/* global window, alert, confirm */ import jQuery from 'jquery'; import i18n from 'i18n'; jQuery.entwine('colymba', ($) => { /** * Makes sure the component is above the headers */ $('.bulkManagerOptions').entwine({ onmatch() { const $parent = this.parents('thead'); const $tr = $parent.find('tr'); const targets = ['.filter-header', '.sortable-header']; const $target = $parent.find(targets.join(',')); const index = $tr.index(this); let newIndex = $tr.length - 1; $target.each((targetIndex, Element) => { const idx = $tr.index(Element); if (idx < newIndex) { newIndex = idx; } }); if (index > newIndex) { $tr.eq(newIndex).insertAfter($(this)); } }, }); /** * Bulkselect table cell behaviours */ $('td.col-bulkSelect').entwine({ onmouseover() { // disable default row click behaviour -> avoid navigation to edit form when // clicking the checkbox $(this).parents('.ss-gridfield-item').find('.edit-link').removeClass('edit-link') .addClass('tempDisabledEditLink'); }, onmouseout() { // re-enable default row click behaviour $(this).parents('.ss-gridfield-item').find('.tempDisabledEditLink').addClass('edit-link') .removeClass('tempDisabledEditLink'); }, onclick(e) { // check/uncheck checkbox when clicking cell const cb = $(e.target).find('input'); if (!$(cb).prop('checked')) { $(cb).prop('checked', true); } else { $(cb).prop('checked', false); } } }); /** * Individual select checkbox behaviour */ $('td.col-bulkSelect input').entwine({ onmatch() { }, onunmatch() { }, onclick() { $(this).parents('.grid-field__table').find('input.bulkSelectAll').prop('checked', ''); } }); /** * Bulkselect checkbox behaviours */ $('input.bulkSelectAll').entwine({ onclick() { const state = $(this).prop('checked'); $(this).parents('.grid-field__table') .find('td.col-bulkSelect input') .prop('checked', state) .trigger('change'); }, getSelectRecordsID() { return $(this).parents('.grid-field__table') .find('td.col-bulkSelect input:checked') .map(function () { return parseInt($(this).data('record'), 10); }) .get(); } }); /** * Bulk action dropdown behaviours */ $('select.bulkActionName').entwine({ onchange() { const value = $(this).val(); const $parent = $(this).parents('.bulkManagerOptions'); const $btn = $parent.find('.doBulkActionButton'); const config = $btn.data('config'); $.each(config, (configKey, configData) => { if (configKey !== value) { $btn.removeClass(configData.buttonClasses); } }); if (!value) { $btn.addClass('disabled'); return; } $btn.removeClass('disabled'); $btn.addClass(config[value].buttonClasses).addClass('btn-outline-secondary'); if (config[value].icon) { const $img = $btn.find('img'); if ($img.length) { $img.attr('src', config[value].icon); } else { $btn.prepend(``); } } else { $btn.find('img').remove(); } if (config[value].destructive) { $btn.addClass('btn-outline-danger'); } else { $btn.removeClass('btn-outline-danger'); } } }); /** * bulk action button behaviours */ $('.doBulkActionButton').entwine({ getActionURL(action, url) { const cacheBuster = new Date().getTime(); let newUrl = url.split('?'); let newAction = ''; if (action) { newAction = `/${action}`; } if (newUrl[1]) { newUrl = `${newUrl[0] + newAction}?${newUrl[1]}&cacheBuster=${cacheBuster}`; } else { newUrl = `${newUrl[0] + newAction}?cacheBuster=${cacheBuster}`; } return newUrl; }, onclick() { const $parent = $(this).parents('.bulkManagerOptions'); const action = $parent.find('select.bulkActionName').val(); const ids = $(this).parents('.bulkManagerOptions').find('input.bulkSelectAll:first').getSelectRecordsID(); this.doBulkAction(action, ids); }, doBulkAction(action, ids) { const { bulkTools } = window; const $parent = $(this).parents('.bulkManagerOptions'); const $btn = $parent.find('a.doBulkActionButton'); const $msg = $parent.find('.message'); const config = $btn.data('config'); let url = this.getActionURL(action, $(this).data('url')); const inputData = { records: ids }; if (ids.length <= 0) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert alert(i18n._t('GRIDFIELD_BULK_MANAGER.BULKACTION_EMPTY_SELECT')); return false; } // if ( $btn.hasClass('ss-ui-action-destructive') ) if (config[action].destructive) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert if (!confirm(i18n._t('GRIDFIELD_BULK_MANAGER.CONFIRM_DESTRUCTIVE_ACTION'))) { return false; } } $btn.addClass('loading'); $msg.removeClass('static show error warning'); if (config[action].xhr) { $.ajax({ url, data: inputData, type: 'POST', context: $(this) }).always(function (data) { let returnData = data; $btn.removeClass('loading'); // if request fail, return a +4xx status code, extract json response if (data.responseText) { returnData = JSON.parse(data.responseText); } $msg.html(returnData.message); if (returnData.isError) { $msg.addClass('static error'); } else if (returnData.isWarning) { $msg.addClass('show warning'); } else { $msg.addClass('show'); } bulkTools.gridfieldRefresh($(this).parents('.ss-gridfield'), returnData); }); } else { const records = `records[]=${ids.join('&records[]=')}`; url = `${url}&${records}`; window.location.href = url; } return true; } }); });