(function($) { $.entwine('colymba', function($) { $('td.col-bulkSelect').entwine({ onmatch: function(){ }, onunmatch: function(){ }, onmouseover: function(){ //disable default row click behaviour -> avoid navigation to edit form when clicking the checkbox $(this).parents('.ss-gridfield-item').find('.edit-link').removeClass('edit-link').addClass('tempDisabledEditLink'); }, onmouseout: function(){ //re-enable default row click behaviour $(this).parents('.ss-gridfield-item').find('.tempDisabledEditLink').addClass('edit-link').removeClass('tempDisabledEditLink'); }, onclick: function(e) { //check/uncheck checkbox when clicking cell var cb = $(e.target).find('input'); if ( !$(cb).prop('checked') ) $(cb).prop('checked', true); else $(cb).prop('checked', false); } }); $('td.col-bulkSelect input').entwine({ onmatch: function(){ }, onunmatch: function(){ }, onclick: function(e) { //e.preventDefault(); //return false; }/*, onchange: function(){ var idList, id; idList = $('#doBulkActionButton').data('selection'); if ( !idList ) idList = ''; id = $(this).attr('name').split('_')[1]; if ( !$(this).prop('checked') ) idList.replace( '#' + id, ''); else idList = idList + '#' + id; $('#doBulkActionButton').data('selection', idList); }*/ }); $('#toggleSelectAll').entwine({ onmatch: function(){ }, onunmatch: function(){ }, onclick: function(){ var state = $(this).prop('checked'); $('td.col-bulkSelect input').each(function(){$(this).prop('checked', state);}); } }); $('select#bulkActionName').entwine({ onmatch: function(){ }, onunmatch: function(){ }, onchange: function(e) { var value, btn, icon; value = $(this).val(); btn = $('#doBulkActionButton'); icon = $('#doBulkActionButton .ui-icon'); switch (value) { case 'edit': $(btn).removeClass('ss-ui-action-destructive'); $(btn).attr('data-icon', 'pencil'); $(icon).removeClass('btn-icon-decline btn-icon-pencil').addClass('btn-icon-pencil'); $(btn).attr('href', $(btn).data('url')+'/edit'); break; case 'unlink': $(btn).removeClass('ss-ui-action-destructive'); $(btn).attr('data-icon', 'chain--minus'); $(icon).removeClass('btn-icon-decline btn-icon-pencil').addClass('btn-icon-chain--minus'); $(btn).removeAttr('href'); break; case 'delete': $(btn).addClass('ss-ui-action-destructive'); $(btn).attr('data-icon', 'decline'); $(icon).removeClass('btn-icon-decline btn-icon-pencil').addClass('btn-icon-decline'); $(btn).removeAttr('href'); break; } } }); //@TODO prevent button click to call default url request $('#doBulkActionButton').entwine({ onmatch: function(){ }, onunmatch: function(){ }, onmouseover: function(){ var action, ids = []; action = $('select#bulkActionName').val(); if ( action == 'edit' ) { $('.col-bulkSelect input:checked').each(function(){ ids.push( parseInt( $(this).attr('name').split('_')[1] ) ); }); if(ids.length > 0) $(this).attr('href', $(this).data('url')+'/'+action+'?records[]='+ids.join('&records[]=') ); } }, onclick: function(e) { var action, url, data = {}, ids = [], cacheBuster; action = $('select#bulkActionName').val(); if ( action != 'edit' ) { url = $(this).data('url'); cacheBuster = new Date().getTime(); $('.col-bulkSelect input:checked').each(function(){ ids.push( parseInt( $(this).attr('name').split('_')[1] ) ); }); data.records = ids; if ( url.indexOf('?') !== -1 ) cacheBuster = '&cacheBuster=' + cacheBuster; else cacheBuster = '?cacheBuster=' + cacheBuster; $.ajax({ url: url + '/' + action + cacheBuster, data: data, type: "POST", context: $(this) }).done(function() { $(this).parents('.ss-gridfield').entwine('.').entwine('ss').reload(); }); } } }); $('.bulkEditingFieldHolder').entwine({ onmatch: function(){ var id, name = 'bulkEditingForm'; id = $(this).attr('id').split('_')[3]; $(this).wrap('
'); }, onunmatch: function(){ } }); $('.bulkEditingForm input, .bulkEditingForm select, .bulkEditingForm textarea').entwine({ onchange: function(){ var form; form = this.parents('form.bulkEditingForm'); if ( !$(form).hasClass('hasUpdate') ) { $(form).addClass('hasUpdate'); } $('#bulkEditingUpdateFinishBtn').addClass('dirty'); } }); $('#bulkEditingUpdateBtn').entwine({ onmatch: function(){ $(this).data('completedForms', 0); }, onunmatch: function(){ }, onclick: function(e){ var formsWithUpadtes, url, data, cacheBuster; formsWithUpadtes = $('form.bulkEditingForm.hasUpdate'); $(this).data('formsToUpdate', $(formsWithUpadtes).length); url = $(this).data('url'); if ( $(formsWithUpadtes).length > 0 ) $(this).addClass('loading'); //@TODO execute 'doFinish' even when no form have been changed $(formsWithUpadtes).each(function(){ cacheBuster = new Date().getTime() + '_' + $(this).attr('name'); data = $(this).serialize(); if ( url.indexOf('?') !== -1 ) cacheBuster = '&cacheBuster=' + cacheBuster; else cacheBuster = '?cacheBuster=' + cacheBuster; $.ajax({ url: url + '/' + action + cacheBuster, data: data, type: "POST", context: $(this) }).done(function() { var btn = $('#bulkEditingUpdateBtn'); var totalForms = parseInt( $(btn).data('formsToUpdate') ); var counter = parseInt( $(btn).data('completedForms') ); counter = counter + 1; $(btn).data('completedForms', counter); $(this).removeClass('hasUpdate'); if ( counter == totalForms ) { $('#bulkEditingUpdateFinishBtn').removeClass('dirty'); $('#bulkEditingUpdateBtn').data('completedForms', 0); $('#bulkEditingUpdateBtn').removeClass('loading'); if ( $('#bulkEditingUpdateBtn').hasClass('doFinish') ) { //@TODO find a way to pass this as CMS navigation through AJAX window.location = $('#bulkEditingUpdateFinishBtn').data('return-url'); } } }); }) } }); $('#bulkEditingUpdateFinishBtn').entwine({ onclick: function(e){ if ( $(this).hasClass('dirty') ) { $('#bulkEditingUpdateBtn').addClass('doFinish'); $('#bulkEditingUpdateBtn').click(); } } }); }); }(jQuery));