import { createElement, ReactElement } from "react"; import { DomElement, domToReact, htmlToDOM } from 'html-react-parser'; /** * Generate the ID for a heading */ const generateID = (title: string): string => { return title .replace('&', '-and-') .replace('&', '-and-') .replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, '-') .replace(/-+/g, '-') .replace(/^-/g, '') .replace(/-$/g, '') .toLowerCase(); } /** * Get the full plain text of the heading for checking and generating the ID */ const getFullHeading = (element: DomElement): string => { let text = ''; if (element.type === 'text') { text +=; } if (element.children) { for (const child of element.children) { text += getFullHeading(child); } } return text; } /** * If a header has a {#explicit-id}, add it as an attribute */ const rewriteHeaders = (domNode: DomElement): ReactElement | false => { if (! { return false; } const plainText = getFullHeading(domNode); if (plainText) { // const plainText = getFullHeading(firstChild); const matches = plainText.match(/^(.*?)\{#([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\}$/); let header; let id; if (matches) { header = matches[1]; id = matches[2]; } else { header = plainText; id = generateID(plainText); } const anchor = htmlToDOM(``)[0]; const lastChild = domNode.children ? domNode.children[domNode.children.length - 1] : null; if (lastChild && lastChild.type === 'text') { =\s*{#([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\}$/, ''); } domNode.children?.push(anchor); return domToReact([domNode]); } return false; } export default rewriteHeaders;