(function($) { $.entwine('colymba', function($) { $('td.col-bulkSelect').entwine({ onmatch: function(){ }, onunmatch: function(){ }, onmouseover: function(){ //disable default row click behaviour -> avoid navigation to edit form when clicking the checkbox $(this).parents('.ss-gridfield-item').find('.edit-link').removeClass('edit-link').addClass('tempDisabledEditLink'); }, onmouseout: function(){ //re-enable default row click behaviour $(this).parents('.ss-gridfield-item').find('.tempDisabledEditLink').addClass('edit-link').removeClass('tempDisabledEditLink'); }, onclick: function(e) { //check/uncheck checkbox when clicking cell var cb = $(e.target).find('input'); if ( !$(cb).prop('checked') ) $(cb).prop('checked', true); else $(cb).prop('checked', false); } }); $('td.col-bulkSelect input').entwine({ onmatch: function(){ }, onunmatch: function(){ }, onclick: function(e) { $(this).parents('.ss-gridfield-table').find('input.bulkSelectAll').prop('checked', ''); } }); $('input.bulkSelectAll').entwine({ onmatch: function(){ }, onunmatch: function(){ }, onclick: function() { var state = $(this).prop('checked'); $(this).parents('.ss-gridfield-table') .find('td.col-bulkSelect input') .prop('checked', state); }, getSelectRecordsID: function() { return $(this).parents('.ss-gridfield-table') .find('td.col-bulkSelect input:checked') .map(function() { return parseInt( $(this).data('record') ) }) .get(); } }); $('select.bulkActionName').entwine({ onmatch: function(){ }, onunmatch: function(){ }, onchange: function(e) { var value = $(this).val(), $parent = $(this).parents('.bulkManagerOptions'), $btn = $parent.find('.doBulkActionButton'), config = $btn.data('config'), $icon = $parent.find('.doBulkActionButton .ui-icon') ; $.each( config, function( configKey, configData ) { if ( configKey != value ) { $icon.removeClass('btn-icon-'+configData['icon']); } }); $icon.addClass('btn-icon-'+config[value]['icon']); if ( config[value]['isDestructive'] ) { $btn.addClass('ss-ui-action-destructive'); } else{ $btn.removeClass('ss-ui-action-destructive'); } } }); $('.doBulkActionButton').entwine({ onmatch: function(){ }, onunmatch: function(){ }, getActionURL: function(action, url) { var cacheBuster = new Date().getTime(); url = url.split('?'); if ( action ) { action = '/' + action; } else{ action = ''; } if ( url[1] ) { url = url[0] + action + '?' + url[1] + '&' + 'cacheBuster=' + cacheBuster; } else{ url = url[0] + action + '?' + 'cacheBuster=' + cacheBuster; } return url; }, onclick: function(e) { var $parent = $(this).parents('.bulkManagerOptions'), $btn = $parent.find('a.doBulkActionButton'), action = $parent.find('select.bulkActionName').val(), config = $btn.data('config'), url = this.getActionURL(action, $(this).data('url')), ids = $(this).parents('.bulkManagerOptions').find('input.bulkSelectAll:first').getSelectRecordsID(), data = { records: ids } ; if ( ids.length <= 0 ) { alert( ss.i18n._t('GridFieldBulkManager.BULKACTION_EMPTY_SELECT') ); return; } if ( $btn.hasClass('ss-ui-action-destructive') ) { if( !confirm(ss.i18n._t('GridFieldBulkManager.CONFIRM_DESTRUCTIVE_ACTION')) ) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } } $btn.addClass('loading'); if ( config[action]['isAjax'] ) { $.ajax({ url: url, data: data, type: "POST", context: $(this) }).done(function() { $(this).parents('.ss-gridfield').entwine('.').entwine('ss').reload(); $btn.removeClass('loading'); }); } else{ var records = 'records[]='+ids.join('&records[]='); url = url + '&' + records; window.location.href = url; } } }); }); }(jQuery));