# Writing Documentation # Your documentation needs to go in the specific modules docs folder which it refers mostly too. For example if you want to document a feature of your custom module 'MyModule' you need to create markdown files in mymodule/docs/. The files have to end with the __.md__ extension. The documentation viewer will automatically replace hyphens (-) with spaces (since you cannot have spaces web / file systems). Also docs folder should be localized. Even if you do not plan on using multiple languages you should at least write your documentation in a 'en' subfolder /module/docs/en/ ## Syntax ## This uses a customized markdown extra parser. To view the syntax for page formatting check out [Daring Fireball](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) ## Creating Hierarchy ## The document viewer supports folder structure. There is a 9 folder limit on depth / number of sub categories you can create. Each level deep it will generate the nested urls. ## Directory Listing ## Each folder you create should also contain a __index.md__ file (see sapphiredocs/doc/en/index.md) which contains an overview of the module and related links. ## Table of Contents ## The table of contents on each module page is generated