AquaHideout_1F_MapScripts:: .byte 0 @ The below two entrance guards give hints about what to do to progress the story AquaHideout_1F_EventScript_HideoutEntranceGrunt1:: lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_GROUDON_AWAKENED_MAGMA_HIDEOUT, AquaHideout_1F_EventScript_SlateportHint1 goto_if_set FLAG_RECEIVED_RED_OR_BLUE_ORB, AquaHideout_1F_EventScript_MagmaHideoutHint1 msgbox AquaHideout_1F_Text_OurBossIsSnatchingSomething, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end AquaHideout_1F_EventScript_MagmaHideoutHint1:: msgbox AquaHideout_1F_Text_WhereMightMagmaHideoutBe, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end AquaHideout_1F_EventScript_SlateportHint1:: msgbox AquaHideout_1F_Text_BossWentToJackASubmarine, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end AquaHideout_1F_EventScript_HideoutEntranceGrunt2:: lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_GROUDON_AWAKENED_MAGMA_HIDEOUT, AquaHideout_1F_EventScript_SlateportHint2 goto_if_set FLAG_RECEIVED_RED_OR_BLUE_ORB, AquaHideout_1F_EventScript_MagmaHideoutHint2 msgbox AquaHideout_1F_Text_BossIsOnRoute122, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end AquaHideout_1F_EventScript_MagmaHideoutHint2:: msgbox AquaHideout_1F_Text_TeamMagmaAtMtChimney, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end AquaHideout_1F_EventScript_SlateportHint2:: msgbox AquaHideout_1F_Text_BossIsInSlateportCity, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end AquaHideout_1F_EventScript_Grunt1:: trainerbattle_single TRAINER_GRUNT_AQUA_HIDEOUT_1, AquaHideout_1F_Text_Grunt1Intro, AquaHideout_1F_Text_Grunt1Defeat, AquaHideout_1F_EventScript_Grunt1Defeated msgbox AquaHideout_1F_Text_Grunt1PostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end AquaHideout_1F_EventScript_Grunt1Defeated:: msgbox AquaHideout_1F_Text_Grunt1PostBattle, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end AquaHideout_1F_Text_OurBossIsSnatchingSomething: .string "What? What? What do you want with \n" .string "Team Aqua?\p" .string "Our Boss isn't here! He's gone off to\n" .string "snatch something important!\p" .string "… …\n" .string "Where did he go?\p" .string "Wahaha! Do you really think I'd tell\n" .string "you something that crucial?$" AquaHideout_1F_Text_WhereMightMagmaHideoutBe: .string "What? What?\n" .string "Are you a Team Magma grunt?\p" .string "I hear that Team Magma is trying to\n" .string "awaken an awesome Pokémon at their\l" .string "Hideout.\p" .string "But where might their Hideout be?$" AquaHideout_1F_Text_BossWentToJackASubmarine: .string "What? What? What do you want with \n" .string "Team Aqua?\p" .string "Our Boss isn't here!\n" .string "He's gone off to jack a submarine!\p" .string "… …\n" .string "Where did he go?\p" .string "Wahaha! Do you really think I'd tell\n" .string "you something that crucial?$" AquaHideout_1F_Text_BossIsOnRoute122: .string "What? What? What do you want with \n" .string "Team Aqua?\p" .string "Our Boss isn't here! He's on his way to\n" .string "Mt. Pyre on Route 122!\p" .string "… …\n" .string "Why did he go?\p" .string "Wahaha! Do you really think I'd tell\n" .string "you something that crucial?$" AquaHideout_1F_Text_TeamMagmaAtMtChimney: .string "What? What?\n" .string "Are you a Team Magma grunt?\p" .string "I hear that Team Magma is after\n" .string "an awesome Pokémon at Mt. Chimney.\p" .string "But what is that Pokémon like?$" AquaHideout_1F_Text_BossIsInSlateportCity: .string "What? What? What do you want with\n" .string "Team Aqua?\p" .string "Our Boss isn't here!\n" .string "He's on his way to Slateport City!\p" .string "… …\n" .string "Why did he go?\p" .string "Wahaha! Do you really think I'd tell\n" .string "you something that crucial?$" AquaHideout_1F_Text_Grunt1Intro: .string "Ayiyiyi!\n" .string "Suspicious character spotted!$" AquaHideout_1F_Text_Grunt1Defeat: .string "Grrrrr…\n" .string "I lost it!$" AquaHideout_1F_Text_Grunt1PostBattle: .string "I took the loss for the Team,\n" .string "but I did my job…$"