import { createElement, ReactElement } from 'react'; import { domToReact, DomElement, HTMLReactParserOptions } from 'html-react-parser'; import { Link } from 'gatsby'; import rewriteAPILink from './rewriteAPILink'; import { getCurrentNode, getCurrentVersion } from '../utils/nodes'; import path from 'path'; import { SilverstripeDocument } from '../types'; interface LinkAttributes { href?: string; class?: string; }; const relativeLink = (currentNode: SilverstripeDocument, href: string): string => { const slug = path.join(currentNode.isIndex ? currentNode.slug : currentNode.parentSlug, href); if (!slug.endsWith('/')) { return `${slug}/` } return slug; }; /** * Ensure links use the Gatsby component. Client-side routing FTW * * @param attribs * @param children * @param parseOptions */ const rewriteLink = ( attribs: LinkAttributes, children: DomElement[], parseOptions: HTMLReactParserOptions, domNode: DomElement ): ReactElement|false => { const { href } = attribs; if (!href) { return false; } const currentNode = getCurrentNode(); const version = getCurrentVersion(); // mailto links if (href.startsWith('mailto:')) { return createElement( 'a', { href }, domToReact(children, parseOptions) ); } // hash links if (href.startsWith('#')) { // Just let normal parsing occur for heading links if (attribs.class === 'anchor') { return domToReact(domNode); } // rewrite all other hashlinks return createElement( Link, { to: path.join(currentNode?.slug, href), className: 'gatsby-link' }, domToReact(children, parseOptions) ); } // shorthand api links if (href.match(/^api\:/)) { const newHref = rewriteAPILink(href); return createElement( 'a', { className: 'api-link', href: newHref, target: '_blank' }, domToReact(children, parseOptions) ); } // explicit API links if (href.match(/api\.silverstripe\.org/)) { return createElement( 'a', { className: 'api-link', href, target: '_blank', }, domToReact(children, parseOptions) ) } // absolute links to docs (unversioned) if (href.match(/^https?:\/\/\/en\/[a-zA-Z]/)) { return createElement( Link, { to: path.join('/', 'en', version, href.replace(/^https?:\/\/\/en/, '')), className: 'gatsby-link' }, domToReact(children, parseOptions) ); } // absolute links to docs (versioned) const hrefMatch = href.match(/^https?:\/\/\/en\/([0-9]+)/); if (hrefMatch) { const hrefVersion = hrefMatch[1]; return createElement( Link, { to: path.join('/', 'en', hrefVersion, href.replace(/^https?:\/\/\/en\/([0-9]+)/, '')), className: 'gatsby-link' }, domToReact(children, parseOptions) ); } // absolute links to anywhere else if (href.match(/^https?/)) { return createElement( 'a', { href, target: '_blank' }, domToReact(children, parseOptions) ); } // Relative to root if (href.startsWith('/')) { return createElement( Link, { to: path.join('/', 'en', version, href), className: 'gatsby-link' }, domToReact(children, parseOptions) ) } // Relative to page if (currentNode && currentNode.parentSlug) { // Relative links to markdown files should be resolved to their pretty urls. if (href.endsWith('.md')) { return createElement( Link, { to: relativeLink(currentNode, href.replace(/\.md$/, '')), className: 'gatsby-link', }, domToReact(children, parseOptions) ) } const hashMatches = href.match(/(\.md#([A-Za-z0-9_-]+))$/); if (hashMatches) { const newHashLink = href.replace( new RegExp(`${hashMatches[1]}$`), `#${hashMatches[2]}` ); return createElement( Link, { to: relativeLink(currentNode, newHashLink).replace(/\/$/, ''), className: 'gatsby-link', }, domToReact(children, parseOptions) ) } return createElement( Link, { to: relativeLink(currentNode, href), className: 'gatsby-link' }, domToReact(children, parseOptions) ) } // All else fails, just return the link as is. return createElement( Link, { to: path.join('/', href), className: 'gatsby-link', }, domToReact(children, parseOptions) ); } export default rewriteLink;