"; /** * @var bool */ protected $enabled = true; /** * @var SS_HTTPRequest $request * * @todo test the initial unlink works with cloned modules */ public function run($request) { $this->request = $request; $repositories = $this->getRepositories(); $baseDir = $this->getSourceRoot(); $updater = $this->getUpdater(); // Ensure root directory exists if(!$this->ensureRootDirectory($baseDir)) { return; } // Update each repo foreach ($repositories as list($repo, $folder, $branch)) { $path = "{$baseDir}/{$folder}_{$branch}"; // Pass in ?force=1 to force delete existing repos, rather than trying to update them if($this->request && $this->request->getVar('force') && file_exists($path)) { $this->printLine("Removing {$path}"); Filesystem::removeFolder($path); } // Pass in ?addonly=1 to only update new branches if($this->request && $this->request->getVar('addonly') && file_exists($path)) { $this->printLine("Skipping update of {$branch}: Already exists at {$path};"); continue; } // Check if we want to update only a specific branch if($this->request && ($onlyBranch = $this->request->getVar('branch')) && $onlyBranch != $branch) { $this->printLine("Skipping update of {$branch}: doesn't match provided filter"); continue; } // Update this repo $this->printLine("Beginning update of {$branch}"); $errors = $updater->update($repo, $path, $branch); // Handle result if(empty($errors)) { $this->printLine("Successful update of {$branch}"); } else { foreach($errors as $error) { $this->error($error); } } } $this->printLine(" "); $this->printLine("To re-index the freshly downloaded documentation files either:"); $this->printLine("(1) run the command 'sake dev/tasks/RebuildLuceneDocsIndex flush=1' in a shell or"); $this->printLine("(2) point your browser at the url 'http://localhost/path/to/ssdocs/dev/tasks/RebuildLuceneDocsIndex?flush=1'"); } /** * Gets the service that will pull down remote markdown files * @return MarkdownUpdater */ protected function getUpdater() { return Injector::inst()->get('MarkdownUpdater'); } /** * Get sources root directory * * @return string */ private function getSourceRoot() { return ASSETS_PATH . '/src'; } /** * @param string $message */ private function printLine($message) { $eol = Director::is_cli() ? PHP_EOL : "
"; echo $message . $eol; ob_flush(); flush(); } /** * Log an error * * @param string $message */ protected function error($message) { $this->printLine($message); SS_Log::log($message, SS_Log::ERR); } /** * Returns the array of repos to source markdown docs from * * @return array */ protected function getRepositories() { $repositories = $this->config()->documentation_repositories; if(empty($repositories)) { $this->error( "You need to set 'RefreshMarkdownTask:documentation_repositories' array in a yaml configuration file" ); } return $repositories; } /** * Ensure root directory exists * * @param string $path * @return bool True if the directory exists and is writable */ protected function ensureRootDirectory($path) { Filesystem::makeFolder($path); if(is_dir($path) && is_writable($path)) { return true; } $this->error("Could not create {$path}"); return false; } }