } } }`); if (result.errors) { throw new Error(result.errors); } .forEach(node => { createPage({ path: node.slug, component: docTemplate, context: { id:, slug: node.slug, } }); }) }; exports.onPostBuild = async ({ getNodesByType }) => { console.log(`Writing legacy redirects...`); const redirects = new Map(); const v4docs = getNodesByType('SilverstripeDocument').filter(n => n.slug.match(/^\/en\/4\//)); const v3docs = getNodesByType('SilverstripeDocument').filter(n => n.slug.match(/^\/en\/3\//)); [...v4docs, ...v3docs].forEach(n => { const legacy = n.slug.replace(/^\/en\/[0-9]\//, '/en/'); if (!redirects.has(legacy)) { redirects.set(legacy, n.slug); } }); const lines = []; redirects.forEach((slug, legacy) => { lines.push(`${legacy} ${slug}`); }); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'static', '_redirects'), `### This file is auto-generated. Do not modify ### ${lines.join("\n")}` ); return Promise.resolve(); }