const path = require('path'); module.exports = { siteMetadata: { title: `Silverstripe CMS Documentation`, description: `Developer documentation for the Silverstripe CMS and framework.`, author: `The Silverstripe Community`, siteUrl: ``, }, plugins: [ `gatsby-plugin-react-helmet`, `gatsby-plugin-sass`, `gatsby-plugin-sharp`, `gatsby-plugin-sitemap`, { resolve: `gatsby-source-git`, options: { name: `4`, remote: ``, branch: `4`, patterns: `docs/en/**` } }, { resolve: `gatsby-source-git`, options: { name: `3`, remote: ``, branch: `3`, patterns: `docs/en/**` } }, { resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`, options: { name: `watcher--ss3`, path: `${__dirname}/.cache/gatsby-source-git/3/docs/en` } }, { resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`, options: { name: `watcher--ss4`, path: `${__dirname}/.cache/gatsby-source-git/4/docs/en` } }, { resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-remark', options: { pedantic: false, plugins: [ { resolve: `gatsby-remark-prismjs`, options: { aliases: { ss: `html`, sh: `bash`, } } }, `gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files`, { resolve: `gatsby-remark-images`, options: { maxWidth: 850, }, }, ] } }, `gatsby-plugin-typescript`, { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-styled-components`, options: { // Add any options here }, }, { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-purgecss`, options: { printRejected: false, whitelist: ['algolia-autocomplete', 'pre', 'code'], ignore: ['prismjs/','docsearch.js/', 'src/theme/assets/search/algolia.css'], content: [ // All the markdown in the git repos path.join(process.cwd(), '.cache/gatsby-source-git/**/*.md'), // Components path.join(process.cwd(), 'src/components/!(*.d).{ts,js,jsx,tsx}'), // Static pages (e.g. 404) path.join(process.cwd(), 'src/pages/!(*.d).{ts,js,jsx,tsx}'), // Page templates path.join(process.cwd(), 'src/templates/!(*.d).{ts,js,jsx,tsx}'), ], extractors: [ { // Simple extractor just matches against components and templates (e.g. JSX) extractor: class { static extract(content) { return content.match(/[A-Za-z0-9-_:\/]+/g) || []; } }, extensions: ['js', 'ts', 'jsx', 'tsx'] }, { // Match markdown files for icon classes (icon, iconBrand). Add each one to the // allowed selectors defined in FontAwesome. Everything else in FA should be removed. extractor: class { static extract(content) { const selectors = [`file-alt`] const matches = content.match(/icon(Brand)?: ([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/); if (matches) { const isBrand = typeof matches[1] !== 'undefined'; selectors.push(isBrand ? `fab` : `fas`); selectors.push(`fa-${matches[2]}`); } return selectors; } }, extensions: ['md'] }, ] }, }, { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-offline`, options: { precachePages: [`/en/4/developer_guides/**`], }, } ], }