field name of the $has_one File/Image relation * 'editableFields' => fields editable on the Model * 'fieldsClassBlacklist' => field types that will be removed from the automatic form generation * 'fieldsNameBlacklist' => fields that will be removed from the automatic form generation * * @var array */ protected $config = array( 'fileRelationName' => null, 'editableFields' => null, 'fieldsClassBlacklist' => array(), 'fieldsNameBlacklist' => array(), 'folderName' => 'bulkUpload', 'maxFileSize' => null, 'sequentialUploads' => false ); /** * Holds any class that should not be used as they break the component * These cannot be removed from the blacklist */ protected $forbiddenFieldsClasses = array( 'GridField', 'UploadField' ); /** * * @param string $fileRelationName * @param string/array $editableFields */ public function __construct($fileRelationName = null, $editableFields = null) { if ( $fileRelationName != null ) $this->setConfig ( 'fileRelationName', $fileRelationName ); if ( $editableFields != null ) $this->setConfig ( 'editableFields', $editableFields ); //init classes blacklist with forbidden classes $this->config['fieldsClassBlacklist'] = $this->forbiddenFieldsClasses; } /** * Set a component configuration parameter * * @param string $reference * @param mixed $value */ function setConfig ( $reference, $value ) { if (!key_exists($reference, $this->config) ) { user_error("Unknown option reference: $reference", E_USER_ERROR); } if ( ($reference == 'fieldsClassBlacklist' || $reference == 'fieldsClassBlacklist' || $reference == 'editableFields') && !is_array($value) ) { $value = array($value); } //makes sure $forbiddenFieldsClasses are in no matter what if ( $reference == 'fieldsClassBlacklist' ) { $value = array_unique( array_merge($value, $this->forbiddenFieldsClasses) ); } //makes sure maxFileSize is INT if ( $reference == 'maxFileSize' && !is_int($value) ) { user_warning("maxFileSize should be an Integer. Setting it to Auto.", E_USER_ERROR); $value = null; } //sequentialUploads true/false if ( $reference == 'sequentialUploads' && !is_bool($value) ) { $value = false; } $this->config[$reference] = $value; } /** * Returns one $config parameter of the full $config * * @param string $reference $congif parameter to return * @return mixed */ function getConfig ( $reference = false ) { if ( $reference ) return $this->config[$reference]; else return $this->config; } /** * Add a field to the editable fields blacklist * * @param string $fieldName * @return boolean */ function addFieldNameToBlacklist ( $fieldName ) { return array_push( $this->config['fieldsNameBlacklist'], $fieldName); } /** * Add a class to the editable fields blacklist * * @param string $className * @return boolean */ function addClassToBlacklist ( $className ) { return array_push( $this->config['fieldsClassBlacklist'], $className); } /** * Remove a field to the editable fields blacklist * * @param string $fieldName * @return boolean */ function removeFieldNameFromBlacklist ( $fieldName ) { if (key_exists($fieldName, $this->config['fieldsNameBlacklist'])) { return delete( $this->config['fieldsNameBlacklist'][$fieldName] ); }else{ return false; } } /** * Remove a class to the editable fields blacklist * * @param string $className * @return boolean */ function removeClassFromBlacklist ( $className ) { if (key_exists($className, $this->config['fieldsNameBlacklist']) && !in_array($className, $this->forbiddenFieldsClasses)) { return delete( $this->config['fieldsNameBlacklist'][$className] ); }else{ return false; } } /* ******************************************************************************** */ /** * Get the first has_one Image/File relation from the GridField managed DataObject * i.e. 'MyImage' => 'Image' will return 'MyImage' * * @return string Name of the $has_one relation */ public function getDefaultFileRelationName($gridField) { $recordClass = $gridField->list->dataClass; $hasOneFields = Config::inst()->get($recordClass, 'has_one', Config::INHERITED); $imageField = null; foreach( $hasOneFields as $field => $type ) { if( $type === 'Image' || $type === 'File' || is_subclass_of($type, 'File') ) { $imageField = $field; break; } } return $imageField; } /** * Returns the name of the Image/File field name from the managed record * Either as set in the component config or the default one * * @return string */ public function getFileRelationName($gridField) { $configFileRelationName = $this->getConfig('fileRelationName'); return $configFileRelationName ? $configFileRelationName : $this->getDefaultFileRelationName($gridField); } /** * Return the ClassName of the fileRelation * i.e. 'MyImage' => 'Image' will return 'Image' * i.e. 'MyImage' => 'File' will return 'File' * * @return string file relation className */ public function getFileRelationClassName($gridField) { $recordClass = $gridField->list->dataClass; $hasOneFields = Config::inst()->get($recordClass, 'has_one', Config::INHERITED); $fieldName = $this->getFileRelationName($gridField); if($fieldName) { return $hasOneFields[$fieldName]; } else{ return 'File'; } } /* ******************************************************************************** */ public function bulkUploadField($gridField) { $fileRelationName = $this->getFileRelationName($gridField); $uploadField = UploadField::create($fileRelationName, '') ->setForm($gridField->getForm()) ->setConfig('previewMaxWidth', 20) ->setConfig('previewMaxHeight', 20) ->setConfig('changeDetection', false) ->setTemplate('GridFieldBulkUploadField') ->setDownloadTemplateName('colymba-bulkuploaddownloadtemplate') ->setConfig('url', $gridField->Link('bulkupload/upload')) ->setConfig('urlSelectDialog', $gridField->Link('bulkupload/select')) ->setConfig('urlAttach', $gridField->Link('bulkupload/attach')) ->setConfig('urlFileExists', $gridField->Link('bulkupload/fileexists')) ; //max file size $maxFileSize = $this->getConfig('maxFileSize'); if ( $maxFileSize !== null ) { $uploadField->getValidator()->setAllowedMaxFileSize( $maxFileSize ); } //upload dir $uploadDir = $this->getConfig('folderName'); if ( $uploadDir !== null ) { $uploadField->setFolderName($uploadDir); } //sequential upload $uploadField->setConfig('sequentialUploads', $this->getConfig('sequentialUploads')); return $uploadField; } /** * * @param GridField $gridField * @return array */ public function getHTMLFragments($gridField) { // permission check if( !singleton($gridField->getModelClass())->canEdit() ) { return array(); } // upload management buttons $finishButton = FormAction::create('Finish', _t('GridFieldBulkTools.FINISH_BTN_LABEL', 'Finish')) ->addExtraClass('bulkUploadFinishButton') ->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept') ->setUseButtonTag(true) ->setAttribute('src', '');//changes type to image so isn't hooked by default actions handlers $cancelButton = FormAction::create('Cancel', _t('GridFieldBulkTools.CANCEL_BTN_LABEL', 'Cancel & delete all')) ->addExtraClass('bulkUploadCancelButton ss-ui-action-destructive') ->setAttribute('data-icon', 'decline') ->setAttribute('data-url', $gridField->Link('bulkupload/cancel')) ->setUseButtonTag(true) ->setAttribute('src', ''); if ( $gridField->getConfig()->getComponentsByType('GridFieldBulkManager') ) { $editAllButton = FormAction::create('EditAll', _t('GridFieldBulkTools.EDIT_ALL_BTN_LABEL', 'Edit all')) ->addExtraClass('bulkUploadEditButton') ->setAttribute('data-icon', 'pencil') ->setAttribute('data-url', $gridField->Link('bulkupload/edit')) ->setUseButtonTag(true) ->setAttribute('src', ''); }else{ $editAllButton = ''; } // get uploadField + inject extra buttons $uploadField = $this->bulkUploadField($gridField); $uploadField->FinishButton = $finishButton; $uploadField->CancelButton = $cancelButton; $uploadField->EditAllButton = $editAllButton; $data = ArrayData::create(array( 'Colspan' => count($gridField->getColumns()), 'UploadField' => $uploadField->Field() // call ->Field() to get requirements in right order )); Requirements::css(BULKEDITTOOLS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/css/GridFieldBulkUpload.css'); Requirements::javascript(BULKEDITTOOLS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/javascript/GridFieldBulkUpload.js'); Requirements::javascript(BULKEDITTOOLS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/javascript/GridFieldBulkUpload_downloadtemplate.js'); Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(BULKEDITTOOLS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/javascript/lang'); return array( 'header' => $data->renderWith('GridFieldBulkUpload') ); } /** * * @param GridField $gridField * @return array */ public function getURLHandlers($gridField) { return array( 'bulkupload' => 'handleBulkUpload' ); } /** * Pass control over to the RequestHandler * * @param GridField $gridField * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request * @return mixed */ public function handleBulkUpload($gridField, $request) { $controller = $gridField->getForm()->Controller(); $handler = new GridFieldBulkUpload_Request($gridField, $this, $controller); return $handler->handleRequest($request, DataModel::inst()); } }