Tom Densham b0bda93d1d Use populateCMSDataFields to return default DataObject values
I have edited the getRecordHTMLFormFields method to run populateCMSDataFields so that default values set in your DataObject get pulled through.

Let me know if this is submitted to the right branch.
2013-05-07 16:19:17 +02:00
2013-04-29 19:03:32 +03:00
2013-04-17 00:07:55 +03:00
2012-08-08 00:02:13 +03:00
2013-04-29 19:12:40 +03:00
2013-04-29 19:10:58 +03:00

GridField Bulk Editing Tools

SilverStripe 3 GridField component set to facilitate bulk image upload, bulk record editing, unlinking and deleting. Included are:

  • Bulk Image Upload: Bulk images upload and on the fly fields editing
  • Bulk Manager: Delete and unlink multiple records at once as well as editing records in bulk

Take a look at the Notes and TODOs.


  • SilverStripe 3.1 (version 1.+)
  • Silverstripe 3.0 (version 0.5)


preview More screenshots here.


  • Download and copy module in SilverStripe root directory and name it whatever you want
  • Run dev/build?flush=all to regenerate the manifest
  • run ?flush=all in CMS to force the templates to regenerate

Bulk Image Upload

A component for uploading images in bulk into the managed Model relation, with option to edit fields on the fly.

Usage 1

Simplest usage, add the component to your GridField as below. The component will find the first Image has_one relation on the managed Model and the record's editable CMS fields

	$config->addComponent(new GridFieldBulkImageUpload());

Usage 2

You can specify which Image field to use and which fields are editable from the managed Model $imageField (string): The name of the image field to use (should have 'ID' at the end: If your relation is set has 'MyImage' => 'Image', the parameter should be 'MyImageID') $editableFields (array): list of db fields name as string that will be editable like: array('myTextField', 'myVarcharField', 'myEnumField')

	$config->addComponent(new GridFieldBulkImageUpload( $imageField, $editableFields ));


The component's option can be configurated individually or in bulk through the 'config' functions like this:

$config->getComponentByType('GridFieldBulkImageUpload')->setConfig( $reference, $value );

$config overview

The available configuration options are:

  • 'imageFieldName' : sets the name of the Image field of the managed Model (i.e. 'MyImageID')
  • 'editableFields' : array of string referencing specific CMS fields available for editing
  • 'fieldsClassBlacklist' : array of string referencing types (ClassName) of fields that wont be available for editing
  • 'fieldsNameBlacklist' : array of string referencing the names of fields that wont be available for editing
  • 'folderName' : name of the folder where the images should be uploaded
  • 'sequentialUploads' : boolean, if true files will be uploaded one by one
  • 'maxFileSize' : integer, maximum upload file size in bytes

Each option can be set through the component's method setConfig( $reference, $value ) In addition, some configuration option can be set more specifically via individual methods:

  • addFieldNameToBlacklist( $fieldName )
  • addClassToBlacklist( $className )
  • removeFieldNameFromBlacklist( $fieldName )
  • removeClassFromBlacklist( $className )

Sample Files

Page Model

	class Page extends SiteTree {

		public static $db = array(

		public static $has_many = array(
				'Visuals' => 'Visual'

		public function getCMSFields() {
			$fields = parent::getCMSFields();

			$config = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create();	
			$config->addComponent(new GridFieldBulkImageUpload());		
			$f = new GridField('Visuals', 'Case Study Visuals', $this->Visuals(), $config);
			$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Visuals', $f);

			return $fields;


Visual Model

('Image', 'Type', 'Title' and 'Embed' Fields will be picked up automatically by the component)

	class Visual extends DataObject
		public static $db = array(
				'Type' => "Enum('Image,Embed','Image')",
				'Title' => 'Text',
				'Embed' => 'HTMLText'

		public static $has_one = array(
				'Page' => 'Page',
				'Image' => 'Image'

		public function getCMSFields() {
			$fields = new FieldList();

			$fields->push( new DropdownField(
				'Type of visual',

			$fields->push( new TextField('Title', 'Title and Caption for images (useful for SEO)') );
			$fields->push( new TextareaField('Embed', 'HTML Embed code') );		

			$f = new UploadField('Image', 'Image file');				

			return $fields;

Bulk Manager

A component for Editing, deleting and unlinking records on the fly


Add GridFieldBulkEditingTools component if not done already and simply add GridFieldBulkImageUpload

	$config->addComponent(new GridFieldBulkManager());


The component's option can be configurated individually or in bulk through the 'config' functions like this:

$config->getComponentByType('GridFieldBulkManager')->setConfig( $reference, $value );

$config overview

The available configuration options are:

  • 'editableFields' : array of string referencing specific CMS fields available for editing
  • 'fieldsClassBlacklist' : array of string referencing types (ClassName) of fields that wont be available for editing
  • 'fieldsNameBlacklist' : array of string referencing the names of fields that wont be available for editing


  • The HTML form fields for each editable fields are taken from the Model's getCMSFields() method
  • This is still pretty experimental and probably needs a bit more in depth testing
  • The code could probably be written better and/or cleaned up
  • The Components take bit and pieces around from CMSFileAddController, GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest, UploadField, overrides and adds some behaviors, templates and styles...


Common bug

  • When editing fields, if the last field of the edit form is a drop down or similar, the drop down menu is cropped off
  • Some 'minor' things just don't work

Bulk Image Upload

  • Add individual actions for each upload (update + cancel)
  • Handle and display errors better for: creation, update, cancel
  • Make it work not only for images -> might need to rename this component then? -> should be handled by another component
SilverStripe GridField Components set for bulk upload and bulk record edit, unlink & delete 📦💥
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