2022-04-13 14:08:15 +12:00

504 lines
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namespace Colymba\BulkManager\BulkAction;
use Colymba\BulkManager\BulkAction\Handler;
use SilverStripe\Control\Controller;
use SilverStripe\Core\Convert;
use SilverStripe\Control\HTTPResponse;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList;
use SilverStripe\Forms\Form;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FormAction;
use SilverStripe\Forms\LiteralField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\ToggleCompositeField;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\View\ArrayData;
use SilverStripe\View\Requirements;
* Bulk action handler for editing records.
* @author colymba
class EditHandler extends Handler
* URL segment used to call this handler
* If none given, @BulkManager will fallback to the Unqualified class name
* @var string
private static $url_segment = 'edit';
* RequestHandler allowed actions.
* @var array
private static $allowed_actions = array(
* RequestHandler url => action map.
* @var array
private static $url_handlers = array(
'bulkEditForm' => 'bulkEditForm',
'recordEditForm' => 'recordEditForm',
'' => 'index',
* Front-end label for this handler's action
* @var string
protected $label = 'Edit';
* Front-end icon path for this handler's action.
* @var string
protected $icon = '';
* Extra classes to add to the bulk action button for this handler
* Can also be used to set the button font-icon e.g. font-icon-trash
* @var string
protected $buttonClasses = 'font-icon-edit';
* Whether this handler should be called via an XHR from the front-end
* @var boolean
protected $xhr = false;
* Set to true is this handler will destroy any data.
* A warning and confirmation will be shown on the front-end.
* @var boolean
protected $destructive = false;
* Return i18n localized front-end label
* @return array
public function getI18nLabel()
return _t('GRIDFIELD_BULK_MANAGER.EDIT_SELECT_LABEL', $this->getLabel());
* Return URL to this RequestHandler.
* @param string $action Action to append to URL
* @return string URL
public function Link($action = null)
return Controller::join_links(parent::Link(), $this->stat('url_segment'), $action);
* Return a form for all the selected DataObjects
* with their respective editable fields.
* @return Form Selected DataObjects editable fields
public function bulkEditForm()
$crumbs = $this->Breadcrumbs();
if ($crumbs && $crumbs->count() >= 2) {
$one_level_up = $crumbs->offsetGet($crumbs->count() - 2);
$actions = new FieldList();
FormAction::create('doSave', _t('GRIDFIELD_BULKMANAGER_EDIT_HANDLER.SAVE_BTN_LABEL', 'Save all'))
->setAttribute('id', 'bulkEditingSaveBtn')
->addExtraClass('btn btn-success')
->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept')
->setAttribute('id', 'bulkEditingUpdateCancelBtn')
->addExtraClass('btn btn-danger cms-panel-link')
->setAttribute('data-icon', 'decline')
->setAttribute('href', $one_level_up->Link)
->setAttribute('src', '')//changes type to image so isn't hooked by default actions handlers
$recordList = $this->getRecordIDList();
$recordsFieldList = new FieldList();
$config = $this->component->getConfig();
$editingCount = count($recordList ?? []);
$modelClass = $this->gridField->getModelClass();
$singleton = singleton($modelClass);
$titleModelClass = (($editingCount > 1) ? $singleton->i18n_plural_name() : $singleton->i18n_singular_name());
//some cosmetics
$headerText = _t(
'Editing {count} {class}',
'count' => $editingCount,
'class' => $titleModelClass,
$header = LiteralField::create(
'<h1 id="bulkEditHeader">'.$headerText.'</h1>'
$toggle = LiteralField::create(
'<span id="bulkEditToggle">' . _t('GRIDFIELD_BULKMANAGER_EDIT_HANDLER.TOGGLE_ALL_LINK', 'Show/Hide all') . '</span>'
//fetch fields for each record and push to fieldList
foreach ($recordList as $id) {
$record = DataObject::get_by_id($modelClass, $id);
$recordEditingFields = $this->getRecordEditingFields($record);
$toggleField = ToggleCompositeField::create(
'RecordFields_' . $id,
->setAttribute('data-id', $id)
$bulkEditForm = Form::create(
'recordEditForm', //recordEditForm name is here to trick SS to pass all subform request to recordEditForm()
if ($crumbs && $crumbs->count() >= 2) {
$bulkEditForm->Backlink = $one_level_up->Link;
//override form action URL back to bulkEditForm
//and add record ids GET var
$this->Link('bulkEditForm?records[]='.implode('&', $recordList))
return $bulkEditForm;
* Return's a form with only one record's fields
* Used for bulkEditForm subForm requests via ajax.
* @return Form Currently being edited form
public function recordEditForm()
//clone current request : used to figure out what record we are asking
$request = clone $this->request;
$recordInfo = $request->shift();
//shift request till we find the requested field
while ($recordInfo) {
if ($unescapedRecordInfo = $this->unEscapeFieldName($recordInfo)) {
$id = $unescapedRecordInfo['id'];
$fieldName = $unescapedRecordInfo['name'];
$action = $request->shift();
} else {
$recordInfo = $request->shift();
//generate a form with only that requested record's fields
if ($id) {
$modelClass = $this->gridField->getModelClass();
$record = DataObject::get_by_id($modelClass, $id);
$cmsFields = $record->getCMSFields();
$recordEditingFields = $this->getRecordEditingFields($record);
return Form::create(
* Returns a record's populated form fields
* with all filtering done ready to be included in the main form.
* @uses DataObject::getCMSFields()
* @param DataObject $record The record to get the fields from
* @return array The record's editable fields
private function getRecordEditingFields(DataObject $record)
$tempForm = Form::create(
$fields = $tempForm->Fields();
$fields = $this->filterRecordEditingFields($fields, $record->ID);
return $fields;
* Filters a records editable fields
* based on component's config
* and escape each field with unique name.
* See {@link BulkManager} component for filtering config.
* @param FieldList $fields Record's CMS Fields
* @param int $id Record's ID, used fir unique name
* @return array Filtered record's fields
private function filterRecordEditingFields(FieldList $fields, $id)
$config = $this->component->getConfig();
$editableFields = $config['editableFields'];
// get all dataFields or just the ones allowed in config
if ($editableFields) {
$dataFields = array();
foreach ($editableFields as $fieldName) {
$dataFields[$fieldName] = $fields->dataFieldByName($fieldName);
} else {
$dataFields = $fields->dataFields();
// escape field names with unique prefix
foreach ($dataFields as $name => $field) {
$field->Name = $this->escapeFieldName($id, $name);
$dataFields[$name] = $field;
return $dataFields;
* Escape a fieldName with a unique prefix.
* @param int $recordID Record id from who the field belongs
* @param string $name Field name
* @return string Escaped field name
protected function escapeFieldName($recordID, $name)
return 'record_' . $recordID . '_' . $name;
* Un-escape a previously escaped field name.
* @param string $fieldName Escaped field name
* @return array|false Fasle if the fieldName was not escaped. Or Array map with record 'id' and field 'name'
protected function unEscapeFieldName($fieldName)
$parts = array();
$match = preg_match('/record_(\d+)_(\w+)/i', $fieldName ?? '', $parts);
if (!$match) {
return false;
} else {
return array(
'id' => $parts[1],
'name' => $parts[2],
* Creates and return the bulk editing interface.
* @return string Form's HTML
public function index()
$form = $this->bulkEditForm();
'type' => 'Includes',
$form->addExtraClass('center cms-content');
$form->setAttribute('data-pjax-fragment', 'CurrentForm Content');
if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
$response = new HTTPResponse(
Convert::raw2json(array('Content' => $form->forAjaxTemplate()->getValue()))
$response->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'Content');
$response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/json');
$response->addHeader('X-Title', 'SilverStripe - Bulk ' . $this->gridField->list->dataClass . ' Editing');
return $response;
} else {
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
return $controller->customise(array('Content' => $form));
* Handles bulkEditForm submission
* and parses and saves each records data.
* @param array $data Sumitted form data
* @param Form $form Form
public function doSave($data, $form)
$className = $this->gridField->list->dataClass;
$singleton = singleton($className);
$formsData = array();
$ids = array();
$done = 0;
//unescape and sort form data per record ID
foreach ($data as $fieldName => $value) {
if ($fieldInfo = $this->unEscapeFieldName($fieldName)) {
if (!isset($formsData[$fieldInfo['id']])) {
$formsData[$fieldInfo['id']] = array();
$formsData[$fieldInfo['id']][$fieldInfo['name']] = $value;
//process each record's form data and save
foreach ($formsData as $recordID => $recordData) {
$record = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $recordID);
$recordForm = Form::create(
$id = $record->write();
array_push($ids, $record->ID);
if ($id) {
//compose form message
$messageModelClass = (($done > 1) ? $singleton->i18n_plural_name() : $singleton->i18n_singular_name());
$message = _t(
'{count} {class} saved successfully.',
'count' => $done,
'class' => $messageModelClass,
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good');
//return back to form
return Controller::curr()->redirect($this->Link('?records[]=' . implode('&records[]=', $ids)));
//return Controller::curr()->redirect($form->Backlink); //returns to gridField
* Traverse up nested requests until we reach the first that's not a GridFieldDetailForm or GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest.
* The opposite of {@link Controller::curr()}, required because
* Controller::$controller_stack is not directly accessible.
* @return Controller
protected function getToplevelController()
$c = Controller::curr();
while ($c && ($c instanceof GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest || $c instanceof GridFieldDetailForm)) {
$c = $c->getController();
return $c;
* Edited version of the GridFieldEditForm function
* adds the 'Bulk Upload' at the end of the crums.
* CMS-specific functionality: Passes through navigation breadcrumbs
* to the template, and includes the currently edited record (if any).
* see {@link LeftAndMain->Breadcrumbs()} for details.
* @author SilverStripe original Breadcrumbs() method
* @see GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
* @param bool $unlinked
* @return ArrayData
public function Breadcrumbs($unlinked = false)
if (!Controller::curr()->hasMethod('Breadcrumbs')) {
$items = Controller::curr()->Breadcrumbs($unlinked);
$items->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => 'Bulk Editing',
'Link' => false,
return $items;