'page' ]; } public function fields() { $elementsConnection = Connection::create('Elements') ->setConnectionType($this->manager->getType('element')) ->setDescription('A list of the page elements') ->setSortableFields(['ID', 'Title']); return [ '_id' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::id()),'resolve' => static function ($object) { return $object->ID; }], 'ID' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::id())], 'Title' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'Content' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'Link' => ['type' => Type::string(), 'resolve' => static function ($object) { return $object->Link(); }], 'URLSegment' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'ParentID' => ['type' => Type::id()], 'ClassName' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'CSSClass' => ['type' => Type::string(), 'resolve' => static function ($object) { return $object->CSSClass(); }], 'Summary' => ['type' => Type::string(), 'resolve' => static function ($object) { return $object->Summary(); }], 'HTML' => ['type' => Type::string(), 'resolve' => static function ($object) { // get action from request $action = null; /** @var \Page $object */ Director::set_current_page($object); /** @var \PageController $controller */ $controller = ModelAsController::controller_for($object); // find templates $tpl = 'Page'; $tpls = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class( $object->ClassName, ($action ? '_'.$action : ''), \Page::class ); foreach ($tpls as $tpl) { if (is_array($tpl)) { continue; } $a_tpl = explode('\\', $tpl); $last_name = array_pop($a_tpl); $a_tpl[] = 'Layout'; $a_tpl[] = $last_name; $a_tpl = implode('\\', $a_tpl); if (SSViewer::hasTemplate($a_tpl)) { break; } } // $tpl = ($tpl !== 'Page') ? $tpl : 'Layout/Page'; $action = $action ? $action : 'index'; /** @var HTTPRequest $request */ $request = new HTTPRequest('GET', $object->AbsoluteLink()); $request->setSession(new Session([])); // a little dirty way to make forms working Controller::curr()->config()->set('url_segment', $object->AbsoluteLink()); /*$controller->setRequest($request);*/ //$request->getSession()->init($request); $controller->setRequest($request); $controller->setAction($action); //$controller->pushCurrent(); $controller->doInit(); $layout = $controller->renderWith($tpl); return $controller ->customise(['Layout' => $layout]) ->renderWith('GraphQLPage')->HTML(); }], 'Elements' => [ 'type' => $elementsConnection->toType(), 'args' => $elementsConnection->args(), 'resolve' => static function ($object, array $args, $context, ResolveInfo $info) use ($elementsConnection) { return $elementsConnection->resolveList( $object->ElementalArea()->Elements(), $args, $context ); } ] ]; } }