import parse from 'html-react-parser'; import { ReactElement } from 'react'; import { SilverstripeDocument } from '../types'; import sortFiles from './sortFiles'; let __nodes: SilverstripeDocument[]; let __currentVersion: string | null = null; let __path: string | null = null; const homeMap = new Map(); const childrenMap = new Map(); const navChildrenMap = new Map(); const siblingMap = new Map(); const parentMap = new Map(); const nodeMap = new Map(); /** * Hydrate these functions with the list of all nodes * @param nodes */ const initialise = (nodes: SilverstripeDocument[]) => __nodes = nodes; /** * Get all documents in the source */ const getNodes = (): SilverstripeDocument[] => __nodes; /** * Get the children of a given node * * @param node * @param includeFolders */ const getChildren = ( node: SilverstripeDocument, includeFolders: boolean = true ): SilverstripeDocument[] => { const sku = `${node.slug}${includeFolders ? '1' : '0'}`; if (childrenMap.has(sku)) { return childrenMap.get(sku); } const nodes = getNodes(); let children: SilverstripeDocument[] = []; if (node.isIndex) { children = nodes.filter(n => { return n.parentSlug === node.slug && (includeFolders || !n.isIndex); }).sort(sortFiles); } childrenMap.set(sku, children); return childrenMap.get(sku); } /** * Get children of a given node that should be shown in navigation * * @param node */ const getNavChildren = (node: SilverstripeDocument): SilverstripeDocument[] => { if (navChildrenMap.has(node.slug)) { return navChildrenMap.get(node.slug); } let children: SilverstripeDocument[] = []; if (!node.hideChildren) { children = getChildren(node, true).filter(n => !n.hideSelf); } getChildren(node, true).filter(n => n.unhideSelf).forEach(c => children.push(c)); navChildrenMap.set(node.slug, children); return navChildrenMap.get(node.slug); }; /** * Get the siblings of a given node * * @param node */ const getSiblings = (node: SilverstripeDocument): SilverstripeDocument[] => { if (siblingMap.has(node.slug)) { return siblingMap.get(node.slug); } const nodes = getNodes(); const siblings = nodes.filter(n => n.parentSlug === node.parentSlug); siblingMap.set(node.slug, siblings); return siblingMap.get(node.slug); }; /** * Get the parent of a given node * @param node */ const getParent = (node: SilverstripeDocument): SilverstripeDocument | null => { if (parentMap.has(node.slug)) { return parentMap.get(node.slug); } const nodes = getNodes(); const parent = nodes.find(n => n.slug === node.parentSlug) || null; parentMap.set(node.slug, parent); return parentMap.get(node.slug); }; /** * Get the current node. Must be set by setCurrentNode(string: slug) */ const getCurrentNode = (): SilverstripeDocument | null => { if (!__path) { return null; } if (nodeMap.has(__path)) { return nodeMap.get(__path) || null; } const node = getNodes().find(n => n.slug === __path) || null; nodeMap.set(__path, node); return nodeMap.get(__path); } /** * Get the home page */ const getHomePage = (): SilverstripeDocument | null => { const nodes = getNodes(); const version = getCurrentVersion(); let slug = `/en/${version}/`; if (homeMap.has(slug)) { return homeMap.get(slug) || null; } const homePage = nodes.find(n => n.slug === slug) || null; homeMap.set(slug, homePage); return homeMap.get(slug); }; /** * Get the default version */ const getDefaultVersion = (): string => '5'; /** * Get the selected version */ const getCurrentVersion = (): string => __currentVersion || getDefaultVersion(); /** * Get a message to display for all pages on this version's docs */ const getVersionMessage = (): ReactElement | ReactElement[] | string | null => { const EOL = [ '3', ]; const PRE_RELEASE = [ '6', ]; const version = getCurrentVersion(); const stablePath = getVersionPath(getCurrentNode(), getDefaultVersion()); // Output the appropriate message and styling function makeMessage(style: string, icon: string, stability: string, message: string|null): string { let template = `
Version ${version} ${stability}
`; if (message) { template += `
This version of Silverstripe CMS ${message}. Go to documentation for the most recent stable version.
`; } template += '
'; return template; } // Return the correct message for the current version if (EOL.includes(version)) { return parse(makeMessage('danger', 'times-circle', 'end of life', 'will not recieve any additional bug fixes or documentation updates')); } if (PRE_RELEASE.includes(version)) { return parse(makeMessage( 'warning', 'calendar', 'pre-stable', 'has not yet been given a stable release. See the release roadmap for more information' )); } return parse(makeMessage('success', 'check-circle', 'supported', null)); }; /** * Gets the path in another version * @param currentNode * @param version */ const getVersionPath = (currentNode: SilverstripeDocument|null, version: number|string): string => { const basePath = `/en/${version}`; if (!currentNode) { return basePath; } const newPath = currentNode.slug.replace(/^\/en\/[0-9]+\//, `${basePath}/`); const otherNode = getNodes().find(n => n.slug === newPath); return otherNode ? otherNode.slug : basePath; }; /** * Set the current path, with some side effects for version * @param slug */ const setCurrentPath = (path: string) => { __path = path || `/`; const [_, lang, version] = __path.split('/'); __currentVersion = version; }; export { initialise, getNodes, getChildren, getSiblings, getParent, getCurrentNode, getHomePage, getNavChildren, getCurrentVersion, getVersionPath, setCurrentPath, getDefaultVersion, getVersionMessage, };