# Bulk Image Upload A component for uploading images in bulk into the managed Model relation, with option to edit fields on the fly. ## Usage 1 Simplest usage, add the component to your GridField as below. The component will find the first Image has_one relation on the managed Model and the record's editable CMS fields $config->addComponent(new GridFieldBulkImageUpload()); ## Usage 2 You can specify which Image field to use and which fields are editable from the managed Model $fileRelationName (string, optional): The name of the File/Image field to use (If your relation is set has 'MyImage' => 'Image', the parameter should be 'MyImage') $editableFields (array, optional): list of db fields name as string that will be editable like: array('myTextField', 'myVarcharField', 'myEnumField') $config->addComponent(new GridFieldBulkImageUpload( $fileRelationName, $editableFields )); ## Configuration The component's option can be configurated individually or in bulk through the 'config' functions like this: $config->getComponentByType('GridFieldBulkImageUpload')->setConfig( $reference, $value ); ### $config overview The available configuration options are: * 'fileRelationName' : sets the name of the File/Image field of the managed Model (i.e. 'MyImage') * 'editableFields' : array of string referencing specific CMS fields available for editing * 'fieldsClassBlacklist' : array of string referencing types (ClassName) of fields that wont be available for editing * 'fieldsNameBlacklist' : array of string referencing the names of fields that wont be available for editing * 'folderName' : name of the folder where the images should be uploaded * 'sequentialUploads' : boolean, if true files will be uploaded one by one * 'maxFileSize' : integer, maximum upload file size in bytes Each option can be set through the component's method setConfig( $reference, $value ) In addition, some configuration option can be set more specifically via individual methods: * addFieldNameToBlacklist( $fieldName ) * addClassToBlacklist( $className ) * removeFieldNameFromBlacklist( $fieldName ) * removeClassFromBlacklist( $className )